BE in the Know ~November 26, 2024
A Community Committed to Learning!
PARENT EDITION~ THANK YOU for your Partnership!
Dear Parents,
Gobble, gobble, gobble! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we're so thankful for your partnership with us at Buchanan Elementary!
Additionally, thank you for trusting us with your children everyday as we don't take this great responsibility lightly! We're wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving and looking forward to seeing your child(ren) back on Monday, December 2.
Finally, I just wanted to send out another quick newsletter with a few additional updates to keep you in the know for the holiday season!
Warmest regards,
Dr. April Hawkins
Building Updates
Honoring Kids
Learners cleaned out our stock!
These 3 boys cashed in Buchanan Bucks for fishing poles.🎣
These two boys cashed in for a new basketball! 🏀
Elementary School Parents: Access to Grades in Infinite Campus
We are pleased to announce that after December 2, you will have access to your children's grades (standards-based and regular) in the Infinite Campus portal. This means that when teachers enter assignment grades or post standards-based grades, you may receive notifications based on your settings in the Infinite Campus Portal.
Please note that you can update your notification settings in the Infinite Campus Portal to change how often you are notified of grade changes and postings.
We encourage you to log in to the Infinite Campus Portal regularly to stay informed about your children's academic progress. If you have any questions or need assistance accessing the portal, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher or the school office. For more information on Infinite Campus Portal, please visit our website at https://www.branson.k12.mo.us/parents/infinite_campus
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in your children's education.
Save the Dates
3 Kona Ice Party (for kids who earned it based on the PTO Fundraiser ~Time TBD)
9-11 Big Smiles Dental will be here (Be on the lookout for a paper copy of the permission form coming home for you to fill out if your child needs care or you may complete it online)
12 2nd grade music concert 6p, Letter sent to parents regarding concert information
20 Early Dismissal at 11:40 a.m. / End of 2nd Quarter/ 1st Semester
23- Jan 6 No School Christmas/New Year's Break
7 Start of 2nd semester/ Classes Resume
Does your child want to dress up and have a little extra fun?
Need to Purchase a Yearbook?
Opportunities for our Littliest Learners...
CRP= Held at Cedar Ridge Primary, BE= Held at Buchanan Elementary
All district families are welcome and invited to attend all sessions regardless of which building hosts.
Have you protected your child's Chromebook?
In regard to Chromebooks: We believe this is an effective tool to help us prepare our learners for the future. While we don't use them all the time or may not even use them everyday, they are a vital learning tool.
Please help us teach your children how to care for their devices. We also HIGHLY ENCOURAGE parents to take advantage of this $20 accident protection plan for their device. You can do this by completing the following online form. If you have multiple children, there is only a $40 max per family and this will save you TONS of $$ should your child damage their device. Thanks!