The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School - April 2021
Upcoming Dates
April 1: Easter Egg Hunt (sponsored by PTO)
April 2: School Fundraiser Ends
April 2: NO SCHOOL- Good Friday
April 5 - 9: NO SCHOOL- Spring Break
April 26 - May 10: IAR State Testing
Easter Egg Hunt
We also have treat sacks from the school to give the kids, like we have done for other holidays throughout the school year. The Easter Bunny will be handing these out as they leave school on Thursday!
Spring Fundraiser
A big THANK YOU to everyone who has participated in our Charleston Wrap fundraiser! We are very appreciative of our caring supporters. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You may continue to support our fundraiser online by using our online ID# 22253 at https://charlestonwrapstore.com/studentregistration.php.
If you haven’t done so already, there is still time to register today and start sharing our fundraising link now so we can reach our goal. Sales end April 2, 2021.
Report Cards
The fourth mid-nine weeks grading period ends on April 16th. 4th mid-nine week progress reports will be emailed to parents/guardians on April 21st. You can also access your student's grades at any time by logging into your Alma account at franklin.getalma.com.
Basketball Games
Visit our website to view the Live Broadcast page. During various events you will find real time live streaming on this page. Once the events are over the broadcasts will be archived and accessible on our website.
State Testing Information
Franklin students in grades 3-6 will take the Illinois Assessment of Readiness during the weeks of April 26 - May 10. In compliance with federal testing requirements, we will also administer the Illinois Science Assessment to students enrolled in grade 5. Both assessments will be administered in an online format and are aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards.
Attendance is strongly encouraged during these days as it is best for students to test with their peers in their normal testing environment. You can help your child do his or her best on the test by:
- making sure your child arrives on time
- making sure your child's Chromebook is fully charged
- making sure your child gets a good night's sleep the night before testing
- making sure your child eats a nutritious breakfast in the morning
- reminding your child to ask the teacher questions if he or she does not understand
- letting your child know that you and the school have confidence in their ability to do their best
- advising your child not to worry about the test, just do the best he or she can
If you have questions about the Illinois Assessment of Readiness, please reach out to us at 618-524-3440. As always, we encourage our students to do their best every day. Thank you for your partnership in your student’s academic success.
Character Word of The Month
April's Character Word is Citizenship
*Do your share to make your school and community better.
*Get involved in community affairs.
*Stay informed; vote.
*Be a good neighbor.
*Obey laws and rules.
*Respect authority
*Protect the environment.
Daily Health Screening Survey
If your child is currently isolated due to having Covid-19, quarantined from a close contact having Covid-19, or awaiting Covid-19 test results from a close contact, please call the office in addition to filling out the survey. We will need a note from the doctor or local health department for your child to return to school. Thank you for your help.
Contact Us
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mount Mission Road, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243