ASAP-NJ May 2022
Association of Student Assistance Professionals
ASAP - The Association of Student Assistance Professionals Guidelines
How do I become a member of ASAP?- Association of Student Assistance Professionals NJ?
Click Here for the Membership Link
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- State of NJ (NJDOE) Student Support Services.
Membership Information and Link
If you have any questions that pertain to membership, please contact our Membership Chair Andrea Saladino directly.
Meet your Executive Board for the Association of Student Assistance Professionals
May Mental Health Days
Topics to Remember all Month:
National Maternal Depression Month
Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month
Tourette Awareness – May 15-June 15
Events to Remember All Week:
Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week (May 1-7)
Screen Free Week (May 2-8)
National Mental Health Awareness Week (May 10-16)
National Women’s Health Week (May 8-14)
National Prevention Week (May 8-14)
Days to Remember Specific Concerns:
World Maternal Mental Health Day (May 5)
National Prevention Week! May 8th-14th
SAMHSA's Events, Seminars and National Prevention Week
- May 4, 2022 1:00 PM ET
Webinar 1: Mental Health 101 – Overview of Mental Health Issues in the Modern World
Access Code: 4670871# - May 11, 2022 1:00 PM ET
Webinar 2: 988 – What’s on the Horizon
Access Code 8477433# - May 18, 2022 2:00 PM ET
Webinar 3: Get Help – Reducing Stigma Associated with Mental Health
Access Code: 5955873# - May 25, 2022 2:00 PM ET
Webinar 4: Now What? – Mental Health Issues in Post-COVID America
Access Code: 6268721#
Save the Date for National Prevention Week and SAMHSA’s Prevention Day 2022!
National Prevention Week (NPW), May 8–14, is a national public education platform bringing together communities and organizations to raise awareness about the importance of substance use prevention and positive mental health. SAMHSA's Prevention Day will take place on Monday, May 9, and it will be delivered virtually through an interactive online conference platform.
SAMHSA Mental Health Day -MAY 9th
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration is hosting an exciting, all-day, interactive forum for prevention practitioners, community leaders, researchers, scientists, consumers, and advocates.
During this virtual event:
- Learn about evidence-based programs and the latest developments in the areas of mental illness and substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery
- Network with other preventionists and partners, and much more!
When: Monday, May 9, 2022 - 12:00
Where: Virtual
May is Mental Health Month Tool Kit
This year, the theme of MHA’s 2022 Mental Health Month Toolkit is "Back to Basics." Our goal is to provide foundational knowledge about mental health & mental health conditions and information about what people can do if their mental health is a cause for concern.
The toolkit will be available in Spanish, too.
Plastic Bag Ban
New Jersey is getting past: Single-Use Carryout Bags, Polystyrene Foam Food Service Products, and Plastic Straws (P.L. 2020, c. 117 )
Starting May 4, 2022, New Jersey retail stores, grocery stores and food service businesses may not provide or sell single-use plastic carryout bags and polystyrene foam food service products. Single-use paper carryout bags are allowed to be provided or sold, except by grocery stores equal to or larger than 2500 square feet, which may only provide or sell reusable carryout bags. After November 4, 2021, plastic straws may be provided only upon the request of the customer.
AFSA Action Center for Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Month, a great time for AFSP volunteer Field Advocates to make your voices heard and urge lawmakers across the country to do #MoreForMentalHealth.
As part of May Mental Health Month, we are asking advocates across the country to participate by sharing a "Letter to the Editor" with your local media outlets, urging readers to demand more funding for 988 and crisis response services, one of AFSP's top policy priorities. A template letter has already been drafted for you to get you started! While the letter can be sent as-is, we encourage you to take a few extra minutes to customize the letter and share your story of why suicide prevention and mental health matter to you. Click "Take Action" below to customize and send your letter
After you've taken action, engage with others in your community by sharing the link to the AFSP Action Center,, and the link to our #MoreForMentalHealth campaign, At the campaign website you can access resources, personal stories, virtual events, a customizable graphic generator, additional social media graphics, and more. And keep an eye on your inbox throughout the month of May as we share additional opportunities for Field Advocates to participate and take action.
Info shared from New Jersey Citizen Action
Key Facts About 988 (Established through the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act)
· 988 is the first nationwide number to offer 24/7 behavioral health crisis call services.
· Scheduled to go live July 16, 2022.
· Expected to receive 24 million calls, texts, and online chat requests by 2027.
· States are now largely responsible for implementing the number—including building the infrastructure, training staff, and integrating it with 911 and other emergency services—but the federal government has given them little funding or guidance to do so.
· The federal legislation authorizes states to pass legislation to establish state financing streams similar to 911, and allows for the revenue generated by state fees to go toward funding local crisis centers and wrap around services.
· All 50 states will have to pass legislation relating to the implementation of 988 and its financing. As of Oct. 12, nine states (Illinois, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Colorado, Indiana) had passed legislation related to 988. See this resource for more information.
· This resource providers an overview of the federal 988 legislation, outlines state-level activities, and offers suggestions for an “ideal” system (including 24/7/365 crisis call centers, mobile outreach teams and stabilization centers, flexible and sustainable funding options, public education and awareness campaigns, and robust admin and reporting infrastructure
New Jersey Community Services and Protective Factors to Share
Boys and Girls Club- Resources for Connecting Youth with Activities
Community YMCA- New Jersey Connecting Youth to Counseling and Programming
Positive Behavioral Strategies for Educators to Share
Title: Praise for Improvement: Supporting Student Behavior through Positive Feedback and Interventions
Date: Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Time: 02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour
Do you need support for families that have food insecurity? you will find a comprehensive list of resources for food and meals as organized by the group “Hunger Free New Jersey”. Note that the link for the 2-1-1 Directory has six options listed and these include “home-delivered meals” (see “Older Adults” and “Individuals with Disabilities”) and Formula/Baby Food (see “Immediate Food” and “Infants and Children” ).
Thank you for sharing this within your network of contacts as may be appropriate.
Covid 19 and Drinking to Excess
Drinking Through the Pandemic Click Here for more information
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Americans have been consuming 14% more alcohol than normal, a statistic reported by the journal JAMA Network Open. Nielsen reports a 54% increase in national sales of alcohol in March 2020, and a 262% increase in online sales from 2019. While this is not altogether shocking when considering other times in history that alcohol consumption has increased (after September 11th, during large storms or bouts of inclement weather like hurricanes), this is particularly troubling because of the unique risk heightened by the pandemic.
Alcohol Treatment Resource Guide
Take the first step in recovery. Contact a treatment provider today to learn more about alcoholism treatment facilities nearby.
Before starting the treatment process, a person must first recognize their condition and have a desire to quit drinking. Sometimes, an individual may acknowledge they have a drinking problem on their own. Other times, family members or friends may stage an alcohol intervention. This involves loved ones expressing their concerns about the person’s excessive drinking patterns. An intervention also helps to start the discussion about treatment and support options that are available.
NJ Statewide Addiction Access Center
Know anyone who is in need of referral to treatment?
Click here to access our online help-tool. Or, call the statewide Addiction Access Center at 844-276-2777.
Every Brain Matters
Safely disposing of expired or unused medicine is critical to helping protect your kids, family and home. And it decreases the opportunity for visitors in your home, like your kids’ friends, to abuse medicine as well.
Shout out our struggle PODCAST
Cultivating conversations about mental health so we can care for ourselves and our communities. Shout Our Struggle focuses on sharing our stories so that we do not feel alone in our struggles. Join our host, Isabelle Nicholas, as she navigates through the multi-layered world of mental wellness. Click Here to Listen to all 6 podcasts.