Weekly Howl - BTS Edition
St. Francis Catholic School - 7.22.2023
SFCS celebrates 27 Years of Growing Together in Faith & Knowledge
Dear SFCS Parents & Friends,
We are two weeks away from welcoming our students back to campus! It's been a busy summer at SFCS! I hope your summer has been filled with joy.
We are excited for you to meet our new students and their families, as well as see familiar faces returning. Our Back-to-School Picnic is scheduled for Friday, August 11 from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at Jarvis Creek. Please stay tuned for a sign up genius from FSA, to sign up for sides, beverages, and desserts. Main courses will be provided. (See BTS Picnic graphic below)
We are looking forward to introducing you to our new faculty and staff!
Susan Hudgins - Middle School Math
Lynne Hutson - Office Assistant, School Nurse, and Safe Environment Coordinator
Andrew Meadows - Middle School Science and Social Studies
Jeff Moeller - Middle School English
Carol Ryan - Learning Center Coordinator
When you step on campus, you will see a few changes. The School Office now has new flooring along with a renovated bathroom down the hall, as well as in the Clinic. The faculty and staff lounge also had a bit of a facelift with a renovated bathroom, coffee bar added, and additional furniture. We now have a dedicated conference room for use as a meeting space for our Board, parent/teacher conferences, and small groups. Our exterior door locks were upgraded with technology offering a higher level of security, and additional security cameras were installed. This week "Memorial Plaza" by the Fine Arts Building will be reconstructed.
The first day of school is August 14, with an early dismissal. Please note that the early dismissal time will now be 12:00 p.m.
On Tuesday, August 15, we will celebrate our first School Mass due to a Holy Day of Obligation, the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Typically, our School Mass will be celebrated on Wednesdays. Please be sure students are in their Mass Dress Uniform. We are in need of adult greeters to stand outside of the Church during our School Mass celebrations, and adult ushers stationed inside the Sanctuary. These volunteers will be helpful with the security of our School Mass. The presence of adult greeters, faculty/staff monitoring in the Narthex, and ushers making sure adults are directed to sit on the left side of the Sanctuary, while the students, faculty and staff sit on the right side, provide a level of safety for our community at our weekly School Mass. If you are available to commit to an hour a week, please sign up by clicking on the link below:
Please be sure to arrive at the Church at 9:45 a.m. Greeters will be outside welcoming visitors, and ushers will be inside assisting with seating. A sign-up genius will be published for additional weekly sign ups. We are grateful for your commitment to assisting with our School Mass!
I want to call to your attention a change in our '23.24 Master Calendar. On February 16, 2024, our faculty and staff will participate in a spiritual retreat, so the students will have an asynchronous day, working on assignments from home. (Please see revised calendar below - revision date 7.22.23).
Enjoy your last few weeks of summer! See you soon!
Andrea Smith, M.Ed., LPC, NCC
Uniform Exchange - August 3 & 4, 2023
Our annual Uniform Exchange will be held on August 3 & 4, 2023 at SFCS. Be sure your students are uniform ready for the new school year. As a reminder, our skirt length policy has changed. Skirts are to be no shorter than 2" above the knee.
BACK TO SCHOOL PICNIC - August 11, 2023
Join the fun on Friday, August 11, with our annual Back-To-School Picnic at Jarvis Creek Park. Please be on the lookout for an email from FSA with sign-ups for sides, beverages, and desserts. The main course will be provided. Let's kick off the school year together and celebrate a new year!
School Office Gets an Update
SFCS Faculty Lounge Gets "Perked Up"
Conference Room
A new area for a meeting space.
Weekly School Mass - The Assumption of Mary - August 15, 2023 - 10:00 a.m.
School pictures will be taken the week of September 5. More information to follow on exact dates by class. Students should wear their Mass Day Uniform on their picture day.
St. Francis Catholic School
Email: school@sfcshhi.com
Website: sfcshhi.com
Location: 45 Beach City Rd, HHI, SC 29926
Phone: 843-681-6501
Facebook: facebook.com/sfcshhi