Hawk Tac News
A weekly newletter for Pablo Tac School of the Arts
Instrucciones para Traducir el Boletín!
- Busque el botón "Traducir" en la parte superior del boletín y haga clic en "Traducir"
- Seleccione el idioma y el boletín se traducirá.
- En un celular, busca el ícono en la parte inferior de tu pantalla, haz clic en él y selecciona el idioma a traducir.
Principal Message
Hello Pablo Tac families,
I hope your spring break was restful and you are ready for the final lap of the 2022-2023 school year. This is a good time to re-establish good habits for student success. A regular bedtime and routine helps students be rested and ready for a day of learning. Arriving school on time helps students feel prepared for the day ahead as well. Gates are open and breakfast is available here starting at 7:45 so feel free to come early. Let's end the year strong!
Carla Aranda
Pablo Tac and More
CAASPP Testing
CAASPP Statewide testing begins April 25 and ends on May 5.
It is important that your child comes to school everyday and on time so they can do their best. You can help your child by ensuring that they get to bed and have a nutritious breakfast at home or come to school at 7:45 for breakfast. Fifth graders will also have a science test which is scheduled for May 30 and May 31. Please encourage your child to do their best!
Your student will need WIRED headphones or earbuds for testing and a CHARGED Chromebook daily. You can purchase earbuds inexpensively at the dollar store.
Registration is Open!
Check out our welcome video! We love Pablo Tac!
BASE Enrollment | Registracion de BASE
Enrollment for BASE before and afterschool care for the 2023-2024 school year is open!
Direct link for registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdeUruo_YXFn6t3Wix7HvqWtzWI2QXxlPgm7LUjeVmCb3Fgrw/viewform
Coffee with the Principal
Save the date
Join us for coffee with the principal.
April 28th, 2023 from 8:30am-9:30am at Pablo Tac's MPR.
Spring Portraits
Portraits are coming home!
If you decide to keep your students portraits please bring money back and drop it off in the black box in the front office. If you decide you do not want the photos, students are to bring the photos back and drop them off in the black box. The deadline for bringing money or the photos is Friday, April 28.
April Hawk Tac News
Check out our student news for the latest in school news!
Student Ambassadors
Student ambassadors will lead a spirit week for testing motivation from April 17th-21st. Encourage your student to participate!
101 Dalmatians!
Join us for our student performance
Pablo Tac School of the Arts and Garrison Theatre Company bring you 101 Dalmatians!
April 28th at 6 PM
April 29th at 3 PM
2022-2023 Yearbook
Interested in Pablo Tac's Yearbook?
We are excited to be providing the option to purchase a yearbook this year. The cost will be $20.00.
Click on the link and please let us know if you plan on purchasing a yearbook this year: https://forms.gle/YAb8aSbJUxiSVxW86
Community Schools
Food Pantry
April 20th, 12-3PM
Visit our food pantry this Thursday!
We welcome volunteers. Email: izamar.sanchez@oside.us for more information.
Other Events
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week!
Pablo Tac teacher and staff appreciation week is coming up May 8-12th and we are looking for volunteers and donations.
We will be treating the teachers to lunch, desserts and other yummy snacks for the week. We need YOU home bakers/chefs to help us with creating a delicious spread! If you are interested in helping celebrate our teachers/staff with baking and bringing dishes please email:
For English: madison.wells0310@gmail.com or text 949-697-8846
For Spanish: izamar.sanchez@oside.us or call (760)721-2305
Support Pablo Tac 5th Grade Camp
Even a small donation could help reach the fundraising goal. And if you can't make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.
In Oceanside
Meet the Team
Mrs. Jennifer Hughes
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Ruby Castro
School Counselor
Ms. Izamar Sanchez
Contact Us
Website: https://www.oside.us/pt
Location: 3535 Hacienda Drive, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: 7607212300
Twitter: @PabloTacOside
Facebook: @PabloTacHawks
Instagram: @pablotac_hawks