Riverview Report
Here's What's Happening at Riverview
A Message from Ms. Poulson
We had a lot of fun at Riverview in October! The Halloween Parade was successful, and it was so fun to see all of the different costumes. Thank you to our wonderful PTA for putting on our Book Fair and thank you to all of you for supporting our Book Fair. It makes my teacher heart so happy to see how excited our students get for their new books.
As the weather is turning colder, please make sure that your child comes to school each day dressed to be outside. If you need help with getting your child a coat, please let me or Mrs. Sullivan know. We will be outside every day unless it is raining heavily or actively snowing or if the temperature is below 20 degrees.
Thanksgiving break this year will be November 23rd-25th. I have received a few questions about SEP's for 2nd term. They will be held on the evening of December 15th. We will send out a sign-up when they get closer.
Happy November! Have a wonderful month!
Thank you,
Ms. Poulson
Red & Green Ribbon Week
Veterans Day
We would like to add pictures of our veterans to our display that we are putting up in the hall. If you have a picture you would like to add, please either email it to jody.thorne@nebo.edu or you can bring a hard copy in to the school that we can scan.
Also, we would like to have all of our students wear red, white and blue to school on Veterans Day.
Turkey Trot
We will be setting up a track on the field. For every lap, students will get a ticket to put in our drawing. We will pull tickets for some fun prizes during our Gobble Contest assembly on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 22nd.
Gobble Contest
Picture Retake Day November 9th
Upcoming Important Dates
November 9th: Picture Retake Day
November 11th: Veterans Day
November 15th: Reflections Awards Assembly @9:00 AM
November 21st - 22nd: Turkey Trot during lunch recess
November 22nd: Gobble Contest Assembly
November 23rd - 25th: Thanksgiving Break - No School
November 29th: School Community Council Meeting