Motivational Monday
From Superintendent Dr. Michael Triplett
Good morning, Vikings!
The more you do something, the easier it is to keep doing it, whether good or bad. You can’t succeed without trying, and once you decide to act, you set yourself up for a greater chance of successfully achieving your goals.
Taking action seems so basic that we sometimes don’t give it much thought. We all know that life is hectic, and it often has you running in circles trying to juggle work and home responsibilities. But it is critical to create a plan of action to ensure success. Once you are ready to implement that plan, review your action plan and implement it with a determined heart.
When you are ready to act, here is what you can expect:
1. Taking Action Allows You to Shift or Pivot as Needed
2. Taking Action Ignites Motivation in You and Others
3. Taking Action Establishes Good Habits
4. Taking Action Reduces Failures
5. Taking Action Encourages Success
6. Taking Action Produces Better Outcomes
7. Taking Action Determines What’s Possible
8. Taking Action Creates Your “Now”
9. Taking Action Slows Down Time
10. Taking Action Produces a Result
11. Taking Action Creates a Chain Reaction
12. Taking Action Silences Your Inner Critic
13. Taking Action Utilizes Knowledge
14. Taking Action Minimizes Risks
15. Taking Action Builds Trust in Yourself
Develop an Action Plan: Great ideas, inspiring visions, and even happy staff don’t automatically produce successful results without a plan of action. Successful results come from creating a game plan and taking action. And when you are ready to implement that plan, answer these three simple questions to ensure success: WHO does WHAT by WHEN?
Once you are ready to put your plan in motion, organize your plan into logical steps, and delegate each step to the right team member. Always be sure to end every meeting with an action plan because we all know that talking without taking action isn’t productive and does not lead to success. If you assign accountability and deadlines, you are ready for success.
I hope each of you have a great week!
Together We Can,
Together We Will Be Game Changers.
Dr. Michael Triplett