Kindergarten Weekly Newsletter
Week of September 28th - October 2nd
Our Week in Kindergarten!
Book: The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill
Reading Strategies: Making a prediction, retelling the story, making a connection, writing our opinion
Math: Numbers 1-10, number writing, comparing numbers, number order
Writing: Adding details to our drawings, adding labels to our work
Science: Plant and Animal Science: How do plants and trees grow?
Social Studies: Respect
Religion: God Gives Us the Land, God abounds in love, Church as community, learning about Jesus together
Social and Emotional Learning: Building Community: Students discuss what it means to belong to a community, and then work together to create a representation of their classroom community.
Virtue of the Month: Respect
Social Skills: Following directions and getting the teacher's attention
Sight Words
RAZ Kids and Headsprout
Our Week
Monday, 9/28:
Tuesday, 9/29: Happy Birthday, Emma!
Wednesday, 9/30:
Thursday, 10/1:
Friday, 10/2: 12:30 Dismissal