Cougar Connections
Cactus Valley Elementary September 2023
222 Grand Avenue
Silt, CO 81652
Main Line: 970-665-7850
Attendance Line: 970-665-7874
Our vision is to develop happy - high achieving students and staff.
A message from the Principal and Assistant Principal
Dear CVE Students and Families,
Welcome back to a new school year! Our Back to School Night was a big success, thank you to all who joined us! We have had a great start to the 2023-2024 school year, kids and students are settling into routines, and teachers are grateful to have the opportunity to teach our CVE students.
Our vision is to develop happy, high achieving students and staff. We are GROWing together this year as we are Grateful, Resilient, Optimistic, and Willing, and it takes all of us to ensure our students learn and grow. We are confident that our CVE students are in the most capable hands with our CVE teachers and staff! Here are a few reminders about some of our procedures:
Students will go to the back playground. (If it’s inclement weather, there will be a sign out front indicating Indoor Recess.)
7:30 Students Eating Breakfast will be called to go inside.
7:55 Teachers will go out to the back playground to meet their students and begin going inside. Parents, please say your good-byes before your child gets to the door. This is actually much easier on your child than coming in with them.
8:00 Morning bell rings to go inside. (If you are dropping your child off after 7:55, they will need to go through the front office to make sure they don’t miss their class.)
8:05 Tardy Bell (A parent needs to bring their child inside to sign them in for the day.)
Lunch Time: Due to our larger class sizes and we have 2 grade levels in the lunchroom at a time, we are unable to accommodate parents/families eating lunch in the lunchroom with their children. If you would like to enjoy lunch with your child, you may check him/her out of the office. Please be sure to have your child back by the start of class.
After School:
3:40 First dismissal of Zones 1-5. This is the ONLY ZONE 5 dismissal!
Zone Pick up Areas:
Zone 1 = Lower Lot
Zone 2 = Grand Avenue & Second Street
Zone 4 = First Street (1st dismissal is Kindergarten and 2nd dismissal is all other grade levels at this zone.)
Zone 5 = Community Center Park (Front of the building if inclement weather. We will do our best to alert these families with an autodialer.)
3:45 PreSchool, Walkers as well as ALL other Bus Riders are dismissed. **Please make sure your child has his/her bus pass!
3:50 Second dismissal of Zones 1-4.
**Parents, please park in your designated zone area. We have had to use spaces in our main parking lot to accommodate Preschool parking as they also dismiss at the same time, and they must park and go to the classroom to check out their child for the day. We’ve also made accommodations by having 20 staff members park at the church each quarter instead of the main parking lot.
Attendance Matters: We look forward to seeing your child at CVE every day. Your student’s attendance has a positive and significant effect on student performance. When students miss school, they miss interactions with friends, development of relationships, making memories, and most of all, valuable learning.
Math Update:
We are excited to share an exciting educational initiative that will enhance your child's learning experience in Garfield Re-2. Elementary schools throughout the district are piloting four math programs. These four programs have been thoughtfully selected to enrich our mathematics curriculum and provide students with a comprehensive and engaging approach to mathematical learning. All four programs are designed to deepen your child's understanding of mathematical concepts while fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. We are confident that any of these four Programs will contribute positively to your child's mathematical education and overall learning experience. We are excited to see the growth and progress that your children will make as they explore the world of math in new and exciting ways.
We look to this year as one of learning, growing, collaborating, and celebrating along the way! We will continue to celebrate our students and the 3 B’s with our Positive Cougar Awards and quarterly assemblies. We encourage you to stay connected to your child’s teacher via Class Dojo. Reach out to them if you need help getting that set up!
Parent Volunteers: Please consider volunteering for CVE, we would love to have your help! If you are interested in volunteering please reach out to Kathy Terry in the front office to start the process. She will be the one coordinating our CVE volunteers. Volunteers must be fingerprinted prior to helping, this includes attending your child’s field trips. Save the Date: Sept. 14th from 5:30-7:30, we will have fingerprinting at CVE! See the Attached Flyer for more information. **You must pre-register for this event!
Thank you for entrusting us with your children. We love them, and we are so glad to have them at CVE! Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. (970)665-7850.
Kelly Detlefsen, Principal
Stacy VanHercke, Assistant Principal
Counselor’s Corner
Welcome back CVE families! I hope everyone had a relaxing, fun summer! We are continuing with the CASEL certified Social/Emotional (SEL) curriculum this year called Mindup! All the teachers have participated in a training, and this year we have designated Ms. Sarah to teach all grade levels (K-5). This SEL program teaches the students about their brain to help them understand where emotional dysregulation comes from and gives them tools so they can become mindful learners.The students will be focused on breath and breathing, to help them focus, feel safe and calm down their bodies. There are some great resources available for families on Contact me if you would like to learn more.
In Character Education, I will be reinforcing the brain breaks and also using the Second Step curriculum as a supplement, to help students identify their feelings, work on social skills and to attain skills on how they can be attentive learners in the classroom.
I will be sending teachers a menu of potential small groups their students might benefit from joining this year, to give the students tools and resources to navigate their feelings. Some groups might be friendship challenges, self-esteem, impulse/emotion regulation, divorce, loss and stress/anxiety challenges. I will send home a permission form, if a teacher thinks your student might benefit from participating in one of these small groups.
Totes for Hope will begin Wednesday, September 6th, and is a program run through the River Center that gives families 6-7 non perishable food items weekly and is distributed on Wednesdays. If you are a family that could use the supplemental food, please contact me and I can get you signed up.
River Center News
Music Notes
Welcome back to school, we are ready to make music!
This 23-24 school year is going to be great! Last year was a success with our full grade level musical performances. This year each grade level will be performing and will be asked to participate in an evening performance. These are graded and required. Please add these dates to your calendar. Thursday’s at 6:00pm- 3rd Grade Oct. 26th, 4th Grade Nov. 9th, 5th Dec. 14th, 2nd Grade March 14th,1st Grade May 9th. Kinder will be doing a play during school hours towards the end of the school year. Stay tuned TBA! We always need help putting these together, and it does take a village to make this a successful experience.
We have started this year with instruments as we explore rhythm, and using our singing skills to build technique. All of the music standards are being covered and the expectation is to participate in class. It has been a pleasure to have each student in music class and I’m excited to keep discovering how to reach each student through music. I will keep you updated on performances. Please feel free to find your child's teacher in class DOJO to look for additional show information and photos of their progress. My contact information is
Musically yours,
Jennetta Howell
(970) 665-6831
Lost and Found
Please remember to check the Lost and Found area if you child is missing items, such as, jackets, lunch boxes, etc.