Beecher Feature
Volume 22 - Welcome to Fall of 2022
Here We Go!!
Meet the DCHS Library Media Center Team
More Than a Space
"Drinking from a firehose." Sound familiar? You bet it does.
Schedules, student management, CCR, Canvas, Xello, IXL, Newsela, Skyward, SLC, PLC, PD, passes for this and that, IEP, TOPA, MyVRspot, Apple ID.....just writing this list is overwhelming! You have so much to absorb in a short amount of time. Now add to your list all the resources available to you through your DCHS Library Media Center.
In order for you to learn a bit more about your school library media center, it will be worth your time to click through the Google Slide below. It was originally designed with our freshmen in mind but it can be super helpful in that you can click and learn at your own pace. Does it cover EVERY. SINGLE. THING? Nope. But it is a start!
Lightbox Interactive eBooks - Updated User List
Need a Lightbox reminder?
If you are new to interactive eBooks (aka Lightbox), or need a reminder, here is the Beecher Feature volume 11 to give you the details.
New teachers and freshmen have been added to the user list and may use the resources at any time. Students who enrolled after our second week of school will need to be added separately. I will do that when you send me names of the students.
How to access and log into our Lightbox interactive ebooks:
The Lightbox link is housed on the DCHS media center web page (bookmark it!)
Student username: first.last
Student password: birthday (example: 01252006)
Staff username: first letter of first name and last name (example: dbeecher)
Staff password: hawks
What's Happening in the #SchoolLibrary?
Chess at Lunch
Personal Creativity Time
Reading What You Like
Checker Challenge
Project Room Work
Reading Groups at Work
Independent Use of Information
Database of the Month
An EBSCO Database for Educators
Find this online database on the Research page of the Indianapolis Public Library (our fabulous partners!) site. Your school library is a branch of IndyPL in case you didn't know! By the way, you'll find their links on your DCHS media center web page, too!
Other databases that are helpful to teachers specifically include Read It! and Both are housed on the database page.
Important: You'll need your magical library card to access these resources!
Question of the Month
There are two spaces reservable in the DC library media center.
1. Main media center space (large area)
2. Project room (includes projector for presentations)
You have all been invited to these two calendars. Get the details by clicking the link below.
Coming Soon....
- Update on our BreakoutEDU platform and new building license
- Update about our 3D projector (it will be back soon!)
- Research model - Big6
- Media Center Canvas Course (for staff)
- Banned Book Week (September)
Review Past Beecher Feature Newsletters!
"What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education."
~ Harold Howe