Timber Wolf Times - 10/26/23
Neil C Twitchell Elementary School - 2023/2024
No School Friday 10/27/23 in observance of Nevada Day.
October Character Trait: Respect
November Character Trait: Acceptance
SSA and CCSD Dress Code Reminders
Legging must have shorts or skirts over them.
Jackets worn inside the building must be SSA when worn inside.
Shorts and skirts must be fingertip length.
Halloween Parade & Celebration Details
Important Dates
10/27 - No School - Nevada Day Observed
10/30 - A Day
10/30 - Be Kind or Positive Message Shirt Day - SSA Bottoms
10/30 - Chess Club - 7:00 am
10/31 - B Day
10/31 - Grade 4 Choir Rehearsal 7:00 am
10/31 - Halloween Parade 12:30 - Parents may watch from behind the fence
10/31 - Halloween Classroom Celebrations 1:00 pm
10/31 - Tech Club 2:20 pm
11/1 - November Character Trait - Acceptance
11/1 - C Day
11/1 - Student Council Officer Posters & Videos Due
11/1 - Candy for Troops Collection
11/1 - Good News Club 2:15
11/2 - D Day
11/2 - Candy for Troops Collection
11/2 - Grade 5 Choir Rehearsal 7:00 am
11/3 - E Day
11/3 - Free Dress Day
11/3 - Lobos 7:00 am
11/3 - Battle of the Books
11/3 - Student of the Week
11/3 - Fall Festival 5:30pm - 7:30 pm
11/6 - 11/17 - APEX Fun Run
11/6 - A Day
11/6 - Be Kind Shirt Day/Positive Message - SSA Bottoms
11/6 - Chess 7:00 am
11/6 - APEX Fun Run Teacher Huddle
11/6 - 11/8 - Grade 3, 4, 5 Student Council Officer Vote
11/7 - B Day
11/7 - Grade 4 Choir 7:00 am
11/7 - Gardner Visit
11/7 - PTA Coffee Talk 8:30 am
11/7 - Tech Club 2:20 pm
11/8 - C Day
11/8 - Good News Club 2:15 pm
11/9 - D Day
11/9 - Grade 5 Rehearsal 7:00 am
11/9 - Grade 5 Concert 8:15 am
11/9 - Grade 5 Concert 12:45 pm
11/9 - PTA Dine to Donate
11/10 - Veteran's Day - No School
11/13 - E Day
11/13 - Chess 7:00 am
11/13 - Be Kind shirt/Positive Message Shirt Day 2ith SSA bottoms
11/14 - A Day
11/14 - Grade 4 Choir 7:00 am
11/14 - PTA Student of the Month 11:00 am
11/14 - Gardner on Campus
11/14 - Tech Club 2:20 pm
11/15 - B Day
11/15 - Good News Club
11/15 - Student Council Meeting 2:15 pm
11/16 - C Day
11/16 - Grade 5 Rehearsal 7:00 am
11/16 - APEX Fun Run Event
11/16 - National Elementary Honor Society Meeting
11/17 - D Day
11/17 - Lobos 7:00 am
11/17 - Family Engagement
11/17 - Free Dress Day
11/17 - Battle of the Books 7:10 am
11/17 - Yearbook Cover Presentations
11/17 - Student of the Week
11/17 - PTA Fun Friday at the Park
Fall Festival Information 11/3/23
Breakfast and Lunch
All students are able to receive one breakfast and one lunch daily at no charge! Breakfast begins at 7:35 am each day.
Menu Link: https://schools.mealviewer.com/school/TwitchellNeilCES
Handbook also available on school website under: ABOUT
Twitchell Elementary School
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NeilCTwitchellElementarySchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twitchelles/