FJVD Weekly Info
We Live the Word!
From the Principal's Desk
Dear FJVD Families,
Thank you to everyone who has supported our #FJVD Strong Auction! Whether you volunteered your time preparing items, donated to a class basket, or placed bids on a few items, we are so grateful for your support. We're looking forward to joining you this evening LIVE at 7:00pm on Facebook for our Auction Closing. It's sure to be a great evening!
As the 2019-2020 academic year comes to a close over the next two weeks, there is of course a sadness in knowing that the conclusion of this year will look much different than years' past. While we wish more than anything that we could be together in our school building, we are nonetheless determined to make the end of this year a memorable one for more reasons than just the current crisis. The event details below provide more information on how we plan to finish out this year FJVD Strong!
Virtual Awards Nights - Tuesday, June 2nd, 7:00pm
- All students and families in grades three through eight are invited to a Virtual Awards Night. Information on how to join the Awards Night Zoom Webinar was sent to families via email on Thursday. If you did not receive the information, or are having difficulty accessing the link provided, please contact the school for assistance.
#FJVDStrong Virtual Field Day - Thursday, June 4th All Day
- Field Day is next Thursday, June 4th! There will be no academic assignments that day, but we will be sending you a special video message from Mrs. Wheeler with some ideas for fun, easy activities. Your classroom teacher will send the video and information that morning, the same way you would receive regular assignments. Remember, field day activities are completely voluntary. We just want to provide you with some end-of-the-year fun! We look forward to seeing you out there! More details can be found in the Field Day description here.
8th Grade Graduation Celebration - Saturday, June 6th 1:00pm
- Detailed information regarding our Graduation Celebration was sent to 8th grade families on Wednesday. For insight into the planning of this event, see my message to 8th graders here. You can find the Graduation Information attachment here. A reminder to please RSVP to the school Mass no later than Tuesday, June 2nd. We're looking forward to celebrating our graduates!
Town Hall Meeting for Families - Monday, June 8, 7:00pm
- Undoubtedly, there are many questions about how school will look in the fall. While we cannot fully predict what late August and early September will bring, we can work to be well prepared for a multitude of scenarios. To this end, I will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting via Zoom on Monday, June 8th beginning at 7:00pm. During this meeting, the initial findings of the Fall Preparedness team will be shared, and families will have an opportunity to ask additional questions. More information, including the Zoom invitation, will be available next week.
End of School Year Mass - Friday, June 12, 1:00pm
- Traditionally, we would hold a school-wide Mass on the last day of school. While it may not be possible to hold this Mass in person, we are still planning on holding our End-of-Year Mass on Friday, June 12th at 1pm. The Mass will be livestreamed on Facebook. We hope to "see" you there!
Pick Up and Drop Off Days
- A reminder that Pick-Up and Drop-Off Days are scheduled for Friday, June 5th (8th grade students only), Thursday June 11th (PK-7, Last Names A-L) and Friday June 12th (PK-7, Last Names M-Z). For detailed information regarding Pick-Up and Drop-Off Days, please see the instructions here.
Also, don't forget to order your Yearbook for what has certainly been an eventful year! Visit the Lifetouch website: YBPay.Lifetouch.com and enter our Yearbook ID code 1866620 to order! Please note that all 8th grade students will receive a complimentary yearbook. No need to order!
Speaking of Yearbooks, we would like to include a few pages that capture our distance learning journey over these past few months. Would you be willing to send along a few of your favorite distance learning moments to be included in our Yearbook and other end of year online celebrations? Please email your photos to jennmarra@fjvd.org.
Have a great weekend everyone! I look forward to finishing the next two weeks FJVD Strong!
God bless and Go Saints!
Mr. Peloquin
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Upcoming Events and Reminders
#FJVDStrong Virtual Field Day
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Looking forward to lots of fun! Don't forget to share your photos and/or videos!
Pick Up/Drop Off Days
Friday, June 5th 9am-11am OR 2pm-4pm
- All 8th grade students (will receive graduation items at pick-up)
Thursday, June 11th 8am-11am OR 2:30pm-4:30pm
- PK-7th Grade Students, Last Names A-L
Friday, June 12th, 8am-11am OR 2:30pm-4:30pm
- PK-7th Grade Students, Last Names M-Z
8th Grade Graduation Celebration
Saturday, June 6, 1:00pm
Detailed information has been sent to 8th grade families. Please RSVP for the Mass no later than Tuesday, June 2nd. Thank you!
Town Hall Meeting for Families
Monday, June 8, 7:00pm
Join Mr. Peloquin to learn more about possibilities for the start of school in the fall. Information regarding joining the Zoom Webinar will be sent to families in the coming week.
End of Year Mass
Friday, June 12th, 1:00pm
Join us as we conclude the 2019-2020 school year with a celebration of the Holy Mass.
Forms and Important Documents
PTO Gym T-Shirts and Sweatshirts
The PTO is happy to once again provide a way to save on school gym shirts through bulk ordering. Details are included in the form attached below.
Because this is a bulk order all student orders must be placed by June 6th - no exceptions.
Uniforms by Donnelly's
Looking to purchase uniforms for next year? Donnelly's has shifted to an online ordering system during the current crisis and is currently offering 20% off and free alterations on all orders placed by June 15th. Learn more about ordering online from Donnelly's by viewing the attached flyer below.Not sure what you need for your uniform? View our dress code details here.
Busing for Coventry Residents
If you reside in Coventry and your child is planning on taking the bus to school next year, please complete the registration from attached here and submit via email as soon as possible (and no later than July 31). This form should be completed and submitted by all Coventry residents interested in taking the bus for the 2020-2021 year, regardless of whether or not you were registered to take the bus this year.
Stay Connected
Fundraising & Contest Opportunities
Box Tops for Education
Keep Saving Those Box Tops!
See the newsletter attached below for information on how to upload your box tops using the new Box Top App!
Participate in the FJVD Certificate Program!
This program is a great way to reduce the cost of your tuition while supporting FJVDl!
The Process:
- The school purchases shopping cards from all of your favorite stores
- You purchase the cards from the school, paying face value and spending the same dollars you would have paid to the stores directly
- The school earns a percentage discount offered by participating stores.
For each $50.00 you spend, you get a stamp on your Tuition Discount Card. Fill the entire card and redeem it for a $75.00 check!
Cards currently available include:
Stop & Shop, Applebee's, Barnes & Noble, Dave's, Dunkin Donuts, Panera, Wal-Mart and more!
Stop by the school Monday-Friday 7:45am-8:15am, the Rectory Monday-Friday 1:45-2:15pm, or in the Parish Center after the 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30am Sunday Masses to purchase your gift cards!
Shop with Amazon Smile!
For more information, see the PDF attached below. Happy shopping!
Aluminum Can Tab Collection
What: Aluminum can tabs are being collected
Why: To support the Ronald McDonald House in Providence
How can you help? Save can tabs and send them in to Mr. Godin’s room.
Bottle Cap Drive
We’re excited to share that our school is part of the Coca-Cola Give program. This provides new funding opportunities to help improve learning environments for students. The best part? Donations don’t come out of your own pocket. When you make Coca-Cola purchases, you simply send in bottle caps or product codes from boxes of beverages and our school receives a donation.
All caps and codes should be sent to Mr. Godin. Codes will be entered on one account to gain larger and quicker donations.
Thank you!
About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Email: kevinpeloquin@fjvd.org
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints