Lawrence Onward
September 2020 Update
New York State Guidance Given Thursday July 16
Health and Safety
No one with signs or symptoms should enter the school buildings. Lawrence is required to perform health checks and screenings to recognize signs and symptoms of illness in students and staff. In the schools social distancing will be maximized and masks must be worn. Our nurse’s offices will now include areas to isolate ill persons until they can be sent home. Signs and lessons for proper hand and respiratory hygiene will focus on lessening the spread of germs. Cleaning and disinfection materials are ordered and staff is being trained on procedures.
Our new grade configuration expands the physical footprint. We will look at any value to changing the way space is used ( for example the cafeteria ) but will be limiting large gatherings. Our architect and Director of Facilities Schools continue to consult on ventilation and filtration.
Lawrence must continue to conduct mandatory fire and lockdown drills. These drills now must be conducted in a manner that maintains social distancing at exits and gathering points outside the building, while still preparing students to respond in emergencies.
All students will continue to access school meals each school day whether school is in-person or remote in compliance with Child Nutrition Program requirements. During these times to limit contact and stay safest, plans are being developed to eat meals in small groups in the classroom.
School buses are another space in which social distancing on the bus, at stops, and at unloading times must occur. As we look at transportation services we will use the lens of equity for all students.
Social Emotional Well Being
Intentional and meaningful social emotional learning (SEL) is critical to support the well-being and success of students, staff, and families. Along with physical health and well-being, Lawrence has, and will continue to prioritize social emotional well-being – not at the expense of academics, but in addition.
School Schedules
All plans will be clearly communicated, with as much advance notice as practicable, to students, families and staff.
To adhere to state and local health and safety guidelines and ensure social distancing practices, various reopening plans and schedules that stagger or alternate students’ return to campus are in the state guidance. Lawrence is collaborating through the Safety Team comprised of all district stakeholders to consider the best alternate schedules.