College Prep Academy
February 2023
Is that February I see?
Merry February, everyone.
Details in this newsletter are used to highlight our Scholars, and College Prep Team in any past activities, and/or bring attention to any upcoming events!
College Prep Academy, TPS 501
Parent Teacher Conference Links
On Saturday, April 1, there will be a college tour opportunity for our current 9th and 10th-grade scholars at K-State University. Students will be required to wear uniforms. The bus will leave TCALC at 7:45 am and return by 1:45 pm. April 1st is the open house date for K-State, here is a link outlining the different activities for the day.
Please fill out the interest form, and complete and email the permission slip that follows.
There will be further communication as we get closer to the college tour date. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. McKnight.
Math at College Prep 2023-2024 Survey
Please share your thoughts as soon as possible.
Other News
Guest Speaker, Colleen Huffman
Eisenhower Spelling bee Champion, David Verdugo
Buzzer-Beater Shot, Nathan Kandagaye
In a game versus Eisenhower Middle School, Nathan had a buzzer-beater shot to increase the tally on the scoreboard. Here is a video of the play: Link
9th grade will stewart
Boy scout, David Myers, WIBW13 Highlight
roller derby MVP, Kaylee Drews
National Education Equity Lab Honor Society
The following students from your school have been selected to join the National Education Equity Lab Honor Society for being among the top scholars in their college-in-high school courses.
Myles Curry, Top 20%
Maya Welcher, Top 15%