RMS Weekly Update
October 28th, 2022
School Administration
Mr. Brad Martz, Principal
Mr. Steve Ameel, Assistant Principal, Athletic Director
Mrs. Katelyn Ebert, Assistant Principal
Ms. Shelley Bjorkstrand, 6th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Bazner, 8th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Skover, 7th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Amanda Russell, Social Worker
Ms. Diane Zajac, Social Worker
Mrs. Katie Lackowski, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lisa Gaffke, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Susan Monicatti, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Jamie Goike, Office Assistant
Website: romeok12.org
Location: 11091 W. 32 Mile Rd., Romeo, MI 48065
Phone: 586-752-0240
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RomeoMiddleSchool/
Upcoming Dates
Mon 10/31- Halloween!
Tue 11/1 - Football Game- Anchor Bay North MS Home @3:30 pm
Tue 11/1 - Volleyball Games:
- Red- Anchor Bay North MS Away @3:30 pm
- White- Anchor Bay South MS Home @3:30 pm
Thur 11/3- Volleyball Game:
- Red- Fraser Richards MS Away @3:30 pm
RMS Attendance Line- 586-281-1550
If your student will be late or absent, please call our attendance line.
Lunch Menus
Please do not send in lunch or birthday treats for students other than your own.
Lunch Times:
- 6th Grade 10:47-11:17
- 8th Grade 11:44-12:14
- 7th Grade 12:41-1:11
Student Lunch Accounts
Please click here to set up your students lunch account. This year there is only free and reduced lunch for those who apply and qualify. If you would like to add funds to your students account please be sure to login as the website has changed.
Thank you!
Sickness Guideline Reminders
Cold, stomach bug and flu season is upon us. Here are a few reminders about when to keep your student home to rest:
● Fever greater than 100, without the help of fever reducing medications
● Vomiting (even if it happened once)
● Diarrhea
● Chills
● General malaise or feelings of fatigue, discomfort, weakness or muscle aches
● Frequent congested (wet) or croupy cough
● If your student has a confirmed case of an illness from the Doctor (Strep, Influenza,
Covid, etc.) please let the office know when you report their absence.
Students may return to school if:
● Fever free for 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medication
● Vomiting free for 24 hours
● Symptoms have resolved or otherwise directed by a doctor
Student Carry Medications:
Students who carry medications on them at school ( epi-pen, inhaler, ect.) MUST have a
doctor order on file with the Med Office. This order must be signed by the doctor and parent.
These can be found on the RCS website.
- For those students that do have orders on file and self-carry medications, please remember
that there is a special responsibility that goes along with carrying medication. This is a great
time to have students who self-carry communicate with their teachers/coach/bus driver and
show them where their medication is kept, especially if it were to ever possibly be needed in an
emergency situation. Please remind your student their medication is to only be taken by YOU,
the student and not shared with other students for any reason.
Peanut Alert School and Halloween Candy Reminder
As a friendly reminder, Romeo Middle School is a peanut alert school. Please be sure that
your student does not bring Halloween candy to school that contains peanut or tree nuts.
Most chocolate candies may contain peanut or tree nuts and are NOT safe for school.
Boys Basketball Tryouts- Update
Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held the 2nd week of November. Students were sent a Google Form on Monday to put their name on the tryout list. All students interested in trying out MUST have a Sports Physical turned in to the office for this school year. A valid physical is dated after April 15, 2022.
Monday November 7th
8th Grade: 3:15 - 5:00 pm
7th Grade: 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Tuesday November 8th
8th Grade: 3:15 - 5:00 pm (First cut)
7th Grade: 5:00 - 7:00 pm (First cut)
Wednesday November 9th
7th Grade: 3:15 - 5:00 pm (Final cut)
8th Grade: 5:00 - 7:00 pm (Final cut)
Science Olympiad Team 2022-2023
Last call for students interested in Science Olympiad at Romeo Middle
School! If you missed the meeting or want more information, please
contact Head Coach Jayme A. Aschemeyer-LaValley at
jayme.a.aschemeyer@gmail.com as soon as possible. You can also go to
soinc.org for more information on the events available. Registration
Ski and Snowboard Club UPDATE
Club runs on Thursdays in January and the first 2 weeks in February. We leave right after school. (See transportation information below)
Pine Knob's Ski and Snowboard Swap is THIS WEEKEND at Pine Knob--great place for great deals on last year's models from local merchants. Click HERE for more information.
Click HERE for the link to the Ski and Snowboard Club website. It has all the information you need to sign up both for the RMS Ski and Snowboard Club and through Pine Knob for their 6-week program (Registration is open now through closes Nov. 30). PLEASE read ALL the information provided in the overview. There are several payment options through Pine Knob depending on whether your child just needs tickets; tickets and rentals; rentals and lessons; or some combination of these options. Pine Knob's 6-week program is non-refundable and there are no carry-overs if you miss a week. Please read all the information before registering for anything.
Transportation--Romeo Middle is providing transportation free of charge TO Pine Knob this year. Parents, or a designated adult, are required to sign out their children by 7pm--you may stay with your children until the resort closes at 10pm if you choose. Sign up for the bus is in the RMS registration form on the website. NO EQUIPMENT IS ALLOWED ON SCHOOL BUSES to school in the morning--equipment must be dropped off at school, location TBD.
Spirit Wear!
Last call for the order!! Please click here to order your RMS Spirit wear! Orders will be delivered to RMS.
Don't miss out! Ordering is now open for the 22/23 school year! Please see the link above.
Greetings from the RMS Counseling office!
*Although October Anti-Bullying Awareness month is coming to a close, please remind your child to BE KIND to themselves and others.
*If your student experiences or witnesses something unkind, always empower them to report it to a trusted adult. Our number one priority at Romeo Middle School is for all students to feel happy, healthy, and safe.
*A great resource to review with your child is the “THINK” poster. It can be utilized both before and after words are spoken.
*End of Trimester: Friday, November 11th concludes our first trimester. Over the next two weeks, have your child show you their grades on PowerSchool. If you have specific questions, please contact the classroom teacher directly.
*7th grade: Mrs. Skover continues to visit classrooms to complete interactive Xello lessons with students! Please ask your child at home about the outcome of the questionnaires they have been completing. It has been awesome seeing students learn about new careers that they were not aware of or interested in before!
Mrs. Bjorkstrand - 6th Grade Counselor shelley.bjorkstrand@romeok12.org
Mrs. Skover - 7th Grade Counselor cara.skover@romeok12.org
Mrs. Bazner- 8th Grade Counselor christina.wilk@romeok12.org