Webster Central School District
January 24, 2022
Dear Webster CSD Families,
You may have seen the news tonight that New York State Supreme Court Judge Thomas Rademaker of Nassau County has declared the state mask mandate unconstitutional. We understand that the State of New York may appeal the decision and seek a stay regarding the enforcement of this ruling.
In accordance with the recommendation of the New York State and County Departments of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Webster CSD will continue to require all students and staff to wear masks indoors for the health and safety of our community. In addition, we received communication this evening from the New York State Education Department stating that schools must continue to follow the current masking rule.
We are working with legal counsel to ascertain the implications of this litigation and any appeals. In the meantime, we appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through this issue.
All my best,
Brian Neenan
Superintendent of Schools