WMS Friday Forecast
February 14, 2022 - Valentine's Day Edition
Dear WMS Parents/Guardians:
During Covid we have come to expect the unexpected, and this week was no different. With the change in masking guidelines, I had some trepidation about what might occur. But, as always, with some good planning and some positive guidance, it all worked out just fine! Our kids handled this issue with grace and respect. While there was some discomfort due to unspoken pressure regarding masks, I addressed that with a short video to students making sure that students knew that they had the follow the guidance that they and their parents decided was appropriate for them.
I am always impressed with how our students learn to adapt to complex situations and they impressed me again this week.
Enjoy your weekend!
2022 Superintendent Search
The School Board wants to hear your thoughts about:
current strengths of our schools and district
current challenges facing the district
priorities for the new leader
the professional and personal characteristics you would like to see in the next District 303 superintendent
A 15-minute survey to learn community members' thoughts about what the district is currently doing well, what improvements could be made, and what attributes and qualifications you would like to see in the next superintendent has been developed. Using this link, please complete the survey by end of the day on February 20. Your voice is important to the search process, and we encourage you to participate in this important step.
If you would like to participate in a community forum, they are scheduled for February 22 at 6:00 pm and February 23 at 7:30 pm. The links to these forums will be available on the Superintendent Search page of the District 303 website
A Reminder from the School Nurse
State legislation requires that all Illinois children in Sixth Grade will have a dental examination. A licensed dentist must perform the examination, and he or she shall sign the form. Dental offices should have the form available, but it is also available online at www.d303.org under Departments, then Health Services, then “Health Documents and Forms”. Each 6th grade student must present proof of a dental examination by a dentist prior to May 15, 2022. The exam must be dated within 18 months prior to May 15, 2022. If your child has had an exam already, you can ask your dentist to complete the form for the exam.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has established a waiver for children who show undue burden or lack of access to a dentist. Parents or legal guardians who object to the dental examinations on religious grounds shall present to the school a signed, detailed statement of the objection.
The deadline is quickly approaching! Please submit this if you have not already done so. If you have any questions, please contact the WMS nurses at 331-228-3704.
Hello WMS Parents/Guardians:
Each year we ask you to take a short survey with the purpose of gaining insight into areas in which we are strong and areas in which we need to grow. Can you help me with our survey? I did it for my son's school and it took about 3 minutes.
Please note- for "county" please put in "Kane" so you can find Wredling.
Thank you!
Explore Forms
Explore elective forms were due back to Student Services on Tuesday, February 8th.
Please note: students who turned in their forms on time will be given the first choice for their courses. Those who turn them in late will be assigned courses as there are openings and will likely not get their first choices.
For your convenience, we are including a link to the forms and the video directions below. This information is also posted on our Wredling website.
Volunteers Needed To Share Career and Education/Training Experiences
***Visitors choosing to come into the building must adhere to current D303 visitor protocols. As of 10/1/21 - all visitors must:
- Show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test received within 72 hours of arriving to volunteer at your building.
- Bring documentation to the front office of your building upon arrival. If you would like to present to our students, please complete this Google form.
Important Safety Reminder for WMS Parents
2nd SEMESTER Non-Attendance Days for Students
- Monday, February 21st - Presidents' Day Holiday
- Friday, March 4th - Kane County Institute Day
- Monday, March 28 - Friday, April 1 - Spring Break
- Friday, April 15th - School Improvement Planning
2nd SEMESTER Early Release Days for Middle School
- Wednesday, February 23rd
- Wednesday, March 23rd
- Wednesday, April 27th
Wredling Main Phone Line Update
Do you enjoy working with kids?
Are you looking for a job where you can make a difference?
LUNCHROOM SUPERVISORS NEEDED! We currently have 2 openings here at Wredling!
Please contact Patricia Burton at 331-228-5242 or patricia.burton@d303.org
Support for Your Child if they are Quarantined:
If your child is quarantined due to Covid, our teachers will send work to your child and work with you and your child as we always have when a child is out of school. We want to recognize that quarantine offers some unique challenges for our students.
We will be offering instructional support through a certified teacher during quarantine. Ann Rose, a recently retired D303 teacher, will be available to support our quarantine students through Zoom. When a child begins quarantine, we will email both the child and the parent with information on how to access Mrs. Rose's Zoom for support. We encourage our quarantined students to access this instructional support!
E-Learning Plan and Emergency Days
The School Board has approved an E-Learning plan that gives the district the option to offer remote learning in place of emergency days. Currently, our last day of school is Tuesday, May 24, which is the week before Memorial Day. As we move into the winter months, we want to update you on the plan for how the district will manage emergency days and e-learning days.
If we experience inclement weather, the first three days will be “snow days” that will be made up at the end of the school year on May 25, 26, and 27 as needed.
Subsequent emergency days will be remote days so the last attendance day will still be before Memorial Day.
If there is a long stretch of inclement weather (blizzard, polar vortex, etc.), we may split the days into “snow days” and e-learning days so as to not have too many non-attendance days in a row.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303
Twitter: @WredlingD303