Cougar Communication
January 19
Mark Your Calendar!
2024-25 School Year Registration OPEN & ONGOING - NEW STUDENTS ONLY
Friday, Jan 19, 2024, 07:00 AM
DOMINOES Dough Raising Nights January 23 & January 24
Tuesday, Jan 23, 2024, 07:00 AM
New sessions are STARTING
Eyestone Community Announcements
We LOVE Our Volunteers! 😍
Interested in volunteering - one HOUR? one DAY? one EVENT?
Prefer to help in - the CLASSROOM? MEDIA CENTER? OFFICE?
We can help you with that 🙂
Our volunteers make all the difference - Click HERE for information.
The 50th Anniversary / Spring Carnival is Coming in April
We need YOU - IF you like to have FUN 🙂
Student Transportation Changes
If you need to change your student's afternoon plans please call the front office (K-2 488-8600 & 3-5 488-6700) before noon to ensure all necessary individuals are notified.
- Parents remain in the car. If you need to exit your car, please park in designated areas and walk your child to the front of school
- We welcome students on campus beginning at 7:30 am - Students line up/go to class at 7:43 am. Please do not allow students to exit their cars until you see staff present at 7:30.
- If Staff are not present (beginning at 7:45) - DO NOT DROP OFF STUDENTS - please park to walk your student into the office to be checked in.
PLEASE do not drop students off unattended - this is unsafe and causes students stress.
PTO News
Health Office News
Uh Oh! We are running out of clothes for those "little accidents"! 🤫
If you have children's size 4 - 6 PANTS we could really use them. THANK YOU!
Remember - if your student returns home wearing something different than what they left in, we greatly appreciate the washing and return of CLEAN clothes to the Health Office.
And - if you seem to be accumulating disposable plastic shopping bags feel free to send them our way.
From the Nurse:
Increase in respiratory and GI illness
Dear Parents,
There has been in rise in respiratory illness seen at school. Please be mindful when sending students to school. Below you will find guidance on illness and when to stay home.
There are four main reasons for children and adults to stay home:
- The child or staff member could infect others with a contagious illness, either because of symptoms, a diagnosis, or recent exposure to a contagious illness.
- The child or staff member does not feel well enough to take part in usual activities. For example, a child is overly tired, fussy, or will not stop crying.
- A child needs more care than teachers and staff can give while still caring for the other children.
- The child or staff member has symptoms or an illness on this list, and staying home is required.
Isolation (Has symptoms or has a positive test result):
- COVID-19: Those who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home until fever-free for 24 hours, AND other symptoms have improved, AND it has been at least 5 days from start of symptoms (with date of onset as day 0). A well-fitting mask must be worn for 5 days after isolation. When it is not feasible to reliably wear a mask (days 6-10), the individual should stay home for a full 10-days and return on day 11.
- After you have completed 5 full days of isolation AND are feeling better, if you test negative twice at least 48 hours apart, you may discontinue wearing a mask before day 10.
- Influenza, RSV, and Croup: Children and staff should stay home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms have been improving for 24 hours.
- Strep Throat: Stay home for 12 hours after starting antibiotics.
Quarantine (Exposed to someone with a respiratory illness):
- Quarantine is no longer required for COVID-19.
- Individuals who were recently exposed may wish to take precautions such as masking while indoors and around others for several days (up to 10) following their date of last exposure.
- In childcare settings, parents should also consider keeping household members with sick siblings home to prevent further spread within the facility.
Additional Recommendations:
- Stay up to date with recommended vaccinations.
- Know the common symptoms of respiratory illness and contact your healthcare provider if symptomatic.
- Encourage frequent hand hygiene and frequent disinfecting within the home, especially when one is sick.
- Face masks can be worn to provide additional protection for high-risk individuals and in high-risk settings.
- Please contact Adrienne Wessler at 970-657-1879 or Eyestone Health Office with any questions 970-488-8600.
Adrienne Wessler
Community Opportunities
Hello PSD staff and families,
Members of the Poudre School District community are invited to a Curriculum Engagement Night to review materials being considered for science, social studies, math, and secondary literacy curricula in PSD. Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn more about the implementation of PSD’s new elementary literacy curriculum (review this article on the PSD website for information about the elementary literacy adoption).
This session is open to the public and scheduled for:
January 25, 2024
4-8 p.m.
Lesher Middle School
1400 Stover St
Fort Collins, CO 80524
The purpose of this night is to allow staff and families to examine materials being considered for adoption, ask vendors and curriculum facilitators questions about the materials, and provide
feedback that will inform the PSD Board of Education’s adoption of materials. Participants will have the opportunity to move among vendor rooms to view the respective materials.
We look forward to your participation in the process and the feedback you will provide. Those with questions may contact Curriculum Director John Passantino at jpassant@psdschools.org.
Poudre School District
Noche de Participación sobre el Currículo
Reciban un saludo, personal y familias del PSD:
Los miembros de la comunidad del Distrito Escolar Poudre (PSD, por sus siglas en inglés) están invitados a una Noche de Participación sobre el Currículo, con el objetivo de examinar el material que se está teniendo en consideración para los planes de estudio de ciencias, estudios sociales, matemáticas y lectoescritura para grados 6 a 12 del PSD. Los asistentes también tendrán la oportunidad de ilustrarse más sobre la implementación del nuevo plan de estudios de lectoescritura para la primaria del PSD (examinen este artículo en el sitio web del PSD para obtener información sobre la aprobación del material de lectoescritura para la primaria).
Esta sesión está abierta al público y se ha programado para:
El 25 de enero, de 4 a 8 p.m.
en Lesher Middle School
1400 Stover St
Fort Collins, CO 80524
El propósito de esta noche es permitir que el personal y las familias examinen el material que se está teniendo en consideración para su aprobación, hagan preguntas tanto a los proveedores, como a los facilitadores del plan de estudios, con respecto al material, y brinden su opinión, la cual servirá de base para la aprobación del material por parte de la Junta de Educación del PSD. Los participantes podrán desplazarse entre las salas de proveedores, para ver el material respectivo.
Esperamos su participación en el proceso, al igual que su opinión. Las personas que tengan alguna pregunta pueden contactar al director de Currículo, John Passantino, enviando un mensaje a través del correo electrónico a jpassant@psdschools.org.
Distrito Escolar Poudre
Spanish 01/2024 – PSD TD
Thursday, Jan 25, 2024, 04:00 PM
1400 Stover Street, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Eyestone Elementary
Email: kbroadbelt@psdschools.org
Website: https://eye.psdschools.org/
Location: 4000 Wilson Avenue, Wellington, CO, USA
Phone: (970)488-8600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eyestoneelementary
Twitter: @EyestoneCougars