NVHS 2023 - 2024 Newsletter #4
Welcome back!
We are looking forward to having ALL of our patriots on campus this week. We had a great start and were very happy with our plan to start with separating our grade levels. Starting Monday, all students will be attending classes. Although there may be a few minor glitches, we hope to have all schedules finalized and everyone in their official placements after a couple of days. Welcome to the start of the 2023 - 2024 school year.
Top 10 Reminders
1) Everyone enters through the pavilion entrance in full uniform and should be on campus by 7:05 not to be late for class. (Class begins promptly at 7:15.)
2) Cell phones are not allowed to be on or used throughout the school day. They are allowed to be off and in your bag during the day.
3) All pullovers will follow the sweatshirt rule. Check the dress code if you are not sure.
4) You must turn in your technology form and book of forms to be able to collect your Chromebook. If you've already received your Chromebook, you should ensure it is fully charged.
5) Only juniors and seniors with a parking pass may drive to school and must follow all parking lot rules.
6) If you are responsible for bringing a middle school student to school, you will be required to wait for them under the covered walkway at the front of school. Middle school students will not walk to the parking lot unaccompanied.
7) All students are able to eat free breakfast and lunch.
8) Nose rings are not allowed according to board policy.
9) Once entering the mall after lunch, students should not leave this area until the bell rings to end lunch.
10) Only plastic bottles such as water bottles or Gatorade bottles that are clear and can be sealed are allowed during the day. Please leave all insulated type cups at home. Water stations are available to refill your bottles.
Parking Lot
- Students will park beginning with the first available spot on the first row beginning near the pavilion entrance.
- Do not skip parking spots, but rather park at the next available spot.
- Exit your vehicle as soon as you get to school.
Morning - Parent drop off:
- If you choose not to use the drop off in the front circle, parents will enter the main lot in the west most entrance nearest the football field. You will pull up all the way to the end of the first lot and exit quickly.
- If this backs up the lot, we will move you up some.
- Students are to walk directly to the pavilion and are not allowed to go to or enter another student's car.
- All parking lots become exit only beginning at 2:25.
- Anyone exiting the parking lot by speeding or reckless will have their parking tag revoked.
- If a parent is picking up, they must be in a parking spot and may not line up prior to the students getting in their vehicle.
- Please drive slow and respect others in the lot.
Uniform Guidelines
The entire student dress code can be found in the 23-24 VPSB student handbook, but here are the most common dress code items that students and parents ask about. Students should pay attention to the acceptable length of shorts and skirts to be worn. This is the policy that was approved at the school board meeting last week.
- Color must be solid navy, red, gray, black, or a school issued uniform sweatshirt (This includes the uniform sweatshirt or the spirit wear offered at orientation).
- Emblems, monograms, or stitching are not allowed unless small enough to be covered by an ID
- Although sweatshirts may have a hood, the hood MUST be removed in the school building upon entrance. (Jackets will be taken and returned at the end of the school day for noncompliance.)
- Trench coats are not allowed.
- School Administrators can determine what is appropriate.
- Color must be khaki, navy, or black. Denim, corduroy, or jean material not allowed.
- No cargo pockets or pockets on the leg allowed.
- Pants must be worn at the waist.
Shorts or skirts:
- Same colors and style as pants
- Length must not exceed 6 inches above the floor when in a kneeling position nor 2 inches below the top of the knee when in a standing position.
- Skirts are allowed to be worn to the ankle.
- No crocs, slides, or other shoes without a full back.
- Slippers are not allowed.
Hair & Jewelry:
- Extremes in hair style that are disruptive to the educational process are prohibited. Hair should be clean and well groomed.
- Spiked collars, chains on pants, or anything distracting are prohibited.
- Earrings are allowed in ears only.
Tuesday, August 15: Volleyball scrimmage (4pm)
Wednesday, August 16: Meet the Patriots (6pm)
Thursday, August 17: Volleyball scrimmage @ NV (5pm), Football scrimmage vs OC @ 6pm