KES Family Newsletter
November 1st (Forth Edition), 2021
Principal Message
October has been a busy month as we settle into the school year. Students celebrated 'Fancy Day' (see attached slideshow), attended field trips, and practiced many of our safety drills. Teachers had professional development in the area of our phonics reading program and mental health, while the community had the opportunity to attend fall conferences.
The first week of November will kick off our last fall conference and end with Thanksgiving Break. During the next few weeks, KES will be starting something new called, 5th Grade Leaders. This is a great opportunity for your 5th grader to practice being a role model for all of the younger grades and develop leadership skills to carry with them to KMS next year. Each 5th grader learned about this in their classrooms this week and will bring home more information on Monday. I'm looking forward to working with the 5th graders on this new initiative and all of the following to come.
Speaking of Thanksgiving-Thank you for all of your support to our staff, students, and myself.
Mrs. Hyde
Around the District
Senior Citizens' Thanksgiving Meal
It's back, the Annual Senior Citizens' Thanksgiving Meal, sponsored by the KHS Key Club and Kewaskum Kiwanis Club! Community senior citizens should mark their calendars for this free traditional Thanksgiving meal on Saturday, November 20, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. No RSVP is needed.
Community Survey 2021
Watch your mailbox (the first week in November) for a survey about the operations of the Kewaskum School District and future planning needs. Help us identify
- What are we doing well?
- Where do we need to improve?
- What are the highest planning priorities?
All survey responses are due by November 23, 2021.
The staff is greatly appreciative of the food for conference night from PTO.
PBIS Assembly
Halloween Obstacle Course
Pumpkin Contest
Square 1 Art Fundraiser
The order forms for the Square 1 ART fundraiser should be arriving soon and will be sent home with students upon their arrival. The students in 5K – 5th grade at Kewaskum Elementary School spent time in September creating unique pieces of artwork. This artwork will now be available for purchase on various items through this Square 1 Art fundraiser. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Schuknecht at: kschuknecht@kewaskumschools.org. Thank you for participating in this event that celebrates creativity and supports the Arts!
PTO Updates
- There are still a few spots open for the Nov 4 conference meal sign-up. https://www.PerfectPotluck.com/FQHX0640
- Nov 2 - PTO Meeting @ 6:15 in LGI
- Fundraiser Pick up - TBD
- Mark your calendar for Adult Night - March 12
Upcoming Dates
Friday, October 29: Trunk-or-Treat 6 pm
Tuesday, November 2: 6:15 pm PTO in the LGI at KES
Thursday, November 4: 4:00-6:00 pm Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday, November 11: 6:00 pm School Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 23: End of First Trimester
Wednesday, November 24-Friday, November 26-No School
December: Christmas programs will be virtual videos. Watch for more information in the coming weeks.
Resources Links
Shelley Hyde
Email: shyde@kewaskumschools.org
Location: 1415 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3101