Counselor's Corner
Txuj Ci HMong Language and Culture Upper Campus Oct. 2023
Nyob Zoo! Hello!
October is National Bullying Prevention Month!
In order to mark the month, we will have a number of activities to get students thinking about how they can stand up to bullying.
Students in both 6th and 7th grade received lessons this week on bullying and mental health. These lessons were new this year! Counselors at multiple schools are piloting new lessons to incorporate greater discussion around mental health. 6th graders got a basic overview of mental health and a review of bullying, its effects, and how to get help. 7th graders talked more about stress and the effects of bullying as well as how to cope with both and get help.
We will be celebrating Unity Day on Oct. 18th! The goal of the day is “to unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to send a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying.”
Students should wear orange on Wednesday, October 18th to celebrate Unity Day! We'll do "Project Connect," in Foundations - Students will write a kind/positive message on an orange strip of paper. We will then link those strips to together to create one long chain to show that we are uniting for a common cause. Students will also have the opportunity to write/draw positive messages in chalk the day before Unity Day.
Mid-Quarter Grade Information
Mid-Quarter Grades will be available on Oct. 7th. You should have received a message from the district that they are ready to view in Infinite Campus.
On Oct. 9th, families of students with a "D" or an "N" (Failing), will receive an email and text notification. We encourage you to reach out to their teachers or to me for support. There is still time to get their grades up before the end of the quarter!
Click here to log into Campus: https://spps.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/stpaul.jsp
You can check your student’s current grades and assignments by logging on to Schoology (Directions in English, Hmong, and Karen can be found here): https://www.spps.org/Page/44301.
If you would ever like a paper copy or an emailed version of your student's grades, please let me know.
Student Opportunity: Q-Quest 2023
Q-Quest is a youth education, wellness, and advocacy festival celebrating LGBTQIA2S+ lives, histories, and cultures. It offers young people entertainment, education, and community building opportunities. We are hoping to get a group of interested students to attend on the middle school day on November. 16th.
This information was shared with all students today. Students that are interested can let me or Xf. Pheng know, and we will distribute permission slips to those interested as we get closer to the date.
Attendance Information
Please let us know when your student is gone! Call 651-744-1003 to let us know your student will miss school.
Important Dates!
Conferences - Oct. 25 (5:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
Community Resources
Food Resources
- Free Farmer’s Market in St. Paul - Drive thru, multiple locations English Flier / Hmong Flier / Karen Flier / Spanish Flier
Mental Health Resources
- Mental Health Resource List
- Wilder Foundation: Mental health and wellness services
- How Right Now: Website from the CDC designed to promote resiliency and strengthen emotional well-being. Explore if you need help today!
- Face2Face Counseling/ Groups: Face to Face provides Individual, Family and Adult Couples Counseling for ages 11-25 with or without insurance. We are providing Counseling in person at the office (Masks are required) and Online using Zoom.
Fun Stuff!
Phalen Lake Field Trip
Girls Volleyball
Txuj Ci girls had their first volleyball game of the season at Murray Middle School. They did a great job!
Twin Cities Marathon
Xf. Janes took students to run a mile on the Saint Paul capitol grounds for the Twin Cities marathon!
Contact Me!
If you have any questions or concerns about your student, or anything else you may need help with, please contact me!
Email: morgan.schmitt-morris@spps.org
Website: https://www.spps.org/domain/19250
Location: 1363 Bush Avenue, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-744-1489