Middle Level Minute
Indiana Middle Level Education Association, October, 2023
The word is out! Mark you calendar for next June 26-27. Keep Indiana Learning is partnering with us to hold a conference devoted to the middle level! Keynote speakers are Rick Wormeli and Jennifer Gonzalez. There will be a series of webinars, "Mapping the Road to MidCon" that will begin in January. Stay tuned for more details; you can also sign up at the bottom of this page for notifications, including the proposal to present! Registration will be discounted for IMLEA members.
FREE TCEA Membership This Week!
This week (October 16-20) you can sign up for free membership in the Texas Computer Education Association. They are the Texas affiliate for ISTE, similar to ICE for Indiana. You will not be inundated with emails (unless you opt into them), but receive access to extra resources. Principals can even sign up their staff. Sign up and learn more here.
Digital Citizenship Week
Many organizations have resources for this week, but if you don't get to them, don't worry. These resources can be used any time.
Keep Indiana Learning: a Google Drive of resources their digital coaches compiled
NAMLE medialiteracyweek.us
Common Sense Media #DigCit Page, Middle Level Lessons
Discovery Education: My Digital Life
Middle Level Math Teacher Featured on Podcast
I had the pleasure of visiting Brandon's classroom during the IPS Center for Inquiry 84 Schools to Watch site visit. I was not surprised when he was one of three finalists for Indiana Teacher of the Year! He will be featured on Keep Indiana Learning's most recent podcast episode.
It will drop on this page sometime today. While you are there, you can check out the other episodes as well!
Indiana's own Matt Miller shares how you can use FigJam in ways that go even beyond what Jamboard can do. He also shares how to transition your resources from one platform to the other. Many teachers started using JamBoard during remote learning & continued using it when in-person school resumed.
There are several resources here for National Principals Month. You can even send customized e-cards. Thank you to all of our middle level principals for the special jobs they do!
Principals Interested in Participating in a Dissertation
Jennifer Zecher, dean at Harper Park Middle School in Loudon County, VA, is looking for principals with at least 3 years experience to particpate in her dissertation research. Her project will examine the perceptions and experiences of how middle and high school principals design and implement professional learning to reduce the problem of discipline disproportionality. Her contact information and more details are in the attachment below.
October: National Principals Month
October 1- Fund for Teachers Fellowships Open
October 16-20- Free Membership in TCEA Available
October 24- KINL: Science of Reading Focus Group, 3:30-5 pm
November 1- Schools to Watch Applications for Indiana due.
November 1- Children & Screens-Youth Self-Esteem & Identity: The Media(ted) Self, Noon
November 1-4- AMLE 50th Anniversary Conference, National Harbor, MD
November 6- KINL Screeening of the Film "North Putnam" at CIESC (Pyramids)," 1-4 pm
November 7- Elevating Innovation Virtual Conference, 11-4 pm
November 9- engage Conference by Kognity for Transforming Science Education (use discount code MATTMILLER100 to secure a free registration, worth $75)
*November 9-How Do I Become a Computer Scientist? 2 pm
November 10- Teacher Takeover at the STEM Experience Center, Camp Dellwood, Indy, 4-7 pm
November 17-19-Make Math Moments Virtual Summit (Peter Liljedahl Keynoting)
*includes students
IN LearningPartnership (Includes Wednesday PD with IDOE)
Indiana Learning Lab Workshops (Requires Sign in for Registration)
Teachers First OK2Ask Online Workshops; (Past on-demand sessions)
Keep Indiana Learning (KINL); Live Events (some $) Past Recordings/Digital Content
edWeb.net Webinars (if sponsored, "commercials" are at the end)
PATINS Trainings for Accessibility for All
AMLE Events (some free, some paid)
Please note: Webinars and events mentioned in this space are not an endorsement of commercial products; on the contrary, we try to avoid listing events that appear to be commercial in nature. Every effort is made to strip social media/tracking data from provided URLs. In many cases, you can register and receive a recording later.
The only organization in Indiana devoted to promoting, improving, and supporting middle level education. We are the Indiana affiliate of the national organization AMLE, and administer the Schools to Watch program for the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform.
Join us! Membership Benefits and Application
Susie Highley, Executive Director
Shirley Wright, Schools to Watch Consultant
11025 E. 25th Street, Indianapolis, IN. 46229 (Inside IASP)