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November 8, 2019
TCPS Family Movie Night
Our first PTA sponsored Family Movie night is tonight! We will be showing Toy Story 4. In order to accommodate our large community population, we have planned two identical events (the same movie will play both nights). To simplify things, we are suggesting that grades K-2 come on Friday, November 8th, and grades 3-5 come November 15th. However, families with students in multiple grades can choose which night works for them (and all ages are welcome either week). We request that each family choose one night or the other.
Winter Craft Fair
Community Care Day
THANK YOU to all of the families who volunteered at Community Care Day this past weekend!
Kids and adults alike worked so hard weeding, shoveling, and wheelbarrowing loads of mulch and gravel. The nature trail in the forest area is twice as long as it was before, and Trillium’s campus looks beautiful with another large area freshly mulched!
The next TCPS Community Care Day will be on Sunday, February 2, 2020.
Krayon Kids Show Opens Tonight
We’d love to invite all the students and families to the Krayon Kids show opening tonight at the Historic Barclay theater in Oregon City. It runs for the next 3 weekends! It’s going to be fantastic! Many of our Trillium students will be performing. Attached is a flyer!
If families use the “kktreat” code, they can get a free child ticket with a paying adult ticket.
Scholastic Book Fair is Coming Soon
It’s that time of the year again, the Book Fair is back! We can’t wait to see you and your children in the library to explore the "Arctic Adventure" Scholastic Fair! This is our prime fundraiser to purchase new books for the library and a great way to get a jump start on your holiday shopping. Our Book Fair will be held soon... Monday, November 18th - Friday, November 22nd.
Things to consider:
Your child will visit the Book Fair during a designated time during the school day. We will also have extended hours on Wednesday evening.
If you choose to send money to school with your child, please send it in a labeled ziploc bag. Or consider using eWallet - a secure, cash-free way for students to shop at the fair.
Sign up to volunteer for the Book Fair: click here
Shop online at: http://www.scholastic.com/bf/trilliumcreekprimaryschool
Book Fair days/times for that week:
Monday: 8:00am - 3:00pm Book Fair begins!
Tuesday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 7:00pm Late Night shopping for families!
Thursday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 12:00pm Last Day! The Book Fair will close at 12:00!
We look forward to seeing you there!
~ Erica Hironimus and Trish Nelson, TCPS librarians
Counselor Connection
The Scholastic Book Fair Scholarship
The Scholastic Book Fair begins the week of November 18th. If your family is in need of scholarship for your student(s) to purchase a book please reach out to our school counselor Catherine Ramos- ramosc@wlwv.k12.or.us or 503-673-7957. We provide scholarship and support for all events here at Trillium Creek so you're always more than welcome to reach out, thanks!
Winter Craft Fair Scholarship
This event is on Friday December 13th here at Trillium Creek from 6:00-7:00 pm. If your family is in need of scholarship to attend the Winter Craft Fair please reach out to our school counselor Catherine Ramos- ramosc@wlwv.k12.or.us or 503-673-7957.We hope to see you there!
PTA News
Yearbook Cover Contest at Trillium Creek
Public Library News
Digital Families Workshop
TCPS PTA is proud to bring back, in partnership with National PTA and Facebook, the Digital Families Workshop-Internet Awareness. Please join us, Wednesday, November 20th from 6pm-8pm in the TCPS Gym, for an evening of hands-on conversation about internet safety, online presence, and parenting kids in a digital age. All parents are welcome, most appropriate for students grades 3rd-5th. Dinner is included and awesome raffle prizes! Please RSVP at trilliumcreekpta.org or directly at Digital Families Workshop Sign-Up.
The international travelling theatre company will be here December 2nd - 7th to present “Gulliver’s Travels.” Students in grades K-8, attending Bolton, Cedaroak, Rosemont, Three Rivers and Trillium are invited to participate! No experience is needed. The fee for the entire week is $40 per student. Participants will audition and then rehearse each evening that week at Cedaroak Park (all must commit to being available each day, Monday-Friday 4:15-8:30 PM) and then perform the production of Gulliver’s Travels on Saturday, December 7th, complete with stage make-up and costumes! Registration forms are available here (see attachment) or in the Office November 4th. Forms and Fees and can be turned in to the office beginning November 12th. Space is limited and registrations are accepted on a first-come-first-served basis, November 12th-15th only. (Only registered students will receive an invitation to the audition. All students that audition are guaranteed a role in the play. Detailed rehearsal schedules will be handed out after the Monday audition.) This production is brought to West Linn by a volunteer parent committee. For more information, or if you are interested in being a part of the committee, please email wlmissoulateam@gmail.com
Wilsonville High School Holiday Bazaar
Parent Night-Anxiety 102
Please see the flyer for more information and dates on Anxiety 102. This parent night will build on information learned from the parent night Anxiety 101. Many schools within West Linn and Wilsonville will be hosting Anxiety 102- so see the flyer for the specific details! Parents will gain additional information on the following:
- Anxiety and the brain
- Ways to reframe anxious thoughts
- Coping skills & activities
- Interactive practice
- Screen time & anxiety
- Learning from each other and more!
Upcoming Events at Trillium Creek Primary
- November 8, 6:00 PM, Kinder-2nd Grade Movie Night at TCPS
- November 11, No School, Veteran's Day
- November 12, 3rd grade field trip to Chief Lelooska
- November 13, 6:00 PM, PTA Meeting
- November 15, 6:00 PM 3rd-5th Grade Movie Night
- November 18-22, Scholastic Book Fair
- November 18-21, Forest Flyers
- November 25-29, No School for Students
Important Links
Listserve Subscriptions
Please make sure you are on the current ListServe. To manage your West Linn-Wilsonville ListServ subscriptions please go to the following URL:
Sign up for Flash Alert
For "Inclement Weather Closure Status" sign up on Flash Alert to be notified. Snow will be arriving before we know it: https://www.flashalert.net/login/
Sign up to Volunteer at Trillium Creek
PLEASE remember to register as a volunteer. All parents and guardians MUST be registered as VOLUNTEERS to help in classrooms or attend field trips. You can take care of this at home through our school website, (just click on the parent link).
Trillium Creek Primary
Email: crawfora@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/tcps
Location: 1025 Rosemont Road, West Linn, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7950