Discovery Update
January 5, 2021
Principal's Message
I hope the start to this new year is a happy, healthy one for you. As far as school goes, probably the biggest question on everyone's mind is when we will be able to start school back in person. Currently our in-person learning at Discovery has been limited to small group instruction of the youngest elementary students in our preschool program as well as prioritized students with special needs. We are using the Decision Tree published by the Health Department and Governor Inslee to evaluate and plan for the safe return of more students in small groups.
Our classrooms are prepared for returning to Hybrid Model. On Monday, January 4, you received and invitation to change your choice of hybrid or remote learning models for the remainder of the year. I will use information from this survey to develop class lists and assign staffing. I will make an effort to keep your child with the same teacher if possible, but there will need for some classroom changes. You will be notified of start dates and/or classroom changes as soon as possible. I'm sure there are many questions about what school will be like when students return. To help you make a fully informed decision some basic definitions of Hybrid and Remote Instructional Models are described in this document. More information with specific details will come out before returning to school in a Hybrid Model.
In addition to getting ready for return to in person learning we have been busy with many building and safety projects at Discovery. On February 13, 2018 voters approved a $176.3 million construction bond for new schools and major facility upgrades in the Fife School District. Plans for this work included building build two new schools, building a STEM center at Fife High School and making safety improvements to the other schools in the district. Work from this bond continues to move forward.
In the spring, 2020 we added fencing around the perimeter of the school. Ventilation and water filtration systems were upgraded over the summer. When you enter through the front doors you will notice we have had a complete remodel of the entry and the front office with security systems in place. All doors have new locks in place. Discovery now has a new roof and is getting a new paint job as I write this news letter. Later this month improved lighting on the building and in the parking areas is being installed. In addition our security cameras and internet infrastructure improvements have been made.More information regarding construction are included in this letter.
January is a time of the year when we often see "the lights come on" with our young students. Typically we see the growth that they are making with new reading, writing and math skills in a visible tangible way. They are able to articulate and use the new skills they have. I love this time of year because of that. Please celebrate the growth your child is making. Report cards will be coming out early next month. If you have any questions about your child's progress or expectations for your child please reach out to the teacher.
As always I hope this is a wonderful month at Discovery.
Stay safe!
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Discovery Students Enjoy Craft Day Before Break
Read and Lead News
Read and Lead is an important program for Discovery students. The more students have practice reading the stronger readers they will become. If you would like to become more involved in Read and Lead or learn more about the program please let your child's teacher know. The classes with the most participation for October and November are:
1-Chadwick 95%
2- Jung & Nolan 79%
3- Kittelson 73%
1st Grade:
1- Ferguson 100%
2- Seymour 97%
3- Matson 95%
Important Dates
January 4 Hybrid/Remote surveys for second semester sent to families
January 11 Last day for response to Survey
January 12 - 6:30 PTO meeting
Jan 11-15 Spirit Week
January 15 Luther King Day “Assembly” during classroom Zoom meeting
January 18 - No School - Martin Luther King Dat
January 21 Report Card Prep - Early Release
January 28 Last day for current LAP reading groups
January 29 Staff Enrichment day - No School
February 5 - Report Cards will be in materials bag to be picked up during the week of February 5th
Boundary Review Committee Presentation
The Boundary Review Committee, a group of Fife School District parents, staff and consultants from FLO Analytics met regularly during October through December to study and make a recommendation for a boundary revision. The new elementary school, Fife Elementary, is scheduled to be move in ready in the fall. Endeavour Elementary will be closing to students and will be remodeled as a district office. Here is the presentation that the committee made to the school board this month with a recommendation. The school board will make a final decision in 2021. While no outcome is perfect, we feel we looked at every reasonable and feasible solution to come up with the best possible recommendation to move forward.
Discovery Primary School
Location: 1205 19th Avenue, Milton, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1200