The Bulldog Blast
October 2023
MISSION STATEMENT: Our Mission is to Provide a 21st Century Education Empowering Each Learner to Be a Self-Motivated Successful Citizen in a Global Society
Dear Indian Trail Families,
We have an event-packed month coming up in October. Firefighter Mel is here doing fire safety with our Indian Trail students and staff this month. Mum delivery is on Thursday, October 5th, a 2-hour Delayed Start is on Friday, October 6th, Parent-Teacher conferences on October 24th and our Halloween parties on October 27th.
Parent-teacher conferences are quickly approaching and we are excited to meet with all of you to discuss your child' successes and the year we have planned for them. Our conference nights will be October 24th, November 1st and November 2nd. Please watch for a sign up to come from your child's teacher.
Finally, we will hold Halloween parties on October 27th -- watch for a flyer to come home with details about costumes, the parade, and other items.
School picture makeup/retake day is scheduled for Thursday, November 2nd. If you would like retakes, the original picture package must be returned in undamaged condition.
Fall is upon us! I hope you and your family have a healthy one! As always, the Indian Trail staff is here to help your child have a successful year. Please don't hesitate to call if you have questions or concerns.
With Bulldog Pride,
A few reminders:
- Pokemon Cards are not permitted at school. We have already had several incidents and problems involving the cards.
- We also ask that all toys and stuffed animals be left at home. We cannot be responsible for these items getting lost or stolen.
- Please call the office or email for absences and transportation changes. We ask that all transportation changes be made NO LATER than 3pm. Notifying both your child's teacher and the office is greatly appreciated. This helps to make sure dismissal runs smoothly and without confusion.330-689-5320
- Fall is upon us and that brings a change in weather, so please have your child dress in layers. T-shirt under a sweatshirt is a great idea.
Acadience Dyslexia Screener
Ohio Revised Code Section 3323.25(C) requires all Ohio schools to administer a universal screener for learning characteristics related to Dyslexia beginning in the 2023-2024 school year for students in grades Kindergarten through Third. Your child will be screened by a member of the school’s team that is assigned to perform screeners in accordance with this legislation. Students will be screened two-three times throughout the year.
It is important to emphasize that screenings are designed to identify weaknesses that suggest a child may have difficulty with reading development. These screening assessments are not designed to diagnose Dyslexia but rather to identify risk factors. You will be notified within 30 days with the results of the screener if further intervention is needed as well as receive a parent report regarding the testing outcomes.
*We will be screening grades 1-3 the week of October 2nd-12th
Indian Trail Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for the evenings of October 24, November 1st and November 2nd. Your child's teacher will communicate the specifics of their conference sign-up soon.
Student Council Homecoming Parade
Stow Spirit
Arrival and Dismissal
- To ensure the safety of all students, parents and guardians are reminded that students cannot be dropped off before 8:45am due to no supervision.
- Students may enter the building to start the school day at 8:55 am
- The tardy bell rings at 9:05 am. If your child is late arriving to school, please walk them into the main office to sign them in.
Dismissal Procedures:
- Dismissal begins at 3:30pm
- Car riders will be picked up using the car rider lane. Please hang your tag from the rearview mirror so that school staff can see it easily. We ask that parents remain in their cars and your child will be dismissed and supervised to your vehicle.
- Parents who wish to have their child released from school prior to the end of the academic day will need to come into the office to check their student out. Notification of an expected absence or appointment should be given to the teacher and secretary in advance whenever possible.
If your student will be riding the bus this school year, please download RideShare 360. This gives you up to the minute bus location for pick up and drop off times. Please see the directions and more information about RideShare on the district website under the transportation tab. Any individual transportation questions or concerns, please contact the transportation department directly at 330-689-5223.
If your child's transportation changes we ask that you please notify the office with a phone call or email, as well as your child's teacher. Our office phone number is 330-689-5320 or email
This will ensure that the change is noted on our master sheet and helps with less confusion during dismissal.
PreSchool News
Preschool Halloween Parties & Parade will be on Thursday, October 26.
Students should wear costumes to school. Please make sure costumes are school appropriate (no toy weapons) and play friendly (easy to wear at school/on the playground, dress into or out of for restroom).
PARTY- Room fingerprinted Parent Volunteers Only, Please See Your Teacher for Details.
PARADE- Preschool families will line-up outside the main school front entrance for this photo opportunity. Students will parade through the school and outside for the parent parade before dismissal.
o AM Parade- 11:00 AM to 11:15 PM Dismissal
o PM Parade- 2:50 PM to 3:05 PM Dismissal
Upcoming Dates/Events:
Anyone wishing to still purchase a Lil’ Bulldogs Preschool T-Shirt, please use this website. This is not required.
OCTOBER 13 - NO SCHOOL - NEOEA DAY (this is a Friday anyway)
OCTOBER 24, NOV. 1, 2 - PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES 4:15-8:15pm - look for scheduling and conference sign-up information from your child’s teacher.
OCTOBER 26 - PRESCHOOL HALLOWEEN PARTY & PARADE - See information above for complete details.
NOVEMBER 2 - Picture Retake Day
How To Reach Us:
Mrs. Kressa Holt - Preschool Psychologist & Supervisor:
Mrs. Kelly Richmond - Preschool Speech-Language Pathologist:
Mrs. Jenifer Smith - Preschool Teacher Room 1:
Ms. Katie Zirger - Preschool Teacher Room 2:
Mrs. Cathy Ahrens - Preschool Teacher Room 3:
Mrs. Joelle Grimsley - Preschool Teacher Room 4:
Ms. Katie Zirger - Preschool Teacher Room 2:
PTA Corner
October PTA News:
10/5 - Mum Pick Up 11am-1pm or 4pm-6pm
10/6 - 2-Hour Delayed Start
10/9 - PTA Meeting @6:30 pm in the library
10/13 - NEOEA Day; No School
10/17 - Bellacino's Night
10/20 - Early Release @1:30pm
10/24 - Parent-teacher Conference Night 4:15-8:15pm
10/26 - Pre-K Halloween Parties
10/27 - K-4 Halloween Parties
10/30 - Book Fair Week Starts
*All parent volunteers must be fingerprinted and approved before volunteering in the schools.
2023-2024 Reflections Entries can be dropped off during the October (9th) or November (13th) PTA meeting. Theme - "I am hopeful because..." (see attachment)
Mum pick-up is on Thursday, October 5th from 11am-1pm or 4pm-6pm. Please make sure you have enough room in your vehicle for the giant Mums! Also, please make plans to come during scheduled times, any leftover mums will be left outside.
Questions?? Email:
BOOK FAIR week is October 30th-November 3rd. 📚
Be on the lookout for exciting book fair info coming home with your student!
Questions?? Email:
Bellacino's Night is a great way for our school to make some extra "dough"! Dine-In or Carry-Out for an easy weeknight dinner! Mention Indian Trail when checking out!🍕 October 17th is Bellacino's Night!
Thank you to all who showed up to our first PTA Meeting! It was good to see many new and familiar faces. If you haven't joined the PTA please consider doing so! Your $8 membership helps support the following: field trips, Teacher Appreciation Week, Glow Family Dance, Art Extravaganza, Teacher Grants & so much more!
Join our Facebook page to keep up to date on Everything PTA! @SMF Indian Trail PTA
Important Upcoming Dates
Oct 5: Mum pick-up 11am-1pm and 4pm-6pm
Oct 6: 2-hour Delayed Start for students
Oct 9: PTA meeting 6:30 pm in the library
Oct 13: NEOEA Day - No School
Oct 16-20: 3rd Grade ELA OST testing window
Oct 17: Bellacino's Night
Oct 20: Early Dismissal at 1:30pm (NO YMCA AFTERCARE)
Oct 24: Parent Teacher Conference Night 4:15-8:15 (Nov. 1st and 2nd are conference nights too)
Oct 27: Halloween Parties
Nov 2: School Picture Make-up Day
Indian Trail Elementary
Principal: Nicole Marconi
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
School day hours: 9:05am - 3:35pm
Central Office: 330-689-5445
Transportation: 330-689-5234
Location: 3512 Kent Road, Stow, OH, USA
Phone: 330-689-5320