Demo Family Memo: February 9, 2024
Weekly News from Jefferson High School MCAS
Jefferson High School-Mission
Message from the Principal
Demo Families,
Another great week @ The School of Champions!!! I have attached the 24-25 Forecasting guide. This video is shown for our students, so they can have an informed decision in choosing their electives. Please review the 16min video and encourage your students to sign-up for electives!!!
Have a great Super weekend!
Forecasting Video
Recent Developments on the Bond
Monday– A Day
Tuesday– B DAY
Wednesday– A Day Flex
Thursday– B Day Flex
Friday– All 8 Day
The doors open on the KERBY St. SIDE daily at 8am. All students should enter on Kerby St when entering the school. We are unable to buzz students in on Commercial St.
Looking Ahead:
February 16-- Deadline for Senior Pictures Jeffyearbook2024@gmail.com
February 16-- Cap and Gown order deadline (check in at B12 for more info, link to the 45 dollar package)
February 24-- Saturday School
March 6-- SATs for all Juniors
March 25-29 Spring Break
Evening Scholar Sign Ups
Registration for the Spring session will open on Monday, February 5th, and close on Friday, February 16th
Classes will meet once per week from February 19th - May 23rd for 13 weeks.
Students must meet with their counselor to enroll in classes.
All classes are in-person and attendance is required.
Each class meets from 5:00 - 8:00pm.
A variety of classes will be held across 4 locations:
Roosevelt High School: Mondays and Wednesdays
Grant High School: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Franklin High School: Tuesdays and Thursdays
McDaniel High School: Thursdays
PLEASE contact your student's counselor to register:
Sean Betker sbetker@pps.net 503-916-5180 extension 71337
Maritza Mendez mmendez1@pps.net 503-916-5180 extension 71066
Community Input on the District's 24-25 School Calendar
At the January 9th school board meeting, the district presented the proposed draft 2024-2025 school year calendar. Our new contract with the Portland Association of Teachers led to several shifts between this year's calendar and next year's calendar. We wanted to make you aware of that and share the proposed calendar. If you have questions or comments regarding our proposed calendar, we invite you to share them with us by visiting https://www.pps.net/contact
Yearbook Order Deadline from Jostens is Coming
Order now to insure that you will receive a 2023-2024 Yearbook. A limited amount of yearbooks will be available for purchase after the February 16 deadline through the school.
Parent Request for Teacher Meetings
I know there are times you as the parent/guardian need to meet with one of your student(s) teacher(s). Please remember the following:
- Teachers begin their contract day @ 8:15 AM
- Teachers end their contract day @ 3:45 PM
- Teachers meet with students after school most of the time between 3:30-3:45 PM
- Parent/Guardians must call or email the teacher directly to schedule a meeting
- If there is NO meeting scheduled when the parent/guardian arrives, the teacher might need to decline to meet, due to obligations elsewhere.
- Meetings MUST be confirmed ahead of time with the teacher, before a meeting can happen
Do Not Admit- Athletics/Event
Students on the Do Not Admit list will also be excluded from participating or “helping out”
at any event.
Students caught attending events while on the DNA list will have the duration extended through the rest of the season and/or face suspension.
Please review the information attached above, so you are aware of the information regarding our "DNA"
Cell Phone Policy Beginning Second Semster
We are implementing a school wide cell phone policy for second semester. Each teacher will have a poster in their classroom with a red and green sign to show when phones need to be off and away and when phone use is okay. If a student is using their phone when the sign is on red, they will receive one warning. If they continue to use their phone, they will receive a referral. We appreciate your support in helping students keep their phones away and stay engaged in their learning.
If you have concerns or questions, please contact your student's grade level Vice Principal:
9th and 10th Grade-- Kim Johns kjohns@pps.net
11th and 12th Grade-- Garin Gregory ggregory@pps.net
Parking Reminders for Students
We are seeing numbers of students parking in our staff lot, on the Kerby side of the school. Security has sent warnings to students, but will begin towing if the violations continue. Please make sure to have the conversation with your student, so they know we will begin enforcement, which will include towing of unauthorized vehicles
College and Career-- Upcoming Internship Opportunities
We welcomed Raven Womack to the Demo Team this month as our new Career Coordinator. He will be joing Nicole Dalton and Brittany Warren Tonkins in B12. Please see the new Career Coordinator newsletter here.
Midddle College-- Winter Term
WINTER TERM began January 8th. As your student to sign up for Remind Texts from PCC if they are registered. Text the number 81010 withe the message @jhspcc2324
Student's requiring assistance should go to B12/Ms. Brittany.
The last day to drop classes without penalty was January 16.
Counselor Corner
Your second semester schedule is set and available via studentvue. If you have a hole in your schedule, or a level misplacement please make an appointment with your counselor.
Thank you!
Sean Betker (he/him/his)
School Counselor
Maritza Mendez (she/her/ella)
School Counselor
Demo Athletics Week of February 10
Jefferson High School names Jordan Polk as its new Head Track and Field Coach.
We are excited to announce the hiring of PIL Athletic Hall of Fame Inductee - Jordan Polk as the Head Track and Field Coach at Jefferson High School. Jordan is an Oregon native, growing up in NE Portland, and attending Lincoln High School. He attended the University of Washington. He is an entrepreneur and business owner of Waffle on a Stick.
During his high school career Jordan earned the following athletic honors:
4 Track & Field letters, PIL champion in 100m and 200m dashes, and 4x100m relay team as a Senior; State Champion in the 100m as a Senior. Team Captain.
3 Football letters, 1st Team All-PIL as a Junior and Senior, All-State as a Senior. Schwab Bowl All-Star. Team Captain.
2 Basketball letters.
Post High School Career:
3 Track & Field letters, held the freshman indoor 60m University of Washington record.
4 Football letters at the University of Washington; 2nd in receiving yards and 1st in touchdowns as a Senior.
Jordan is thrilled to bring his diverse background and expertise to Jefferson High School's Track and Field program. He is committed to fostering a culture of excellence, teamwork, and personal development among the student-athletes while ensuring a competitive edge for the team. His family is excited to work within the Jefferson community, while maintaining strong partnerships and developing hardworking student-athletes, but also respectable young men and women to serve our community and world as outstanding citizens.
It is a great time to become a DEMO! We are currently accepting athletic participation registration for the following Spring Sports: Track and Field, Baseball, and Softball. Please go to FamilyID.com and create an account and sign up to participate. Jefferson High School FamilyID or type in www.familyid.com/organizations/jefferson-high-school-portland
Student-athletes must complete registration, have a valid physical on file, and be cleared by the Jefferson Athletic Office in order to participate in Spring Sports.
Spectators will be allowed in the gym 30 minutes prior to the start of game time.
We charge admission to JV and Varsity Basketball games and Varsity Wrestling.
Basketball Ticket Prices: $6 Adults, $2 Students with Student ID
Wrestling Ticket Prices: $3 Adults, $1Students with Student ID
Athletics Practice Schedule Week of 2/10/24- 2/16/24
M. Basketball 3:45 PM - 7:30 PM Gym
W. Basketball 3:45 PM - 7:00 PM Gym
Wrestling 3:45 PM - 5:45 PM Wrestling Room
Swim TBD Dishman Pool
Cheer 3:45 PM - 5:45 B-9
Out of Season Sports Workouts
Open Period : 12/25/23 - 2/25/24
Limited to a maximum of six hours each week per program, not per student (including open gyms).
Allows optional, fundamental skill development with an unlimited number of student-athletes. NO 8th graders or students from other schools may participate.
No competitions/games or tryouts permitted.
Upcoming Events:February 10th - February 16th
February 10th
W. Basketball JV vs Roosevelt (Aux) 10:00 AM
M. Basketball JV vs Roosevelt (Main Gym) 10:00 AM
M. Basketball Frosh vs Roosevelt (Aux) 11:30 AM
W. Basketball Varsity vs Roosevelt (Main Gym) 11:30 AM
M. Basketball Varsity vs Roosevelt (Main Gym) 1:00 PM
February 13th
W. Basketball JV @ Lincoln 4:15 PM ER 2:00 BL 2:45
M. Basketball Frosh @ Lincoln 4:15 PM ER 2:30 BL 2:45
M. Basketball JV @ Lincoln 5:45 PM ER 2:30 BL 2:45 W. Basketball Varsity @ Lincoln 5:45 PM BL 4:00
M. Basketball Varsity @ Lincoln 7:15 PM BL 5:30
February 15th
M. Basketball Frosh vs Lincoln (Aux) 4:15 PM
M. Basketball JV vs Lincoln (Main) 4:15 PM
W. Basketball JV vs Lincoln (Aux) 5:45 PM
M. Basketball Varsity vs Lincoln (Main) 5:45 PM
W. Basketball Varsity vs Lincoln (Main) 7:15 PM
February 16th
W. Basketball JV vs McDaniel(Main) 5:30 PM
W. Basketball Varsity vs McDaniel (Main) 7:00 PM
M. Basketball Frosh @ McDaniel 5:30 PM BL 3:45
M. Basketball JV @ McDaniel 5:30 PM BL 3:45
M. Basketball Varsity @ McDaniel 7:00 PM BL 5:00
Jefferson High School Sports Expectations
Academic Eligibility
Academic requirements are as follows and students who fail to meet any of these requirements are not eligible to participate in sports. 1) student must have passed five classes the previous semester; 2) student must be enrolled and be passing five classes in the current semester; 3) student must be making satisfactory progress toward graduation by earning the minimum number of credits: 4.5 credits by the start of 10th grade, 10 credits by the start of 11th grade, 17 credits by the start of 12th grade. In addition, students must have earned the following GPA the previous quarter: 2.0 with no F's or 2.5 with one F. Students who do not meet this requirement may register and participate but will be placed on academic probation for the current quarter and must attend study sessions.
Attendance/Athletic Eligibility
A Student/Athlete must attend school for the entire day of that practice/game day.
Day of:
1 or more Unexcused classes: LAT, CUT, or ABSENT - Student/Athlete will not be allowed to participate that day.
>2 Excused classes - Student/Athlete will not be allowed to participate that day and will be directed to the Athletic Director.
Prearranged Absences will be addressed on a case by case basis.
How to Excuse an Absence
As a parent or guardian, you have several options to excuse your student's attendance:
Call 503-916-5180 Option 2 (please leave a message if it goes to voicemail); The office checks voicemail for the last time at 3:30 daily
Email JeffersonAttend@pps.net
Send a note with your student
If you student has a medical appointment, have reception print them out an attendance note
Excuse all day absences on ParentVue
As a student:
Check your attendance in StudentVue often during the day, if you believe your attendance is incorrect, check with your classroom teachers first and have them email the office if you need a correction.
If you are going to an appointment, have the desk reception folks at the appointment print you out an attendance note and turn it into the office.
Ask your parent/guardian to call the office and leave a message to excuse any absences
Students may not excuse their own attendance, even if the student is 18 years old
Jefferson High School Spectator Expectations: It is of the utmost importance that we conduct with the highest level of Sportsmanship towards visiting schools, athletes, fans, and officials. The PIL is seeking to provide the best experience possible for everyone that attends our Athletic Contests. What makes these events fun and enriches those participating is when all of us do our part regardless of the outcome. Should any concerns arise, please seek out event workers, administration, or security personnel to help resolve any concerns. We appreciate your support in advance when attending Athletic Events.
OSAA Expectations -
All cheers, comments and actions shall be in direct support of one’s team. No cheers, comments or actions shall be directed at one’s opponent or at contest officials. Some examples of unacceptable conduct include but are not limited to disrespecting players by name, number or position; negative cheers or chants; throwing objects on the playing surface; use of derogatory or racially explicit language; discriminatory harassment or conduct that creates a hostile environment that is disruptive to the educational environment.
Looking forward to seeing you in the stands this year.
Demos I Say!
Resources for Students and Families
Multnomah County Crisis Services
Multnomah County Call Center/Crisis Line: (503) 988-4888 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Urgent Walk-In Clinic 4212 SE Division (503) 963-2575 (Like Zoom Care for Mental Health)
DAILY 7am-10:30pm - insurance not a barrier
Racial Equity Support Line (503) 575-3764 Experiencing racism harms our mental health. M-F, 10am-7pm.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24 hours a day 7 days a week
English: 1 (800) 273-8255
Spanish: 1 (800) 628-9454
Oregon Youthline: for youth to connect with other youth
Text: Teen2Teen to 839863 to instantly text with another person
Trevor Project: supporting LGBTQiA+ youth
Text START to 678678 or TrevorLifeLine 1(866) 488-7386
Maritza Mendez
Last Names A-JSean Betker
Last Names K-Z
(971)231-9316 (call or text)
School Based Health Clinic Information
School Information-- Bus Passes, Attendance, Chromebooks and More
As a parent or guardian, you have several options to excuse your student's attendance:
- Call 503-916-5180 Option 2 (please leave a message if it goes to voicemail); The office checks voicemail for the last time at 3:30 daily
- Email JeffersonAttend@pps.net
- Send a note with your student
- If you student has a medical appointment, have reception print them out an attendance note
- Excuse all day absences on ParentVue
As a student:
- Check your attendance in StudentVue often during the day, if you believe your attendance is incorrect, check with your classroom teachers first and have them email the office if you need a correction.
- If you are going to an appointment, have the desk reception folks at the appointment print you out an attendance note and turn it into the office.
- Ask your parent/guardian to call the office and leave a message to excuse any absences
- Students may not excuse their own attendance, even if the student is 18 years old
We do not currently have loaner chromebooks to hand out to students when they forget theirs at home, so please remind your student to bring their assigned chromebook to school daily.
Download Trivory for Daily Bell Schedules and Information
Free Breakfast and Lunch for Students
Free Breakfast and Lunch for Jefferson Students
All Jefferson students will receive the option of FREE breakfast and lunch this year under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
For more information, please check the Nutrition Services page.
- There are several way to excuse your student’s attendance:
Leave a message on our Attendance Line! 503-916-5180
Email JeffersonAttend@pps.net
Send your student with a note
For all day Attendance, excuse it using Parentvue!
SUN School and SEI
After school Programing @SEI Center Monday & Wednesday 4pm-7pm transportation provided. Programming will begin in the beginning of October.
After school SUN SCHOOL Programing Tuesdays and Thursdays at Jefferson. Look for program opportunities soon. matalasil@selfenhancement.org for more info
Jefferson High School Middle College for Advanced Studies
Email: mfrantz@pps.net
Website: pps.net/jefferson
Location: 5210 North Kerby Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-916-5180