Rāmere Friday 13th of Here-turi-koka August (T3: Wk 3 of 10)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Kia ora koutou.
From the Principal's desk:
- Rongohia te Hau Survey: As part of the Community of Learning Kahui Ako programme known as Te Hurihanganui we are undertaking a survey around our cultural responsiveness. The link for this is below. Students and teachers are also being surveyed and this will contribute to a picture of where we are at as a school. Out of this, we will build a plan for the future. The survey closes on Friday 27th August. We are also doing classroom observations and setting a baseline through that. We welcome whanau support with this. Let me know by Tuesday.
- Inquiry Topic Survey: We are seeking your input into what our children learn through their inquiry learning for 2022 and beyond. It is one short question for you to provide your input so that we can shape a curriculum focus tailored to the desires of our whanau. We are surveying the children as well to get their input.
- Teacher Only Day: Our Teacher Only Day is Monday 30th of August. We are joining with the other primary schools of the Lower Mataura Valley Kahui Ako to visit other schools around points of interest and inquiry for groups of teachers. The school will be closed that day. (Please note that our Kahui Ako primary schools' TOD differs from Menzies College which has their's on 16th August.)
- Weetbix Stat Attack Cards: If you have spare Weetbix Stat Attack cards drop them into school and I can use them as part of the Swap Meet that we will begin for the children to help them get their sets of these.
- Principal's Challenge: Term Three's Principal's Challenge is below. It is for our creative and artistic children and gives them a chance to have their artwork on public display for years to come. I look forward to seeing the entries. They close on Friday 10th September. I will accept multiple entries per person.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Sanne den Boon: Sanne has taken on a new role this year, that of Within School Teacher for our Community of Learning Kahui Ako. As part of that role, she is pushing into how digital systems can improve learning programmes with a specific focus on Google Classroom. She is extending her skill and thinking with this in her classroom and her children are benefiting from her extending them through it as well. Well done Sanne...a real lifelong learner. With another 'hat on' Miss den Boon planted further native plants in our native's area this week. They look great.
Ka kite
David McKenzie
Term Three's Principal's Challenge - Community Mural Designs
The Project
We have been approached by the Southland District Council (SDC) to help design a 'wrap' for a new toilet that will be going in at the Recreation Grounds in early 2022. See an example of the toilets with their wrap in the photos below.The Design Brief
The design brief that we have been given is 'Something that will represent Edendale'.
The Challenge
Design a picture that can be incorporated into an Edendale mural 'wrap' that can go around the toilets.
It must in some way represent the area that we live in.
Questions that may help with your creativity...
- When you think of Edendale you think of...?
- What makes us in Edendale special and unique?
- What would you tell a person about Edendale, if they asked you?
It is open to any Edendale Primary School student.
The artwork needs to be able to be scanned in high resolution so do it on white paper (not pre-lined paper).
Do not include any words on it. It is straight artwork.
Submissions are due on Friday 10th of September. (So there is plenty of time).
Submissions need to include your name and age on the back of them. (Not the front, that's for your artwork).
The Process From There
I will gather the submissions up and work with the SDC to select the best and most appropriate to become part of the Edendale mural artwork for the toilet.
Then in 2022, the winners will see their artwork on public display for all at the Recreation Grounds to admire. Very cool.
Our Events Coming Up
Week Four (of 10)
- Monday 16th August - Home and School Meeting, 7.30pm, staffroom.
- Tuesday 17th August - Year 5/6 Marae Trip to Bluff
- Wednesday 18th August - LMV Speech Contest at Tuturau
Week Five (of 10)
- Monday 23rd August - Polyfest (Stadium Southland, 11.50 am)
- Friday 27th August - Daffodil Day Fundraiser
Week Six (of 10)
- Monday 30th August - Teachers Only Day (School Closed)
- Tuesday 31st August - Sports Activator
Week Eight (of 10)
- Tuesday 14th September - Board of Trustees General Meeting, 7 pm (Staffroom)
Week Nine (of 10)
- Tuesday 21st September - Sports Activator
Week Ten (of 10)
- Tuesday 28th - Thursday 30th September - Life Education
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
General BOT Meeting - Meeting Report
On Tuesday 10th of August, the Board of Trustees held their fifth of eight general meetings for 2021. Here is a summary of the meeting.
- The BOT accepted the resignation of Mrs Laura Russell from her role as Assistant Principal. She is currently on maternity leave and has tendered her resignation upon completion of that leave. The BOT has moved to advertise this position in readiness for 2022.
- Miss Kim Nicol and Miss Sanne den Boon shared their classroom programmes directly with the BOT.
- Mrs Jenny Coyle tabled the Positive Behaviour for Learning report spanning Term Two.
- Mr David McKenzie tabled the Annual Plan Progress Report and Compliance Report.
- Plans for modifications to the administration block to create space for the LMV Community of Learning Kahui Ako Learning Support Coordinators were confirmed.
- A draft updated and modified Strategic Plan and Annual Plan was presented for further discussion and development.
- Leadership reports were presented detailing the work associated with Deputy Principal (Jenny Coyle), Acting Assistant Principal (Laura McVicar), Special Education (Abby Duffy) and Cultural Responsiveness (Kim Nicol).
- Solutions and Services (school accountant) presented the June financials.
- The Health and Safety committee tabled their meeting minutes.
- Updates for the Lower Mataura Valley Community of Learning Kahui Ako were tabled.
- The Junior School Ice Skating trip was confirmed.
Board of Trustee elections are coming up in the first half of next year, so if you are interested in being part of the BOT you are most welcome to come along to a meeting and observe. BOT meetings are meetings held in public (as opposed to public meetings). Contact the BOT Chairperson Jacob Smyth if you are interested.
Out of Zone Enrolments - Term Four
Enrolment at Edendale Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme.
The Board has 20 places available for out of zone students for the 2021 school year. The exact number of places is subject to the number of eligible in-zone enrolments received.
Term Four enrolment period - Monday 18th October to Monday 13th December
Out of zone students seeking enrolment within this enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 18th October.
Information and application forms can be picked up at the school office and are also available on our website
If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on the following Monday from the deadline dates.
Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot as early as possible (and within three school days of the ballot being held).
Our Home and School
Term Three Meeting - Monday 16th August
The Term Three meeting for the Home and School is Monday 16th August in the school staffroom, starting at 7.30pm.
Apologies to Dee McKenzie
Home and School Fundraiser - Winter Wood
The Home and School has cut 50 cubic metres of old man pine. This is $70 per cubic metre.
If you want to put an order in please contact Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421.
Our Kura News and Information
Buses - Monday 16th August Menzies Teacher Only Day
The Mataura Island-Fortrose bus will not be running on Monday 16th August due to Menzies Teacher Only Day.
Seaward Downs, Brydone and Homestead Buses will still run.
Please note, that due to not needing to pick Menzies students up on Monday afternoon, the Brydone and Homestead buses will be around 15 - 20 minutes earlier.
School Photos - Orders Out
The order forms for our school photos were sent out last week. There are lots of options available for you to select from. Orders are due by Wednesday 18th of August.
Student Council
Student Council - Daffodil Day
Our fundraiser for this term will be in support of the Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day appeal on Friday 27th August.
Unfortunately, cancer impacts so many of us in New Zealand, with a heart-breaking 71 people diagnosed each day. The Cancer Society is here to help and support people with cancer and their whānau, education and awareness programmes, and life-saving cancer research.
We are aiming to raise $250. With your support, every dollar raised for Daffodil Day will go towards cancer care for patients and their whānau in Southland.
Children can come to school wearing something yellow, and bring a gold coin donation.
Online donations can also be made via our school’s specific fundraising page at:
Swimming Achievement - Diesel Ross
Last week we had the privilege of presenting to Diesel Ross the Junior Boys Swimming Cup for the best overall junior boy at the Southland Primary Swimming Championships. This is the first time that a student at Edendale School has received this cup since it was first presented in 1932! What an outstanding achievement.
Our Team for this Week - Team Kereru
Kia ora koutou from Team Kereru!
Term Three is off to a great start in Team Kereru and there is a lot happening for us this term.
Next week we will begin Thursday ABL (Adventure-Based Learning) sessions with some Year 13 students from Menzies College. We will be learning about teamwork and cooperation through sport and exercise.
We have been practising our waiata for both our visit to Te Rau Aroha Marae in Bluff next week and for Polyfest, the following week.
Our senior kapahaka group also has a performance planned for the Cultural Festival in Gore on September 7th.
Last term we started our work with Sharne Parkinson, through the Creatives in Schools programme. We learnt how to harvest harakeke (flax), soften it and then weave it. We are looking forward to contributing to the whole school woven art piece that will be displayed in the library at the end of this year.
Our DRIVE topic this term is Being Kaitiaki (guardians), specifically looking at how we care for our native forests and animals. We really enjoyed our visit to the Kamahi Reserve last week and learnt a lot from Rodney Trainor, from the Hokonui Runanga, as we did our walkthrough.
We are working hard in PR1ME Maths, learning some new math language and ways of solving our math problems, that some of you may recognise from when you were at school (eg using algorithms and long division). The word problems that we see in every chapter are really making us think.
Each term in writing we publish a piece that is made into a book and displayed in our class library. Last week we published our Bio Poems - they are a good read.
As always, we look forward to sharing our learning with you on Seesaw, in our classroom and at Celebration Time.
Ngā mihi from Team Kereru and Miss Kim Nicol, Team Kereru Teacher
Character Values (Positive Behaviour for Learning - PB4L): Term Three Excellence Tohungatanga
When we come from so many different families our values draw us together as one big school whanau.
Excellence means we aim for a high standard and continuous improvement and is shown through reliability, consistency, flexibility, reflection, change, innovation, accuracy, completion, dedication, practise, effort and attitude.
We show excellence tohungatanga when we...
- Work hard, have a go and do our best.
- Leave everything how we would want to find it.
- Wear our uniform with pride.
Every time our values are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Manaakitanga Respect
Term Two - Haepapa Responsibility
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Baz Hoekstra for being a contributor of values to our school.
PB4L - Badge Achievement
We give out values badges with our four MVPs.
Teachers select the students who they see displaying our values to a consistent and high standard.
Over the terms and years, some children begin to get multiple badges.
We were wondering who would be the first student, selected over a number of years, from a range of classrooms and teachers to get all four values badges. It takes time.
We now know. It is Nova Barrett who achieved this last Friday 6th August when she was MVP for excellence tohungatanga.
Teno pai Nova. Thank you for making Edendale Primary School a great place to be.
Most Valuable Pupil - Team Tui
The MVP for Excellence - Tohungatanga in Team Tui this week is Joshua Smyth!
Josh is a great role model for excellence and all of our other school values because he is always doing the right thing at the right time.
Josh walks into school wearing his uniform with pride. He unpacks his things quietly and makes sure his home partnership work is completed every single day.
Josh works very hard in every subject, with each task he has been given and this is shown through the excellent progress being made in all areas. His hard work has also paid off because he has already achieved both of his goals for this year.
Josh likes to be challenged and to try new ideas or concepts. He gives everything a go and asks for help if he isn’t sure. He takes responsibility for his learning by listening, following instructions, managing distractions, and ensuring his work is completed to the best of his ability.
Josh follows all the school rules and demonstrates a high standard of our Edendale values in the classroom and in the playground by ensuring he is playing fair and caring for other people.
We are lucky to have an excellent student like you in Team Tui. Keep it up!
Most Valuable Pupil - Team Kereru
Team Kahu’s MVP for showing Tohungatanga – Excellence is Nadine Abella.
Our quote this week says, “The two things in life you are in total control over are your attitude and your effort." - Billy Cox
Nadine always works hard and perseveres. Throughout her learning journey, she has responded positively to feedback and uses this to improve her work. Nadine continues to grow, by taking advantage of all learning opportunities. She will ask for support from her peers or the teacher if she is unsure. Nadine also displays resilience, trying again and using her own time if necessary to ensure work is completed.
Nadine is a pupil who always pushes herself to do her best.
She demonstrates excellence by taking pride in our classroom and school environment. She wears her Edendale School uniform with pride, making sure she is tidy and presentable each day.
Nadine is a kind and caring student who consistently shows our school values. She is a supportive class member and works cooperatively with others. She makes sure to use her manners throughout the day, and speaks kindly to both the teachers and her peers.
Nadine, I am proud of the effort that you put into all the tasks that you are given. You are a great role model for others as you always show a positive attitude and put 100% into every learning task.
Keep up the excellent work.
Most Valuable Pupil - Team Kiwi
Madden McKelvie is Team Kiwi’s MVP this week. Madden is a lovely polite young lady who demonstrates our school value of Tohungatanga - Excellence.
Madden is a bright and caring member of Team Kiwi. She walks into the classroom every morning with a big smile on her face. After a quick conversation off she goes happily to unpack her bag and to get herself ready for the day.
Madden wears her uniform correctly and with pride. She also keeps her workspace tidy and her belongings in the correct place. You can often see Madden being our tidy kiwi in class by making sure our class equipment is put away and in the correct place.
Madden shows excellence in class by having a fantastic ‘can do attitude’. She works hard, stays on a task from start to finish and completes activities to a high standard. She gives everything a go and this is shown by her excellent progress being made in all learning areas.
I can rely on Madden to make the right choices. She shows respect to all the people around her and has excellent manners.
We are super lucky to have such an awesome learner like you in Team Kiwi!
Keep shining bright superstar!
Writer of the Week - Kadence Hunter
What Do Teachers Do When You Go Home From School?
What do teachers do
when the clock strikes three?
When we all hurry home
so glad to be free.
They rush to the staff room
and slurp cups of tea.
They gobble down biscuits
and shout out, “Yipee!”
They zoom to the library
and jump on the chair.
They spin round and round
and get flung in the air.
They sprint to the playground
and climb up the slide.
They thud on their bottoms
and go for a ride.
They zip to the coal shed
and make a huge mess.
They dance around the room
with looks of distress.
They zoom to the music room
and play the guitar.
They bang on the drums,
a silly bunch they are.
What a wonderful night
the teachers all say.
They do their secret handshake
and all walk away.
Community Notices
Edendale Community Pool Society - Meeting
AGM and General Meeting
- Monday 23rd August; 7.30pm
- Edendale School staffroom
We invite all members and pool-users to attend - join the committee to help us keep the pool open for our community.
Any queries or apologies to Jenny at
Wyndham Pioneer Lions Club - Recycling
The Wyndham Pioneer Lions collect many things that raise money for the underprivileged and disadvantaged but we can do more with your help.
- Bread tags raise funds for wheelchairs
- Tear tabs from aluminium cans and wine bottle tops raise funds for "Kidney Kids"
If you would like to start collecting the above items they can be dropped into the school office.
Junior Rugby League - Registrations
Junior Rugby League is starting October 17th, contact Rachel Haenga for registrations ASAP 027 600 7027 or
We are having a registration day with skills and drills with some Southland Rams players.
Saturday 28th August 12 noon at the Edendale Rugby Club, sausage sizzle. Come have a go!
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Friday
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally are this Friday 13th August.
Meet at Edendale Christian Activity Centre on George Street, Edendale.
Children 9-years-old and up are most welcome.
- Boys 7 pm - 9 pm: Gladiator Night
- Girls 7.00 pm - 9.00pm: Pizza and Games
- Johno Ferguson 206 6878
- Liz Pask 206 6135
Youth Group - Saturday
Youth Group is this Saturday the 14th August. It is open to anyone Year 9 and up.
- All Blacks Game and Games
Meet at Edendale Christian Activity Centre 7 pm till 10.30 pm
- Becs Ferguson 0274 124 941
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool