Superintendent's Newsletter
October 2023
Message from the Superintendent
It is my pleasure to present the October edition of the Lower Moreland Township School District Superintendent’s Newsletter. I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and well.
Each year during the month of October, schools across our nation emphasize the importance of anti-bullying measures and focus on kindness. Everyone in our schools, including staff, students and parents play an important role in creating a safe, welcoming climate for all. During October's Bullying Prevention Month, please join us in celebrating our kindness towards one another by connecting at our LMHS Outdoor movie night, Murray Avenue Color Week, Pine Road Halloween festivities, and much more. Click here to explore our District calendar of events that we hope will help connect each one of us. I also encourage you to take time this month to talk with your child about the importance of anti-bullying. Visit stopbullying.gov and/or our LMTSD anti-bullying webpage for more resources.
Each October, National Principals Month recognizes the essential role principals play in making schools great. Principals are among some of the hardest working, yet often least recognized individuals in education. Principals assist in setting the academic tone for our schools, support student and staff wellness, and set a vision for achieving student success. Please join me in thanking and recognizing the following LMTSD Principals and Assistant Principals:
Mr. Scott Cole, Principal, Pine Road Elementary School
Mrs. Kaitlyn McMullan, Assistant Principal, Pine Road Elementary School
Ms. Jen Dilks, Principal, Murray Avenue School
Mr. Erin Stroup, Assistant Principal, Murray Avenue School
Mr. Bill Miles, Principal, Lower Moreland High School
Ms. Megan Geenans, Assistant Principal, Lower Moreland High School
Mr. Justin Thomas, Assistant Principal, Lower Moreland High School
Lastly, the Lower Moreland High School Project continues at a steady pace as outdoor areas continue to be landscaped and retention water basins begin to be converted. Indoors, final cabinetry, flooring and lighting are being installed with classroom furniture set to arrive later this month. Please click here to investigate more videos, pictures and related stories about the project captured by our Student Documentary Team.
Scott Davidheiser, Ed.D.
New Lower Moreland High School Progress
Student Representatives to the Board of School Directors
Hello! We [Mia Dubin and Edona Selamaj] are the two elected Student Representatives for the 2023-2024 School Year. We look forward to serving our student body while embodying and representing the true essence of Lower Moreland School District: Community.
My name is Mia Dubin, and I am currently a Junior at Lower Moreland High School. This marks my second year serving as the Lower Moreland School District Student Representative. It has been an immense honor serving as the liaison between the student body and the school board, two profound bodies. Acting as an advocate has been vastly fulfilling, granting me the opportunity to be a unified voice to be heard. Throughout my journey, I have helped combat the stigma regarding student mental health while presenting my progress during school board meetings. I have collectively worked alongside Dr. Davidheiser and other academic administrators to learn communication and leadership skills. However, the most rewarding aspect of my position consists of the lessons that I have obtained: patience, perseverance, and persistence, three valuable pieces of knowledge that I hope to continue to soar with in my future.
I am eternally grateful for this position, allowing me to represent my student body while learning the power of being a voice for our community. I look forward to starting a new beginning in our new building. Thank you, Lower Moreland community!
My name is Edona Selamaj and I am currently a Sophomore at Lower Moreland High School. I was elected for the position of Student Representative in the Spring, so these past few months I’ve worked with Mia to smooth the transition from the former Student Representative, continuing their work and beginning new projects of our own. Although this is my first year working alongside Mia in this position, I have already grown so much; presenting in front of the board has given me a confidence I once could only dream of. It has been an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to improve school life at Lower Moreland, especially concerning student well-being and mental health. One of my biggest takeaways from this position, however, has been collaboration and communication. Meeting with Mia, Dr. Davidheiser, and other administrators has taught me what it's like to work with others as a team and be a part of something much bigger than myself. I look forward to many more opportunities to work with others toward the common goal of making a difference at Lower Moreland.
LMHS Class of 2024 Panaramic Photo
Business Office (Mark McGuinn, Business Manager)
What happens when a School District sees a bee hive or spiders? Well it is not as simple as taking out a fly swatter or spraying a can of Raid. School Districts are bound to follow an IPM (Integrated Pest Management) system that provides protection for students and staff from exposure to chemicals without proper notification.
The Lower Moreland Township School District utilizes an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system for managing insects, rodents and weeds. Our goal is to protect every student and staff member from pesticide exposure by using an IPM approach to pest management. Our IPM system focuses on making the school buildings and grounds an unfavorable habitat for these pests by removing food and water sources and eliminating their hiding and breeding places. We accomplish this through routine cleaning and maintenance. We routinely monitor the school buildings and grounds to detect any pests that may be present. The pest management team consists of our school maintenance, office and teaching staff and includes our students. Pest sightings are reported to our IPM coordinator who will evaluate “pest problems” and determine the appropriate pest management techniques to address the problem. The techniques can include increased sanitation, modifying storage practices, sealing entry points, physically removing the pest, etc.
From time to time, it may be necessary to use pesticides registered by the Environmental Protection Agency to manage a pest problem. A pesticide will only be used when necessary, and will not be routinely applied. When a pesticide is necessary, the school district will try to use the least toxic product that is effective. Applications will only be performed only when unauthorized personnel do not have access to the areas being treated. Notices will be posted in these areas seventy-two (72) hours prior to application and for two days following the application. Parents or guardians of students and School District staff may request prior notification of specific applications made at the School District. To receive notification, you must be placed on the school district’s notification registry. If you would like to be placed on this registry, please notify the district in writing. Please include your e-mail address if you would like to be notified electronically.
If a pesticide application must be made to control an emergency pest problem, notice will be provided by email or telephone to any person who has previously requested to be notified. Exemptions to this notification include disinfectants and antimicrobial products; self-containerized baits placed in areas not accessible to students and staff and gel-type baits placed in cracks, crevices or voids; and swimming pool maintenance chemicals.
If you have any questions, please contact Lance Freeman, Facilities Manager and IPM Coordinator for Lower Moreland Township School District. Mr. Freeman’s email address is: lfreeman@lmtsd.org.
LMHS Homecoming Game
Curriculum and Instruction (Julien Drennan, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Prof. Dev.)
Human Resources/Public Relations (Cheryl Galdo, Esq., Dir. of HR/PR)
An Evening to Honor Veterans
Mrs. Shannon Dallahan, a Pine Road School Counselor, is once again organizing "An Evening to Honor Veterans" on Friday, November 3. This event is a wonderful evening of music, artwork, and speeches to honor the service and sacrifice of our nation's veterans. The evening is free and open to the public. In addition, each school will host events during the school day to honor veterans and to give their students a chance to learn from and thank these active and retired service personnel.
Technology (Jason Hilt, Ed.D., Director of Technology)
The Technology Department supports information technology systems and instructional technology programs and practices in the district. Each month, we highlight how our students and teachers engage in 21st Century learning activities. We also share updates on new initiatives and tips and tricks related to devices and technology tools used in the district.
New Website Launched
The District is excited to announce the launch of its new website which was designed to be accessible and user-friendly for all visitors. The website features a number of accessibility features, such as screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, color contrast, and image alt text. It also features a clear and concise navigation menu, logical organization of content, a search bar, and enhanced multimedia capabilities.
The new website is a valuable resource for students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members alike. It provides information on a variety of topics including academic programs, student resources, school and district calendars, news and events, and contact information. It also features a number of new visual features to showcase photos and videos from around the district.
6-12 Learning Management System
Students in grades 6-12 are enrolled in Canvas. Students are enrolled in a course for each class they attend. They can access materials and assignments and view upcoming due dates in the calendar. Parents can connect to Canvas through a pairing code generated by their student and use the Observer Role to view important information about classwork. You can find the start of school information for students HERE and for parents/guardians HERE.LMHS Mini-THON's Color Run
Student Services (Frank Giordano, Director of Special Education and Student Services)
The Local Right to Education Task Force 23 of Montgomery County is an organization, sponsored by the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, that brings together parents, school district representatives, county mental health/developmental disabilities representatives, and local support agency offices to inform parents and to address individual and systemic issues affecting our students who receive special education services. Additionally, parent input is critical to providing services to our students and this task force is one way of obtaining that input on a larger scale. Please consider attending a meeting at your earliest convenience. All meetings are virtual. Here is a schedule of upcoming meetings. The link to the Task Force’s website is here.
Lower Moreland Township School District
Email: sdavidheiser@lmtsd.org
Website: www.lmtsd.org
Location: 2551 Murray Avenue, Huntingdon Valley, PA, USA
Phone: 215-928-0272
Twitter: @LMTSD