Falcon's Nest
Alcova Elementary School
August 18, 2023
Dear Alcova Community,
Please view this week’s Falcon’s Nest Newsletter for upcoming events and more.
title I parent meeting
Your input counts! Please join us on Thursday, August 24th at 5pm or 6pm for our Title I Parent Meeting. Learn about the Title I program, the LSPI, The Plan...The Promise, Title I Budget and the importance of parent input.
Please click here or scan the QR Code to sign up!
Parent Mentors
Parent Mentors Present: “Starting the School Year on a Positive Note”
Who: Parents/Guardians of students receiving Special Education services
What: Parent Mentors Present: “Starting the School Year on a Positive Note”
When: Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 10:00 am - 11:30 am or 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
In-Person registration link for 10:00 am session: https://forms.gle/xJ9VZFPDtyHLpBf56
Zoom registration link for 6:00 pm session: https://gcpsk12-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ufuGrpz8iHNN0o5_SRgzhSh4DOVjKM50B
Please use the following link to access the parent letters: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DJSH2MoYgmCY1YtzqrWtKzvVOhLgXjZ6?usp=drive_link
Alcova PBIS Newsletter
Join PTA Today!
New Smart Snack Compliant Ala Carte items to include:
- Lay’s Baked Potato Crisps
- Doritos Reduced Fat Tortilla Chips
- Whole Grain-Rich Rice Krispies Treats
- Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop Kettle Corn
- Welch’s Fruit Snacks
These items are Ala Carte for $1.00
My Payments Plus
Tutor List
Click here or scan the QR Code in the flyer to see the list of available teachers.
Meet Alcova's Administrative Team
Social Media
Let's Be Social!
Alcova Elementary School PTA | Facebook
Alcova PTA Instagram- @AlcovaPTA
Alcova PTA Twitter- @AlcovaPTA
Also on ClassDoJo!
Safety Procedures
Safety Procedures
Alcova is committed to ensuring its schools are safe. We take a very proactive approach to ensuring the safety of students, staff members, and campus visitors. We would like to share information with you about our district safety procedures that are implemented at Alcova.
GCPS District Literacy Plan
Required Orientation Agreements
School Hours
Emergency - "Day of" Transportation Change Requests
If you have a emergency transportation change request you must email 978.transportation@gcpsk12.org for the change to be processed. Please use this email only for "day of" emergency changes, where you were not able to send a note in with your student. Change request must be received no later than 1:30 pm to guarantee the change request will be processed.
Car Rider Info
Just a Reminder: The Car Rider Lane will close at 8:15 am. All students arriving after 8:15, must check in at the front office with the parent. Please do not drop your child off if the doors are closed.