Shark Tales Weekly Update
Sheiko Elementary: November 11, 2023
Happy Friday, Sheiko Sharks!
Sheiko Sharks were busy learning this week! Be sure to check your child's planner and take-home folder for all of the amazing lessons going on in class!
This week's "Big Announcement" is about report cards! You will be able to view your child's report card on PowerSchool Monday afternoon, you will receive an email when they are posted. It is helpful to go over the report card together. Look for areas of celebration and areas of growth. Your child's teacher will also be able to answer any questions that you have at conferences next week on November 14th (all on Google Meet) or November 17th (in person from 1-3, and Google Meet after that). Pay special attention to which conferences are on Google Meet and which conferences are in-person. Our goal is that 100% of our students have scheduled a conference.
It is not too late to sign up! Check out the specific email from your child's teacher or their latest Friday newsletter. Remember, you can also schedule a conference with our specials teachers or any other adult that your child sees. We want to connect with you and share all of the wonderful experiences that are happening at school. Thank you for making this a priority. We really appreciate the support!
Have a wonderful weekend! Go Sheiko Sharks!
Blaine McDowell
Tuesday, Nov. 14th - EVENING CONFERENCES
Friday, Nov. 17th - HALF DAY/AFTERNOON CONFERENCES (dismissal is 12:12pm)
Wednesday, Nov. 22nd - 24th - THANKSGIVING BREAK/NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, Nov. 29th - LATE START -school starts at 10:10am, dismissal is 4:02pm
Wednesday, Dec. 13th - LATE START -school starts at 10:10am, dismissal is 4:02pm
Thursday, Dec. 7th- PICTURE RETAKE
- Thursday, November 30th, 7 p.m.- Camp Tanuga Zoom Meeting for Parents and Kids:Join Zoom Meeting https://wbsd-org.zoom.us/j/88262258371 Meeting ID: 882 6225 8371
Dec. 23- Jan. 7th - WINTER BREAK/NO SCHOOL
5th grade Camp Tanuga May 28th - 30th
Click here for the district calendar.
MUSIC - Mrs. Virta
We have started a unit on drumming. We have explored the different sounds we can make with tubano drums. We have worked on echoing and creating patterns!
If you would like to sign up for conferences with Mrs. Virta please choose a link below.
Below is the link for conference sign up with Mrs. VanNostrand
Art News
Conferences will be held in the evening on November 14th and Friday the 17th in the afternoon. Ms. Tucker's Sgn up Genius link is:
This week the students did the sit up and push up testing and everyone did a great job!
If you would like to sign up for conferences with Mrs. Scott please use the links below.
Nov. 14th link:
Nov. 17th link:
What is Social Emotional Learning? (SEL)
SEL is an integral part of education and growth. SEL is the process through which we acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attributes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible caring decisions.
Each week we will add what your student(s) are learning in their morning meetings or "SEL" lessons. Stay tuned for more information! This is a great way to find out more about the strategies students are learning to get along with others, solve conflicts, and develop strong, meaningful friendships.
Sheiko 3rd-5th starts 11/16
Students stay after the final bell and will be ushered to the gym. They use plastic balls and bats. Bring a mitt if you have one, if you don't have one - we have extra! Pick-up is outside at 5:02 p.m. at the Main Doors.
Indoor Softball Fundamentals
Using plastic balls and bats. Bring your own mitt if you have one (if you don't, one will be provided).
Thursdays, Starts 11/16-12/21
For more info and to register, use this link.
Drawing with Young Rembrandts
Mondays, Starts 11/27-12/18
For more info and to register, use this link.
Camp Tanuga Zoom Meeting for Parents and Kids - Thursday, November 30th, 7 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting https://wbsd-org.zoom.us/j/88262258371 Meeting ID: 882 6225 8371
*Camp will be May 28, 29, and 30th. Can't wait!
Sheiko Movie NIght - Friday, December 15th, 6-8 p.m.
Movie TBD - free Family fun!
*This is not a drop off event - parents/guardians must attend together
*Concessions will be sold! Super fun! Hope you can join us!
Hello Sheiko Families!
Are your closets over flowing with board games, card games and puzzles? Or maybe you've stepped on your very last lego! If so, our Sheiko Sharks would love to have them! If you would like to donate please bring them to the front office. Please be sure all games and puzzles have all of the pieces, thank you!
We love seeing our Sheiko Sharks reading at school and home! Check this out!
Sheiko is woriking with Tapper's on their annual coat drive! We have a large bin in our front foyer just waiting for your new or gently used donations!
PTO meetings will be in person and you can zoom in.
Please join us at 7:00pm on:
- February 13
- March 12
- April 9
- May 14
This will be our link for all future dates: https://wbsd-org.zoom.us/j/4211617208
We will be using IXL at school to supplement instruction and review skills. It is a great resource to use at home too:
Helping Your Child Logging In At Home
IXL is designed to help your child learn at their own pace. The program is adaptive and will adjust based on your child’s demonstrated understanding of the material. If students are working on their Skill Plan, they should select tasks in order from the top. All of your child’s results will be saved, so you can monitor their progress anytime by clicking on Analytics. Although IXL is not required, it may be something you
would like them to do 2-3 times per week at home.
Students might need your help to log in at home on a device. Here are some tips:
● When students are logging in from home on a computer, they need to use
https://www.ixl.com/signin/wbloomfieldsd and then their school google email/password.
Happy Learning!
Winter is upon us and students should be dressed for outdoor recess. Students are outside for recess unless there is heavy rain, thunderstorms/lightning or the 'feels like' temperature is below 10* Fahrenheit.
Please label everything. It will help eliminate the need for a Lost & Found table.
We are asking that students leave their smart watches at home. They have proven to be a huge distraction to teaching and learning. Students may have phones (but totally not necessary!) as long as they are powered down and in their backpacks. Students will have one reminder to put them away. Otherwise, these items will be turned into the office for parent pick up if they are out.Thank you for your support in this matter!
For birthdays, in lieu of treats, you may bring in other items such as stickers, pencils, bookmarks, notepads, flashcards, ect.
Please make sure your student stops by the office to let us know that it is their birthday. They can receive their birthday recognition from the principal.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
- Please only turn right out of the parking lot.
- In the morning, do not enter the carline until 8:35 in the morning because our preschool parents need to drop off their children. If you do get here earlier, you may be asked to loop around so that we can get our preschoolers in the building in a safe manner.
- In the afternoon, please do not enter the carline until 3:30 or after. We are trying to dismiss our preschool students. Thank you for your help with this!
Keeping children safe is our greatest priority. All rules and procedures have been developed with safety in mind. Please read carefully and review the map below.
Enter the west parking lot through the drive that is farthest west (past the Comcast office). Remain in a single line.
Keep your child in the car with you until 8:55.
Do not allow your child to get out of the car until you have pulled up to the sidewalk and an adult is present. Adults will be present between 8:55 and 9:10 AM to help your child out of the car.
Do not get out of the car.
Turn right ONLY out of the parking lot.
The front circle and parking lot are for BUSES ONLY from 8:30-9:20.
Enter the west parking lot through the drive that is farthest west (past the Comcast office). Remain in a single line.
Remain in your vehicle. Your child will come to the sidewalk and get in your car.
PLEASE NOTE: IT IS RIGHT TURN ONLY out of the parking lot.
The front circle and parking lot are for BUSES ONLY from 3:30-4:30.
There will be no early release after 3:30pm.
If there is a change in how your child departs from school, please send a note to school in the morning. Changes can also be reported by calling the Sheiko office before 3:30PMSICK POLICY INFORMATION
To protect all children from communicable illnesses, students infected with certain diseases are not allowed to come to school while they are contagious. Students should be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Please call our Safeline (248-865-6372) if your child will be absent from school. We also have a masking station at the front of the building in which students are welcome to help themselves. For more information regarding the sick policy, please see the attached document.
Dear Parents/Guardians:
There are students in our school that have severe allergies. It is important that any snack or treats brought in are sesame and peanut/tree nut free. This includes products that are made in a facility that processes nuts. Snack/treats CANNOT be homemade, either. Please help by reading the labels before you buy the snack/treat.
Here is a website that you can use when purchasing snacks/treats for your child: https://snacksafely.com. This guide lists many foods that are safe to bring into the classroom (many of them are snacks you might eat within your own home).
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Blaine McDowell
The West Bloomfield School District uses the Bridges math program. Below, you will find the family letters for Oct./Nov. Unit 2. Enjoy!
About Us
Email: blaine.mcdowell@wbsd.org
Website: https://www.wbsd.org/sheiko-elementary
Location: 4500 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield Township, MI, USA
Phone: 248-865-6370
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/225210744201191
Twitter: @BlaineMcDowell