May 26, 2023
The Principal's Corner
The Week Ahead
Dates to Remember
5/29 No School Memorial Day
5/30 MCAS Science Grade 9 Training 8:10 AM
5/30 Graduation Practice 9:00 AM
5/31 Senior Breakfast, Parade to Elementary Schools & RMS, Yearbook Distribution 8:15 AM
6/1 Early Release PD @11:20 AM
6/1 Senior Academic and Athletic Banquet 7:00 PM
6/2 Graduation Practice 9:00 AM
6/2 Graduation 7:00 PM
6/3 Saturday School 9:00-12:00 PM
6/3 Rain Date for Graduation 11:00 AM
6/6 & 6/7 MCAS Testing Science for Grade 9 Students
6/7 Academic Hall of Fame and Underclassmen Award Ceremony 7:00 PM
6/12-6/16 Final Exams
RHS Participates in Safe Teens Program with Boston Medflight
NHS Ceremony
The following students were recognized:
Class of 2023
Sydney Blaney
Shelby Bohan
Emma Cameron
Shane Daly
Taina Dias de Souza
Esabella Defilippo
Toni Hawe
Kelly Kearns
Lucas Leander
MaryKate Leoncavallo
Lexie McKenna
Matthew Medford
Victoria Murray
Lina Nassif
Emma Radzik
Kaydence Tiffany
Class of 2024
Chelsea Amaral
Emaan Asad
Alice de Andrade
Cameron Babcock
Andrew Callahan
Ben Carpine
Ainsley Cavicchi
Anthony Ciano
Margaret Elie
Logan Finn
Meghan Gustin
Norah Glennon
Ava Hagan
Victoria Higgins
Victoria Hynes
Hannah Ivil
Samantha Murdock
Vivian Nguyen
Hope Sylvester
Emily Tsiantoulas
Guidance Notes
During the past week, Guidance counselors worked with Juniors in English classes.
The following things were discussed:
College Letters of Recommendation - discussion included Who to Ask, When to Ask, Do’s & Dont’s and what documentation will be needed for recommenders (teachers and counselors). Information on recommendations will be posted in students Guidance google classrooms.
College Admissions Testing - we encouraged students to take a second (or first) SAT or ACT exam. Here are the College Admission exam test dates & registration deadlines for 2023-2024.
All students were encouraged to update their resume in SCOIR and counselors reviewed that process.
Common App (the Common Application) - students created a Common App account and began filling out the demographic and education sections. Students can “roll over” their Common App beginning on August 1st - see here for more details.
Students who do not plan to apply to a four year college (and chose not to create a Common App account) spent this time reviewing the Alternatives to College doc in their Google classroom (which they’ve previously discussed with their counselor). It includes resources for short-term training programs, trade & technical schools, the Armed Services, Unions and Apprenticeship programs, AmeriCorps, Job Corps and Employment.
All Juniors will soon be working on a draft Common App essay in English class. The writing prompts can be found here. Grade 12 English teachers will continue working with students on these essays in September, and we will host an Essay review night with College Admissions Reps in the Fall.
We will also be hosting a College Application Boot Camp on Wednesday, August 23rd - details can be found here. This is a great opportunity for students to get a head start on applications before school begins.
Please don't hesitate to contact your student's Guidance counselor with questions.
Arts Festival Video
Graduation Week Reminders for Seniors
Tuesday, 5/30
There is a mandatory graduation practice at 9:00 AM in the RHS Gym. Being on time for the practice is critical! Seniors should plan on the practice going until 11:00 AM, but it may be shorter or longer depending on how engaged everyone is.
Graduation caps and gowns will be distributed after the graduation practice only if the senior has fulfilled their obligations. These debts include students returning their Chromebooks and power cords during Senior Issues.
Students should try on their cap and gown when they get home and hang them up. Seniors can contact class advisor Ms. Leighton if there are any issues with the cap and gown. Seniors are allowed to decorate their caps (must be decorated appropriately) but they cannot decorate their gowns.
Wednesday, 5/31
Seniors should arrive (bringing their cap and gown) for breakfast at 8:15 AM in the cafeteria and then we will depart at 9:00 AM to each elementary school and Rogers Middle School. This parade is an opportunity for seniors to say goodbye to their elementary and middle school teachers and for the younger students to see the graduates in action! We will return by 10:30-10:45 AM. Yearbooks will be distributed at the Senior Breakfast. This event is optional. Seniors cannot receive their yearbooks in advance of the breakfast.
Thursday, 6/1
Families should have received an invitation to the Senior Academic and Athletic Awards Night if their senior is getting recognized via email and the mail. Please tell your child that they are getting recognized so you can both plan on attending. Seniors join us for dinner at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria and families join us for the recognition ceremony inside the auditorium at 7:00 PM. Proper dress (business casual) is required for seniors. Any senior, even if they are not getting recognized and family members, are welcome to attend!
Friday, 6/2
Graduation practice will be held at 9:00 AM. Seniors should meet in the RHS gym. The practice should go until about 11:00 AM, assuming seniors are on time and engaged.
Seniors need to report to the Gym by 6:00 PM. Graduation begins at 7:00 PM. There is no ticket for graduation; each graduate can bring an unlimited number of guests!
Proper dress is required for graduates (no flip flops, no sandals, no sneakers, no shorts, no jeans, no heels with spikes (hard to walk across the grass), and gowns must be zipped). Students may decorate their caps but cannot have anything on their gowns except for school-issued National Honor Society or school-issued military chords.
If the weather is not good for graduation on Friday, the rain date is Saturday, June 3rd, at 11:00 AM.
SGC Updates
This month, the Student Government Council showed some appreciation to staff members by making cards, doing a snack cart, and bringing around a beverage cart to help them keep “staying afloat!” On May 17th, SGC held the annual banquet. Here, there were freshmen election results, speeches and results for committee chairs, senior speeches, the passing of the gavel, and a lot of reminiscing on the year and all of the events that occurred. We’d like to say goodbye to our seniors Lexie McKenna, MaryKate Leoncavallo (this month’s You Rock winner), Bella Dangora, and Anna Ramponi. We wish you all the best on your next journey and appreciate the work you have done for this council! Below are the results of the Committee Chair Elections, as well as pictures from our events.
Finance and Fundraising Committee:
Chair, Victoria Hynes
Co-Chair, Logan Hatch
Spirit Committee:
Chair, Shannon Gustin
Co-Chair, Jessica Gillooly
Student Services Committee:
Chair, Josh Campoverde
Co-Chair, Regan Glennon
Community Service Committee:
Chair, Erin Maroney
Co-Chair, Anthony DeFilippo
Next Saturday School June 3rd
This is a reminder that there is Saturday School scheduled for June 3rd from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM. Any student is encouraged to make-up missing work or receive extra help. Teachers from the English, Math, Science, History, and World Language Departments will be there to assist students.
College Fair and Campus Tour at Bridgewater State University
Bulldog Brew Closes for the Year
RHS Hosts Successful Senior Issues
Senior Cookout!
Athletic Updates
MBCA for the All-Academic team (for girls basketball).
Community Resource
Quick Links
Rockland High School
Email: jharrison@rocklandschools.org
Website: https://www.rocklandschools.org/o/rockland-high
Location: 52 Mackinlay Way, Rockland, MA, USA
Phone: 781-871-0541
Twitter: @RocklandHS