All Souls Catholic School
Newsletter - May 4th, 2017
Easter is the celebration of Christ's resurrection from the dead. It is celebrated on Sunday, and marks the end of Holy Week, the end of Lent, the last day of the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday), and is the beginning of the Easter season of the liturgical year.
As we know from the Gospels, Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day following his crucifixion, which would be Sunday. His resurrection marks the triumph of good over evil, sin, and death. It is the singular event which proves that those who trust in God and accept Christ will be raised from the dead.
Since Easter represents the fulfillment of God's promises to mankind, it is the most important holiday on the Christian calendar.
In the Gospels, the precise details of the Easter narrative vary slightly, but none of these variances are critical to the main story. In fact, it is argued that the variances are simply matters of style and not substance. Despite the variances, the key aspects of the Easter story all match. Above all, they agree that the tomb of Christ was indeed empty, which is the most essential fact.
The following link will give some more indoor,ation of the importance of Easter.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Staff news
Every year there normally are staff changes in schools and with regret we have two teachers who will be moving on from All Souls.
Firstly, Miss Franco, who has been teaching in the Archdiocese for the past 8 years. will be taking a principal's position at OLPH in Daly City. Miss Franco is an alumni of All Souls and came back to teach these past three years. We will miss as part our school community, and we wish her all the best in this new challenging position.
Secondly, Mr. Wright will be leaving the peninsula to the East Bay to pursue a higher education teaching position at the high school or college level. He has been with the community for the past two years, and we will miss him.
Our second grade teacher assistant Miss Johns will be leaving as well. She is pursuing her teaching credential and will need to student teach in a public school setting.
Last, but not least, our bookkeeper, Mrs. Eileen Reidy, will be retiring at the end of this school year. Mrs. Reidy has served this community for 13 years as the bookkeeper. We will certainly miss her as she takes retirement. All the best!!
We wish these staff members God's blessing as they move on in their journey.
We are currently interviewing applicants for these positions.
Grade 6 Outdoor Education Week
Mrs Allen, parents, and students will be traveling to CYO camp at Occidental next week. It will be the first time we have had a week-long environmental camp. We wish them all a safe trip.
First Communion
Our second graders will be receiving the Sacrament of First Communion this Saturday. Thanks to Miss Short for all the work she has done to prepare the students for this day. Thanks to Miss Maiorano for her assistance with the preparation.
Recently a letter was sent to parents regarding excessive tardiness of some children. While the issue has improved slightly we still have a number of children arriving well after the 8 am bell. I would ask those parents who are having trouble getting their children to school on time to make a bigger effort.
As you are all aware the Bingo program was struggling at the beginning of the year. Many efforts were made to increase the numbers at Bingo by the school board. There has been some improvement with Bingo attendance, but we all still need to encourage family and friends to participate. Bingo revenue goes directly to the improvement of the school. We need some classroom carpets replaced this year, and I am not too sure if this can be achieved without increased Bingo revenue.
We received news that one of our seventh graders, Natalie Dean, took second place in the State Science Fair. Congratulations to Natalie.
Spring Concert
Our Annual Spring Concert will be helD on May 17th at 7:30pm in the Church. We look forward to seeing everyone attend this concert. It is a mandatory event for students as it is part of their music program. It has been on the school calendar all year. The program will be featuring “Songs from Musical Movies”. A lot of work has gone into this event. I do remind everyone of appropriate behavior in our Church. The is no cat whistling or cheering in this sacred space. Thank you for your cooperation with this request. Please remind any visitors you may bring to this event.
Mid Quarter Progress Reports
Progress reports are available on line today. If teachers need to contact you they will do so over the next few days. As you are aware the reports are always on line through the school information system - SchoolSpeak.
God Bless,
Vincent Riener
4 - Agape - 2:30pm - Cafeteria
6 - First Communion - 10am
7 - School Family Mass - 9am
8 - 12 - 6th Grade Outdoor Education
10 - Athletic Board Meeting - 6:30pm
15 - Staff Dev. Mtg. - 12:20 Dismissal - Athl. Board Hot Dog Sale
16-17 - Art in Action Show (see flyer for times)
16 - School Board Mtg. - 6:30pm - Annex Meeting Room
17 - Spring Musical 7:30 pm
19 - Athletic Board Movie Night
20 - 24 - 8th Grade Washington D.C. trip
25 - Athletic Board Awards Night - Track
29 - Memorial Day - Holiday
30 - Student Body Farewell Mass - 9am (Full School Uniform)
31 - 8th Grade Graduation Dinner & Dance - 6pm
Our in-house Scrip program is back in business after the summer break, and you can always shop online at the eScrip Online Mall, which has many of your favorite online shopping sites.
Amazon shoppers please remember to use the handy Amazon link at the bottom of our web page. This link will take you directly to your personal Amazon page, shop as you normally would, and the school will earn a percentage of your purchase. There is no cost to you!
Please Visit the Library Website for the Current Library Calendar
Contact us
Location: 479 Miller Ave, South San Francisco, CA, United States
Phone: (650) 583 3562