The Weekly Update #4
January 13th, 2022

Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s)
Happy New Year! It is our hope that all members of our learning community had a wonderful holiday season. As we head into 2022, we wish everyone health, happiness, and harmony!
I want to thank the members of our learning community for your continued support and partnership. As we approach the end of our second year of navigating the COVID pandemic, I am proud to share that we continue to work to find ways to provide our students with all of the experiences that make schooling enjoyable and memorable, while also doing all we can to keep everyone healthy and well. I acknowledge that, at times, there may be questions and/or concerns regarding decisions - but, from the start, I have been open with the fact that no plan will be perfect; however, I do stand by my promise that we will do all we can to continue to learn, adjust, and improve our efforts. Thanks to our leadership team, our staff, our nurses, and you - our District has done remarkably well!
As we prepare this month's newsletter, I will share yet another update from the CDC, NJDOH, and NJDOE regarding school district protocols as they relate to COVID. I know that these updates have been frequent this year, and I understand the frustration and/or confusion that may accompany so many adjustments, but I ask that you please understand that these decisions are made beyond our control. However, we will continue to view changes as opportunities, and we will continue to make the most of those opportunities for the benefit of all within our learning community.
Be Well!
Dr. J.
On January 11, 2022, the NJDOE released updated guidelines for schools regarding COVID Protocols. These new guidelines return to the CDC guidelines that we had shared earlier in December. The Butler School District will operate under the following protocols starting on Tuesday, January 18, 2022:
For any student/staff testing positive for COVID, the isolation period is now FIVE (5) days from the date of symptom onset or the date of the positive test if the student was asymptomatic;
A student/staff member may return to school on Day SIX (6) IF symptoms have resolved or symptoms are markedly improved, and the student has been fever-free for 24 hours.
No negative test is required to return to school.
Students/staff testing positive for COVID who return to school after five days of isolation must continue to wear a well-fitted mask at all times on Days 6 -10 after their illness.
During lunch, we expect returning students/staff to remove their mask only while eating or drinking, and to put the mask back on whenever not actively eating or drinking
During Days 6-10, returning students/staff will be required to wear their masks at all times during all after school activities as well (athletics, clubs, and other co-curricular activities)
The quarantine period for unvaccinated students/staff exposed to COVID in the school setting has been reduced to FIVE (5) days. Unvaccinated students may end their quarantine on Day SIX (6) and return to school so long as they remain asymptomatic. A negative test is not required for students to return to school
Anyone over the age of 18 years of age will have to have had their booster to be considered fully vaccinated if their primary 2 dose vaccine was administered greater than six (6) months ago.

Congratulations to senior Declan Hickey for committing to further his academic and baseball career at Alvernia University!
Aaron Decker Elementary School - Mr. J. Manco, Principal
Happy New Year! We hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season and are looking forward to a great 2022!
ADS Congratulates Mrs. Karen Lomascola as Bulldog of the Month
We would like to congratulate Karen Lomascola as Aaron Decker School's Bulldog of the Month recipient for December. Mrs. Lomasola has continually gone above and beyond working with students, parents, staff, and administration with guidance during the pandemic and other health related issues. With the uptick of Covid cases during the month of December, Mrs. Lomascola worked tirelessly before, during, after school hours, answering emails and making phone calls informing and answering questions to our school community. She is commended for her work in keeping our students and staff healthy on a daily basis. Congratulations!!
Hour of Code with Butler High School Students
"Technology is transforming every industry in every country, therefore students today need to learn how to create technology. Third and Fourth grade students worked with BHS students to celebrate the Hour of Code. Students are introduced to computer science which helps with computational thinking, helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic, and creativity. Technology is transforming every industry on the planet. Students today should learn how to create technology, not just use it. By starting early, students have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path" (https://hourofcode.com/us)
PTA Information/Events
Please be advised that all PTA after school activities which include Zumba and Chess will resume beginning on January 18, 2022.
Chess Program Dates
Beginner/Intermediate: Jan.24, 31, Feb. 7, 14
Advanced: Jan. 21, 28, Feb. 4, 11, 25
Zumba Program Dates
K-2: Jan. 24, 31
3-4: Jan.18, 25
Bouncing Bulldogs
Bouncing Bulldogs is a before school program for grades 2-4 to practice jumping rope, coordination, and cooperation. Practices will be Wednesday mornings (6:45 a.m.) starting the last week in January, running for 7 weeks (until March 9th). If your child is interested in participating, please fill out the google form below. You will then receive more information on practices and an emergency contact form that will need to be returned before participating. If interested please reply by 1/19/2022
Recipients of the Attitude of Gratitude Award
The following students received the Attitude of Gratitude Award at ADS - Congrats to all!
Richard Butler Middle School - Mrs. M. Papa, Principal
Happy New Year! We’re excited to have our students back from winter break, and we’re looking forward to a prosperous 2022! We want to thank our families for all of your understanding and flexibility with following the current health protocols. Thank you also to Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Knox for working so diligently to update attendance, communicate with our families, and keep us all on track. We also want to acknowledge our exemplary staff for providing innovative, engaging, and creative instruction throughout this time as well.
This month, we have been conducting class spelling bees, which have determined two winners per class. Our school-wide contest will decide which student will represent RBS in the Scripps County Spelling Bee this spring. Our Student Council representatives have been sharing a “Word of the Day” during morning announcements to help students prepare! Additionally, we have scheduled the inspiring speaker Keith Hawkins to deliver his program “Stand for Something” this month, and we are really anticipating his visit. We look forward to hosting Mr. Hawkins as his message will positively impact our school community!The Junior National Honor Society has continued with their NexTrex plastic bag recycling effort, so please continue to send in all of your clean bags and packaging to increase our chances of winning a new bench. Our girls’ and boys’ basketball teams are well into the season, and we are excited for our upcoming games. Lastly, we’re excited to partner with the PTA to offer a drama production this spring. Please view the Drama Club permission slip and proposed rehearsal schedule if your child is interested in participating!
We’d also like to celebrate our Staff Member of the Month, Teacher of Special Education Mr. Tyler wood. He works with Team 8 to support students in resource math & ELA and co-teaches for science and social studies. He's also been volunteering his time to assist with the RBS boys' and girls' basketball teams. We're glad to have Mr. Wood here with us at RBS as we know he will continue to positively impact our school community.
If you haven’t already, please check out our RBS Review newsletter. Helpful documents like the RBS Student Handbook, Bell Schedules, and Student Activities schedules can be found there along with current announcements and events. We’ll also continue to celebrate our staff and students on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Upcoming events:
January - RBS Spelling Bees (ELA Classes)
January 5 - Picture Retakes & Club Pictures POSTPONED (Rescheduled for 2/3)
January 14 - Early Dismissal for Staff In-Service/PD
January 17 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
January 25- Keith Hawkins Program
January 26 - RBS Spelling Bee
Butler High School - Mr. R. Fitzgerald, Principal
Congratulations to BHS Wrestling Coach Jason Luciani for achieving his 100th against Verona. The Bulldogs are currently 8-0 and rolling!
Congratulations to BHS School Nurse Tracey Monsko for the December Bulldog Month Award. Mrs. Monsko works tirelessly to keep our school safe. She works weeknights, weekends and is always on call to provide guidance in these challenging times. We are lucky to have such a caring and dedicated nurse. Congratulations Mrs. Monsko!
Congratulations to the following students for qualifying for DECA States:
- Jacob Donza
- Sarah Higgins
- Danial Akhtar
- Josuel Barrios
- Elizabeth McBride
- Victoria Keene
- James Russnak
- Sophia Febbraio
- Zachary Ullrich
Congratulations to Jessica Durant and Bella Biancamano for being selected as Butler High School’s 2021 - 22 HOBY Leadership Award recipients.
The end of marking period 2 is January 26, 2022. Report cards will be posted on February 4th, 2022 in the Genesis Parent Portal.
2022 -2023 BHS Scheduling will begin in late January. Please look for a letter from me with details on January 21, 2022.
Congratulations to Katrina Agront and Morgan Maher for being accepted into the North Jersey Region Honors Choir! Excellent job.
All Butler schools will be closed on January 17th in observance of Martin Luther King day.
Congratulations to the following student-athletes for being recognized as members of the NJIC All Conference team in their respective sports:
January 14 - Early Dismissal for Staff In-Service/PD
January 17 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
January 25- Keith Hawkins Program
January 26 - End of Second Marking Period BHS