Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 19th May 2023
Great weather for ducks!
Duck race 2023
A huge thank you to the Friends for putting together the event and especially to Mr Metcalfe for his sterling work in keeping the ducks moving in his slowly deflating dingy!
Year 5 Visit St Peter's in Leeds
Year 5 had a great time this week when they went to meet their penpals at St Peter's in Leeds. They had a wonderful day and the children are all looking forward to welcoming Year 5 from St Peter's when they come to visit Cathedral School later in the term.
Bethany - When we entered, we were cordially greeted by our pen pals’ teacher: Mr. Robertson. When we reached the Year 5 classroom, there was a scramble for seats. Imogen and I chose seats at the back, where there were lots of lovely books. We waited in silence as Mr. Robertson matched us with our pen pals. “Sosna, you’re with Imogen”.
Then, finally, “ Hermela, you’re with Bethany over at the back.”
Evalyn - After that, at 10.30, I met my pen pal – Peniel. She was lovely. We ventured outside and took part in the Orienteering together. We went to different points on the map as quickly as possible. Number 5 took ages to find as it was half-way up a tree.
Molly – I was supposed to meet my penpal but they had moved from the school. However, I met Sam, who is from India, she is very kind and funny. Plus, she loves animals just like me. We made great friends.
Jasper – I thought my penpal would be good at football as he had told me in his letter. When I met him, I found out that he is incredibly competitive and funny. He’s very lively and energetic. I’m really looking forwards to come him coming to Ripon.
Noah – My penpal and I worked well together, we were able to co-ordinate our searching and map skills to win the Orienteering. At first it was awkward, as we didn’t know what to say. Once we had been sitting a while, we found a lot of things we had in common.
Year 3 and Year 4 Multi-skills festival at Outwood
On Wednesday, Years 3 and 4 had an exciting time competing against other Ripon schools in a multisport event at Outwood Academy. The children took part in a range of sporting activities to test their speed, agility and resilience. They worked together and showed encouragement, support and fantastic sportsmanship throughout the whole morning. Well done, everyone!
"It was a fun morning and I really enjoyed running around the tree when we had the sprinting race." Poppy - Year 3
"It was really really exciting to be able to complete some sporting activiites with our friends!" Sophie - Year 4
"It was good because everyone encouraged each other and showed great teamwork." Sammy - Year 3
"It was really fun and the young helpers from Outwood were funny and encouraging." Evie and Isla - Year 4
Breakfast Natters - Monday 22nd May after drop off
Geography Field Trip Year 3
Year 1 Special visitors
Stars of the Week
Daria for growing in confidence in speaking to adults and encouraging others to join in her play.
Amelia for the super effort that she is putting into her letter formation.
Year 1
Isla for outstanding effort, enthusiasm and determination with her learning. You are a star!
Year 2
All Year 2 for their amazing effort with their special work this week.
Year 3
Georgia for her fantastic map work and observation on our field trip.
Year 4
Evie for always listening to feedback and for making sure she includes a a variety of linguistic features in her written work.
Year 5
Jack for an impressive week. Great maturity in class and social situations with consistent focus on tasks and an enjoyable approach to the school visit.
Year 6
Alice for having the courage to push herself out of her comport zone and audition so confidently for the school production.
Question of the Week - Is it always good to succeed?
We had some super ideas.
Nursery 'It is ok to make mistakes. We don't always do things right and that is ok.'
Reception ' 'It is ok not to succeed as long as you try.'
Year 1 ' You wouldn't learn anything and it is not fair if you always succeed and win.'
Year 2 'We learn from our mistakes and you need to keep practising to succeed.'
Year 3 'It is not about the winning and succeeding it is about the journey.'
Year 4 'Sometimes it cannot be good to succeed' we need to make mistakes to become better learners.'
Year 5 'No because we need to learn how we can improve.'
Year 6 'It is good to succeed at some things, but some things can be bad. If we never made mistakes we wouldn't learn as much.'
Dates for Diaries
Monday 22nd May - Breakfast Natters in the School Hall for parents and carers (9am)
Wednesday 24th May - Year 1 Multi-skills Festival at Outwood
Friday 26th May - school closes at 3.10/3.15pm for the half term break
Monday 5th June - school re-opens
Friday 9th June - Times Tables Rock Star Day
Wednesday 14th June - Year 3 Visit to The Yorkshire Park
Thursday 15th June - Sports Day
Saturday 17th June - Friends Summer Fair
Monday 19th June - 23rd June - Arts Week
Wednesday 21st June - Year 2 Visit to Whitby
Friday 23rd June - School Disco
Monday 26th June - Year 1 Visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Wednesday 28th June - 30th June - Year 5 Residential to Lindisfarne
Thursday 29th June and Friday 30th June - Year 6 Bikeability
Tuesday 4th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 5th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Production (Afternoon)
Thursday 6th July - Year 4 Ripon Workhouse Visit
Friday 7th July - Year 6 Leavers' Service at the Cathedral
Tuesday 11th July and Wednesday 12th July - In School Transition Days Year R - Year 5
Wednesday 12th July - Year 6 Leavers Event
Wednesday 12th July - Annual Reports
Tuesday 18th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Afternoon and Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Key Stage 2 Production (Evening)
Wednesday 19th July - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Celebration Worship (9am)
Thursday 20th July - Key Stage 2 Celebration Worship (9am)
Friday 21st July - School Closes for the Summer
We endeavour to provide dates with suitable notice, however there may be changes to timings etc, as the term progresses.
The Friends of the School would like your artwork!
The theme for this year's summer fair is 'Pets'. The Friends would like to make a poster to advertise the fair which features as much of the children's artwork as possible. Pictures of their own pets or a pet they would like to have or maybe belongs to a relative would all be great. Please send in to the school office next week. Thank you.
Saturday 17th June - Summer Fair
Friday 23rd June - Disco
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