The Shark Tells
Week of February 27, 2023
Girls JV Soccer
Congratulations to the following young ladies who will be playing JV soccer this season.
Ariana Banegas
Addison Barton
Navaeh Hackett
Caroline Hopkins
Zoie Hucks
Bella Lisi
Charlotte Miller
Olivia Nakhle
Kelly Rivera
Gia Sarvis
Zoey Scalise
SJM Archer Takes 1st Place
Congratulations to Khloee Barton who placed first overall in the Middle School Division at the SJH Regional State Qualifier!
All State Orchestra
Congratulations to Brody Titus who performed as 2nd chair string bass for the State of South Carolina!
Interested in the Technology Fair?
Students wanting to participate in the annual HCS Tech Fair should MUST register by Friday, March 3, 2023.
Contact Mr. David Williams with questions.
Monday, Feb. 27
- Morning tutoring 7:20-7:50am
Tuesday, Feb. 28
- Morning tutoring 7:20-7:50am
- After school tutoring 3:50-4:50pm
- Environmental Club 3:45-4:45pm in B 13
- HOME JV Softball vs Johnsonville @ SJHS 5:30pm
Wednesday, Mar. 1
Thursday, Mar. 2
- Morning tutoring 7:20-7:50am
- New lunch rotations begin
- Knitting Club 3:45-4:45pm in C 13
- Robotics Team 3:45-4:45 in C 14
- Beta Club 3:40-4:30m in D 13
- HOME JV Boys lacrosse vs NMBHS @ SJHS 6:00pm
Friday, Mar. 3
- Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
- National Employee Appreciation Day
- Morning tutoring 7:20-7:50am
- Chess Club 3:45-5:00pm in A 8
- AWAY JV Girls soccer @ Wando HS 6:00pm
Saturday, Mar. 4
- Saturday tutoring 8:00am-12:30pm
- MathCounts State Competition at Chapin Middle School
Looking Ahead. . .
- Next week - SCA selling bracelets & pins during lunch for MS Awareness
- Wed., 3/8 - School-wide testing
- Thurs., 3/9 - 7th/8th orchestra rehearsal 3:45-5:00pm
- Fri., 3/10 - NHD Regional Competition & Awards
- Mon., 3/13 - Schools are CLOSED
St. James Middle
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