THE's Weekly eBlast
February 12, 2017
Principal Message
We hope that it was a great weekend for you and your family.
We have our Valentine Parties scheduled for Tuesday, February 14th. Thank you to our PTA Room Reps for getting this event organized and planned for the teacher and students. We look forward to celebrating. Don't forget to RSVP to save you and the school time when checking visitors in on the party day. Mrs. Light, front office clerk, can assist you, slight@neisd.net.
Here's to a great week!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Library Corner
Specials Team
Upcoming Events
February 7th and 8th - Early Dismissal 12:40pm - Spring Conferences, Student Led
February 7th - PTA General Meeting 6:30pm -Decorate Cookies with your family
February 8th-21st HEB Bonus Box Top Dates, Box Top Shop Feb. 13th-17th
February 14th- Valentine Parties
Kinder- 9:05-9:50
1st- 11:35-12:20
February 17th- Early Dismissal 12:40pm, Staff Professional Development
February 20th- Student Holiday/Staff Professional Development
February 21st- Stoneridge Chick-fila Eat for A Cause, Many staff members will be present to help make this event exciting (5:30-8:30)
February 28th- RFTH 28 Day Challenge
PTA News
Box Top Shop will be in the Rotunda before school the week of February 13-17.
Shop early while supplies last! We have race car pens, super spy decoder pens, NFL items, jewelry, hacky sacks, and LOTS, LOTS more!
HEB is having Bonus Box Top days starting February 8 so buy 15 Box Top items in one transaction and get 100 BONUS BOX TOPS or buy 10 Bonus Box Top items in one transaction and get 60 BONUS BOX TOPS! Remember each Box Top provides $0.10 to Tuscany Heights so 100 Bonus Box Tops is $10 for the school!
Eat for a Cause - Hey Tigers! We have a win-win opportunity next week with our Eat for the Cause night. Grab a yummy dinner at the Stoneridge Chick-Fil-A on Tuesday 2/21, from 5:30-8:30 pm and 10% of your order will go back to our school! If we purchase over $1000, they will donate 15%. Some of your favorite teachers will be there to greet you. Let’s synergize and makes this a successful night for our school!
Valentine’s Party- February 14th
Please RSVP to slight@neisd.net
Run for the Heights registration contests have ended, but you can still register! The results are being tabulated and will be revealed at announcements this week and in next week's eblast. We are close to hitting our goals and with just one registration per student, we can get there!
28 Day Activity Challenge - Due February 28th
Don't forget to keep doing the 28 day Activity Challenge! Any THE student who is registered and completes 21/28 of the daily challenges will gain exclusive access to the VIP Tiger tent! All forms need to be turned in by February 28th.
Stay tuned reveal of the contest winners soon!
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Run for the Heights Website www.runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link http://www.signup.com/group/35885320036Nurse's News
Nurses News for February 2017
As we move forward to spring through the flu and winter illness season, continue to practice good hygiene to protect you and your family from germs.
Most germs are spread from person to person through the air in sneezes, coughs, or even breaths. Germs can spread through contacting sweat, saliva, and blood. The person to person spread of germs commonly occurs by touching, sneezing, or coughing, . Germs can be found on everyday objects like door knobs, pencils, books and desktops, germs are everywhere!
Steering clear of the things that can spread germs is the best way to protect yourself. Practicing good hygiene like handwashing is an excellent way to reduce exposure! Remember, germs fear and stay clear with “soap and water” use!
Wash your hands before you eat, after using the restroom, when coughing, blowing your nose, playing outside, touching your pets, or visiting with others who are sick.
A good way to be sure that you have done a good job washing your hands is to sing the Happy Birthday song while scrubbing your hands. This length of time is known to kill and rinse away germs.
Also think “Elbow please when you cough or sneeze”. This means coughing into the bend of your elbow instead of your hand. This helps prevent germs from spreading through the air and keeps them off of your hands.
If someone you know has the flu or an illness, try to limit your exposure, do not drink or eat from their food servings. Also, eat good healthy food, brush your teeth after meals, get plenty of rest, exercise daily, visit your doctor and dentist regularly, and be sure to get your shots when needed.
On Another Note
With warmer temperatures, head lice can become more prevalent. Lice can be transmitted by direct contact with someone who has lice. Avoiding exposure is the best way to prevent getting lice. Avoid head to head contact, do not share combs, brushes, hats, caps, hair ribbons, coats, or towels.
In an effort to control any lice outbreaks at T.H.E.,
· Treat your student with appropriate topical medicine only if you see live lice. (Contact the school clinic, your doctor, or pharmacist for questions).
· Thoroughly comb the hair with a fine tooth comb after treating it to remove as many nits (eggs) as possible.
· Discuss with your student how head lice is spread and discourage them from sharing personal items with others.
Prompt and proper treatment of lice will help prevent the spread of, and exposure to, all who come to or attend T.H.E. Campus. Anyone can get head lice.
Thank you for your support! Please call the school clinic if you have any concerns or questions about your student’s health and wellness! (210-407-8221 or 210-407-8203).
Community Education Opportunities
KIDS’ Camp – February 20
It's Presidents Day and the kids are out of school! Drop them off with us and allow them to enjoy a one-day camp full of adventures to kick off the new year. View our Flyer!
Camp Location: Piper Bass Student Center, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Road, 78205
Camp Hours: 7:30am-6:30pm
Camp Date: Monday, February 20, 2017
Cost: $50.00 with a $5.00 non-refundable registration fee.
- 15% sibling discount applicable prior to payment, please contact 210-407-0149
Online registration/payment is due February 15, 2017 in order to attend/secure a spot at camp.
First time campers must submit student permission form via email to mlozan23@neisd.net or via fax to 210-657-8612. Campers will need to bring a sack lunch. A morning/afternoon snack will be provided as well as a field trip to Altitude Trampoline Park. For all other information please contact Dolores Lozano at 210-407-0149.
Community Education Classes – Reagan Cluster
NEISD Community Education is coming to a school near you! Whether you are interested in painting or money management, we have a class for you. We have placed a variety of classes around the district so you can conveniently fit them into your schedule. Rather than driving across town, here are the classes offered at your nearest surrounding schools. Looking for something that isn’t offered in your area?
Visit https://communityed.neisd.net—our online catalog contains a full listing of our classes.
Tejeda Feist Chairs- Tejeda’s History Hill and Olive Orchard will benefit!
Are you interested in going to Fiesta? Tejeda is selling seats for both the Battle of Flowers Parade (Friday, April 28 at 12:45 PM) and Fiesta Flambeau (Saturday, April 29 at 6:30).
Our bank of seats are located at the intersection of Navarro and Commerce.
TICKETS ARE CURRENTLY ON SALE! Below is a listing of the tickets that are still available for purchase.
Battle of Flowers Parade - Friday
2nd and 3rd Row
Fiesta Flambeau Parade – Saturday
3rd Row
Please email Randy Guzman at rguzma@neisd.net if you are interested in purchasing tickets for $12 each. PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN YOUR EMAIL: YOUR NAME,CONTACT INFORMATION, NAME OF PARADE & NUMBER OF TICKETS. At that time, I will secure seats for you. I will send you a confirmation email, including when your tickets will be available for pick-up in the main office. Once you receive your confirmation email, you will need to see Irene Cantu in the Tejeda Middle School main school office to pay for and pick up your tickets as soon as possible. We will accept ONLY CASH or MONEY ORDERS for tickets, NO checks or credit cards. Due to high demand for tickets, we will only be able to hold them for you for one day. After that, we will release them to be sold to others.
The tickets will also be listed on the Fiesta web page, for sale to the public. They will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.