Discovery Primary Update
September 6, 2019
Letter From the Principal
Dear Parents,
This has been an incredible start to the new school year. We welcomed back many 1st graders from last year as well as new kindergarten and 1st grade friends. We opened school with 15 kindergarten classes, 13 1st grade classes, and 8 special education classrooms Preschool - Third grade. Most of our students came to us with big smiles and a few came to us a little worried about starting the adventure of school. Hopefully they are all starting to feel great about school. We will spend time during the month of September getting to know our students and orienting them to our school expectations. We have intentionally ensured that there are fun activities, time for play and exploration. We have a large staff of dedicated teachers and support staff who all work together making Discovery a great place to learn and grow. Please help me welcome the following people to the Discovery team:
* Kelsey George, Counselor
*Christine Conn, Speech Therapy
*Courtney King - Physical Therapist
*Diana Busch - Nurse
*Manpreet Brar - Psychology Intern
We are all working hard learning the things we need to know and developing happy friendships. We hope you are enjoying this exciting time in your child’s life. Please know the doors at Discovery Primary are always open to parents. Open communication helps us develop a positive successful experience for your child. Feel free to drop in to introduce yourself or to discuss important matters with me. In the event that I have something else scheduled during the time you drop by, I will be happy to make an appointment with you for a later time.
I plan to send out a monthly newsletter to inform parents of school activities. You should also expect a regular newsletter from your child's teacher. Following this newsletter, look for a school newsletter the last school day of each month.
Here's to a FABULOUS school year!
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Principal Bartlett Welcomes back First Graders
Time for Working
Time for Playing
Important Reminders
- Student Transportation changes must be called into the office by 2:30 pm.
- When visiting Discovery during the school day or picking up your child, sign in at the office before going to the classrooms.
- If your child borrowed clothing from the nurse’s office, please wash the garments and return them to the school office.
- Your child should be fever free for 24 hours before they return to school.
Rights and Responsibilities
The annual Rights and Responsibilities Handbook will be changing from a hard-copy version to an electronic format. The handbook has many of the required annual notifications to our parents and community. The handbook is accessible and can be updated when there are changes in policies or procedures. The link to the handbook includes:
Directory Information
Annual Chemical Notification and
Electronic Systems User Agreement
If you desire a hard copy of the handbook, copies will be available at the school for your convenience.
Rights and Responsibilities 2019-2020
Family Fun Night - Welcome Back to School
Come join us for Under the Sea Festivities.
- Food Trucks
- Games
- Activities
Great Opportunity to meet FRIENDS
5:30 - 7:00 September 19
*** Parking is available in the Discovery Parking lot, Endeavour Parking Lot, and there will be a shuttle from Faith Family Church for overflow parking.
Entry Fee- Free!!!
Welcome to the Den!
The Discovery Library is often called THE DEN. Teddy Bears, Lyle and Lilly, are the special bears that live in the clubhouse in The Den. Mrs. Berg, Literacy Specialist and Mrs. Crout, Library Systems Educational Assistant use Lyle and Lilly to reinforce Library skills, school events and Connections concepts. Connections is what Discovery calls its Social Studies curriculum.
Students come to The Den on a five day rotation schedule. At the start of each school year, first grade students review Kelso’s choices (problem solving curriculum) and the responsibilities and process for book check out. After that review, usually early in October, first graders check out their first book to bring home. The student selects the book, so most need to be read by an adult. Kindergarten students will begin check out in January.
Read & Lead is our at home reading practice program that first grade starts in October and kindergarten after November conferences. Those books are selected for the student based on their reading level and should be read by the student to an adult. Read and Lead books can be returned daily. A library book will have the due date stamped on a white sticker on the front or back book cover. If the book is returned by that date, another book is selected on your class check out day.
Upcoming Events
September 9 - Late Start Monday (school starts at 10:20AM)
September 10 PTO Meeting (6:30)
September 11 - First Full day for all students
September 16 - Late Start Monday (school starts at 10:20AM)
September 17- 19 DIBELS Reading Assessment
September 19 - PTO Family Night "Under the Sea" 5:30-7:00
September 23 - Late Start Monday (school starts at 10:20AM)
September 25 - 26 School Pictures (Schedules will be sent home from your child's teacher)
Medications At School
State law requires that all medications, even cough drops, must have a signed doctor’s order to allow the staff to administer the medication. All medication must remain locked in the nurse’s office. Students cannot carry medicine with them at school. If you have any questions, please call and talk with our nursing staff.
Discovery's Attendance Policy
When your child is going to be absent from school, please contact the school office at 517-1200. For the safety of your child, if we do not hear from you the morning of the absence, we will have the automated caller contact you. This call goes out around 10:00 AM every morning. Please send a note to the teacher the day following the absence is you haven’t called.
Absences are excused for illness, family emergency and legal appearances in court. Absences because of vacations or other family activities must be approved ahead of time by Mrs.
Bartlett, in order to be excused.
If your child is going to be late because of a doctor or dentist appointment, please notify the office. This will eliminate unnecessary phone calls and the late arrival will be excused when the student arrives with a note from the doctor or dentist. Because late arrivals are so disruptive to instruction, every 6 unexcused tardies will become an unexcused absence and BECCA procedures may be implemented.
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Location: 1205 Milton Way, Milton, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1200