Sheldon Update
Sheldon's Weekly Family Newsletter - 12.4.23
Welcome from Mrs. Tanner
Dear Sheldon Families,
Happy Monday! Reminder that Friday, December 15th is the last day of school for this semester. We will welcome students back for the new year on Thursday, January 4th. Now that winter weather is upon us, please be sure to send students in weather appropriate clothing. Per district policy, we will go outside if the wind chill is above 20 degrees.
Click here to access the 2023-2024 Family Handbook.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me!
Thank you for the privilege of serving you ~
Mrs. Gabrielle Tanner, Principal
New Proposed Head Start Performance Standards - Comment Period Open
The Office of Head Start is proposing changes to the Head Start Performance Standards, which are the set of regulations that programs are held accountable to. On November 20, 2023, the proposed standards were released and are open for public comment for 60 days. The comment period closes on January 19, 2024 and a determination on whether to implement these changes will be made after that date. You may click this link to read the proposed standards and access several items, including documents and webinars, that make these changes clear.
Upcoming Events
December Events
December 5: StoryTime with Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library
December 7: StoryTime with Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library
December 13: Policy Council @ 11:30 on Zoom
December 15: End of the 2nd Quarter
December 18-29: NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
School Information
Sheldon Shirts
All students should have received their blue Sheldon Sharks t-shirt. If they haven't, expect to see them in backpacks this week. We encourage students to join us in wearing their Sheldon shirt EVERY FRIDAY of the school year!
School Day Hours
Monday through Thursday: 9:15 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Arrival begins: 9:15 a.m.
Arrival ends: 9:30 a.m. (students will be considered tardy after 9:35 a.m.)
Dismissal begins: 3:45 p.m.
Dismissal ends: 4:00 p.m. (all students must be picked up by 4:00 p.m.)
Late Start Fridays (every Friday): 10:15 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Arrival begins: 10:15 a.m.
Arrival ends: 10:30 a.m. (students will be considered tardy after 10:35 a.m.)
Dismissal begins: 3:45 p.m.
Dismissal ends: 4:00 p.m. (all students must be picked up by 4:00 p.m.)
Late Start Friday
Late Start is on FRIDAYS for this school year and the arrival time will be at 10:15.
Time to Eat!
Important Information
Know the Facts - Protect Your Child From Lead Exposure
Exposure to even small amounts of lead can harm your child. Children younger than 6 years of age are most vulnerable to lead poisoning. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, lead can harm your baby. Click this link for fact sheets and more information that can help you protect your child from lead exposure.
TPS 2023-2024 Academic Calendar
Sheldon Head Start follows the Topeka Public Schools Academic Calendar.
Policy & Procedure Review
Each week the Sheldon staff reviews one of our Head Start Policies & Procedures and felt it was important that families stay up to date on these as well. This quarter our focus is on Mental Health, Child Development & Education, Disability. If you ever have any questions regarding our policies and procedures, please reach out!
Integration of Health/Safety/Wellness In Curriculum
Staff will model, demonstrate and provide activities that encourage positive health, safety, dental and nutritional practices on a daily basis. This policy relates to Head Start Performance Standards 45 CFR Part 1304.21 (iii), 1304.40 (c)
1. Staff will model and include routine health practices (i.e. hand washing, tooth brushing, regular exercise) into their daily activities.
2. Activities in Personal Health, Nutrition, Safety, and Mental Health will be planned for and clearly documented in lesson plans. Each area should be covered at least weekly.
3. Plan activities to develop safety awareness in the program, home and community.
4. Create learning activities and experiences for children and parents that promote a positive self-concept.
5. Talk to children about visiting the doctor and dentist. Have related books, puzzles, and dramatic play opportunities available.
6. Discuss good nutrition and plan activities and cooking experiences.
7. Serve a variety of nutritious foods and include children in preparation and serving as developmentally appropriate.
8. Utilize the Health and Nutrition Service Coordinators, program consultants and resources in obtaining information and assistance with integrating and promoting health into the classroom activities.
Community Resources
Free Mental Health Screenings
Valeo is offering free mental health screenings.
Topeka Resources Checklist
Community Resources Council Directory
If in need of resources, you can also contact the United Way by dialing 211.
Sheldon Head Start Child Development Center
Website: https://sheldon.topekapublicschools.net/
Location: 1155 SW Seabrook Ave.
Phone: 785-438-4530
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SheldonChildDevelopmentCenterHeadStart