February 9, 2024
Hawkins Elementary
Chris McAuliffe - Principal
Address: 8900 Lee Road, Brighton, MI 48116
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/52
Bell Schedule
First Bell: 9:00 AM
Second Bell: 9:05 AM
Dismissal Time: Begins at 3:55 PM (Final Bell 3:57)
2/19/24 - NO SCHOOL
2/20 - 2/23 - Kindness Week
3/11/24 - NO SCHOOL
3/25 - 3/29 - NO SCHOOL Spring Break (School resumes on 4/1)
5/27 - Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
6/12 - Last Day of School
Time is running out! The deadline to order a Hawkins Yearbook is TODAY FEBRUARY 9TH!! Don't miss out. There’s nothing else like your school yearbook. Get your hands on the limited edition collection of stories and photos from the school year. Share it with your friends and hang on to it for years to come. Yearbooks can be purchased at http://www.jostens.com/apps/jcom/router.mvc?code=YRBK&affiliateId=1082223. A payment plan is available at checkout. We cannot guarantee a yearbook unless you preorder. If you are unsure if you ordered, please check here https://www.jostens.com/customer-service/yearbook-order-tracking
From the Principal
Happy Friday Hawkins,
I just can’t believe this gorgeous weather. I might actually get some outside chores done this weekend. Looking at the calendar it does not seem possible that Valentine’s Day is next week. Please check with your teachers to make sure you know all the plans for your child’s class. Kindergarten Roundup is coming up on February 21st from 6:30-8:00 pm. Please reach out to any interested families you know. We had an amazing performance from the Maltby 6 grade musical, “Snow Biz”. They performed for our 4th graders and siblings of those in the show. I was so impressed by the quality of this performance and proud to see so many of our Hawkins Alumni in the show. Have a great weekend everyone, enjoy the sunshine.
Mr. McAuliffe
Strategic Plan Survey Link for Parents
The following is a video update on district security and this year's district feedback survey. Specifically, the safety/security portion will update families, staff and students about the recent third party security review and recommendations. Towards the end, Dr. Outlaw will also mention the district Strategic Plan Survey that will open for parents through the end of the month. Thank you all for your time and partnership.
Safety/Security and Survey Video Update from Dr. Outlaw
Scout's Retirement
Kindness Week February 20-23
Brighton Area Schools will be celebrating Kindness Week February 20th - 23rd. Hawkins classrooms will be participating in activities that promote kindness in our school and community. Additionally, there is a t-shirt fundraiser that will give back to Hawkins PTO. Shirts can be purchased through this link:
Parents of Incoming Maltby 5th Graders
- Parents of Incoming Maltby 5th Graders
- Wednesday, March 6th, 2023 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm
- Maltby Gymnasium
Please plan on joining us for our parent orientation where we will be presenting information on scheduling, curriculum, Encore classes, lockers, lunch, bussing, and much, much more!!
The presentation will begin at 6:30 pm in the gymnasium and the building will be open for tours afterwards. Please plan on joining us if you can – we are excited to meet our new Maltby Parents!
· Please note – this presentation is for parents, not students…our space limitations will not permit us to have our student population in attendance. Never fear, our incoming Bullpups will have a chance to tour the building and have their questions answered in June!!
We hope to see you there!
Maltby Intermediate School
Medication Including Over the Counter
A quick reminder about the board policy regarding medication: All medication including over-the-counter medication (i.e. Tylenol, Motrin, TUMS, cough drops, etc.) must have a MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION FORM. This form requires both the parent's and the medical provider's signature. Without both signatures, we cannot give medication to your student. Also, the school cannot provide this medication. You must supply this medication for your student. The clinic does not have extra. This comes from board policy found here: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/2615
Cold Weather Gear
The cold Michigan weather has arrived! Please make sure your child comes to school dressed for the weather. That includes coats, gloves, hats, and snow boots (if there is snow accumulation on the ground). Hawkins does not have extra gear to loan out. We appreciate your help!
Just In Case Clothes
Please make sure your child has an extra set of clothes in their backpack and/or locker in case of accidents or emergencies (i.e. bathroom accidents, playground mishaps, lunchroom spills, ripped or torn clothes, etc.). We do not have extra clothes to lend out. An extra set here at school saves parents an extra trip to Hawkins during the school day. We appreciate your help!!!
Parent Connect
Parent Connect a web-based application that allow parents/guardians to view information for your child's current school year. Logging into Parent Connect will enable you to see your child's placement (date to be determined), report card, and lunch account. In addition, parents/guardians can add or change emergency contacts. Please click on the link for more information.
Parent Connect Reported Absences
A new feature in Parent Connect will allow you to enter your student’s absence. Simply log into parent connect and click on the link Report Absence. The Report Absence link will open a screen for you to complete. If you have more than one student check the name of the student for whom an absence is being submitted. Add the applicable dates. If you check the All Day flag attendance will be submitted for the am and pm periods. If you do not check the All Day flag times must be entered and attendance will be submitted for whichever periods meet during the time range (based on period schedule).
Reporting An Absence on the Attendance Line
If your child is going to be absent, please call the Hawkins attendance Line (810-299-3900 then press 2). Please state your child's name, teacher, date of absence and reason for the absence (type of illness, doctor appointment, vacation etc). If your child has been diagnosed with a specific ailment (COVID, strep throat, pink eye, influenza, chicken pox) please state that in the voicemail message. If your child has not been diagnosed with a specific ailment but is having specific symptoms please let us know the symptoms your child is experiencing. Hawkins appreciates your help!
Email, Phone Number, and Address Changes
If you need to change a contact phone number or email address you can do so through Parent. Connect at https://www.brightonk12.com/Page/144
If you do not know your Parent Connect login information, please follow the instructions on the Brighton Area Schools website.
PLEASE NOTE: Address changes CANNOT be completed through Parent Connect. Address changes must be completed by filling out a change of address form along with 3 copies of proof of residency. Details are listed on the change of address form which is available by clicking on the link below. Since in person drop off is not an option at this time, forms can be scanned and emailed to samanij@brightonk12.com