The DB Beat
September 15, 2023
- September 18 - No School, Staff PD Day
- September 26 - 5th Grade Band Rental Night, 5:00-7:30 PM (details below)
- October 6 - Early Dismissal, Homecoming
- October 11 - 5th Grade Bingo & Books, 1:30-2:30 PM
- October 12 - 4th Grade Bingo & Books, 1:30-2:30 PM
- October 13 - 3rd Grade Bingo & Books, 1:30-2:30 PM
Permission slips are in today's Friday folders and are due back by Tuesday, September 26.
MAP Reading Fluency
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requires all Missouri school districts to assess students using a state approved reading assessment. The Boonville R-1 School District uses the MAP® Reading Fluency™ test from NWEA®. MAP Reading Fluency is a computer-based test that measures beginning reader skills, like letter and word knowledge, and it measures oral reading for children who are ready. We use these results to better understand your child’s individual needs and help them progress as readers. This information helps us make decisions about small group instruction, Title I support, and daily intervention time.
MAP Reading Fluency tests are unique in that they adapt to your child’s skill level. If your child demonstrates readiness, they move to more challenging sections of the test. If they struggle with one section, the next questions will be easier. MAP Reading Fluency takes about 20 minutes, features an encouraging, friendly character, and is age appropriate for young students.
Since MAP Reading Fluency provides immediate and accurate information about your child’s reading, it’s easy for teachers to identify students with similar scores who are generally ready for instruction in similar skills and topics, and then plan instruction accordingly.
We are truly excited to focus on your child’s individual growth and reading achievement. For more information about MAP Reading Fluency, visit:
If you already own a band instrument, please bring it to school so we can check it to ensure that it is in good playing condition. Instruments in good working condition are essential for students to have a positive experience and to be successful. If your instrument is in need of repair, you may bring it to the rental night on September 26 anytime between 5:00-7:30 PM. We will send information about signing up for a time slot soon. Lincoln County Music offers an excellent repair service. Morrison Music in Columbia is also a trusted source for repair and rentals.
It is not a requirement to rent or purchase from Lincoln County Music Supply. They are here to provide a service to Boonville families by bringing their store to David Barton for an evening. We do trust them as a company and the quality products and service they provide. Let us know if you have any questions.
Instrument Rental, Purchase or Repair
Lincoln County Music
Morrison Music
We are looking for gently used clothing you would be willing to donate to use in the Nurse's office in case students have mishaps at school like spilling something on themselves at lunch, getting a hole in them at recess, etc. If you have good condition items you are willing to part with, please send with your student or bring them to the nurse's office. We are in need of tops (long and short sleeve) and bottoms (shorts and pants) in KID'S SIZES, please. Extra or unusable items will be taken to Savvy Seconds.
Thank you!
Nurse Lainey
- All Kindergarten through 8th Grade students in the Boonville School District will receive free lunch and breakfast.
- Lunch menus will be sent home in Friday folders. They are also available on the DB website, and on the DB Facebook page.
Kim Walker, Principal
Laurie Painter, Asst. Principal
DB Office
Administrative Assistants
Michelle Nickerson
Clara Asher
David Barton Elementary School
Location: 814 Locust Street, Boonville, MO, USA
Phone: 660-882-6527