Let's Chat - An nou Pale
with Yveline Alexandre, Founder of Autism 509
Autism: Inclusion & Hope for the future
Yveline Alexandre, Founder of Autism 509
We welcome you to our "Let's Chat - An nou pale" series on Facebook Live. Join myself and Yveline Alexandre, parent of Alizee St-Louis and founder of Autism 509 as we chat about the possibilities for families as they embrace their very unique journey with Autism.
Nou akeyi w pou w okouran seri "Ann Chat - An nou pale" nou an sou Facebook Live. Jwen ak nou, ak Yveline Alexandre, paran Alizee St-Louis ak fondatè Autism 509 pandan n ap pale sou posiblite pou fanmi yo pandan y ap anbrase vwayaj inik yo ak Autism.
Jeanne Petit, Parent Training Coordinator
Jeanne Petit is our Parent Trainer, she will present our workshops and programs to our Creole-speaking families. Jeanne has over 15 years of experience with all aspects of disability from diagnosis, inclusion and living independently, and more ... Jeanne’s personal experience along with a multicultural approach to seeking solutions helps her become an involved, innovative, parenting parent. seek out resources along with members of her community.
Email: jpetit@fndfl.org
Website: fndusa.org
Phone: 800-825-5736
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FNDPEN/
Twitter: @PENPTI