Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 10 May 2021
Dear Lord,
We pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all the women who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life.
2021 Important Dates
Week 4:
Fri May 14: Y6 Performance Assembly 2.00pm
Week 5: (NAPLAN continues Y3,5)
Tue May 18: Book Fair
Wed May 18: Book Fair / Wheelie, Walkie, Waste-Free Weds / School Advisory Council Mtg
Fri May 21: General Assembly 2.10pm / Dance for Sick Kids Fundraiser (gold coin)
Week 6:
Tue May 25: Eucharist Parent-Child Workshop 5.30pm
Wed May 26: Wheelie, Walkie, Waste-Free Weds / 11am Whole School Sorry Photo
Fri May 28: Bishop Visit / National Sorry Day Assembly / Bogan Bingo
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Mother’s Day
Hopefully all our mums, grandmas, adoptive mums and family care mums had a wonderful day last Sunday. Congratulations to our happy and hardworking Pre Primary mums on creating the many huge bunches of flowers to make others happy. This was a large fundraiser for our school so thank you very much to all involved. A few giving mums brought so much joy to many others.
MJR (Making Jesus Real)
Is incorporated into our everyday life at OLC using basic manners, a positive attitude, showing tolerance towards others, giving time for reflection, and using encouraging language to highlight the behaviors, values and attitudes that we want to see in our students.
Thank you to our generous P&F that have provided funds to allow us to place various MJR signs in the quadrangle area in front of the year two rooms.
Sustainability Updates
We have been selling Worm Wizz and our free-range eggs after assembly on Fridays. The Worm Wizz is the best organic fertilizer on the market and a fraction of the price that you pay commercially. It is best used with one litre of WW to ten litres of water. We have currently raised $173.50 and all funds raised go to “Wheelchairs for Kids”. Every $200 raised creates a new wheelchair for a child in a third world country. Keep up the great work to our year 6 Environment committee.
Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
We are still working through the many hours of work and legislation to commence our OSHC. We are currently looking forward to being able to commence on December 19 with holiday care. Thank you to everyone who responded to the earlier surveys.
No Dogs
Last week there was an incident on school grounds with a large dog and one of our younger students. We have been advised that dogs are now unfortunately not permitted on school grounds. (Wilko our care dog is an exception to this rule).
A new puppy on a lead for show and tell is totally fine.
Believe Academy
This week, Jack Eades from the “Believe Academy” is working with our students during their PE sessions. He has the ability to rapidly build their soccer skills, become team players, be humble, respectful and honest. It is great that our students have this reinforced by another voice and an elite sportsperson.
Candle Stall Initiative
Georgia Breheny from our year 6 class sold her homemade candles before and after school last week in the lead up to Mother’s Day. Georgia offered to sell the candles with all profits going to Project Compassion and a local family in need. They say giving people in life are the happiest. No wonder Georgia is the most balanced, beautiful and happy person. Outstanding effort Georgia.
Building Update
Next Tuesday a panel from CEWA will be visiting our school to assess our needs compared to other schools applying for funding. We are hoping for $2.6 million dollars to be approved in federal Govt grants and Low Interest Loans (LIL). We want to be able to construct two new classrooms on the oval side of the school along with enlarging and remodeling our early years general learning areas. We will hopefully find out if we are successful before the end of term three.
Parent Survey
Thank you to the many families that have already completed the CEWA online survey. It will provide us with valuable data for future planning for our great school. All students and staff will also be completing the retrospective surveys. The closing date for the survey is 21 May.
New families
We are happy to welcome another two new students this week, King in Year 3L and Marlo in PPL. Please make our new family most welcome.
Did you know
- Chloe Halloran (5H) runs to choir practice on Tuesday morning with a smile on her face.
- It was Duke Kirby’s (2M) birthday last Friday.
- Finn Jordanoff, Darcy Gee, James Dwyer and Oscar T (2) have all been convicted of using good manners.
- Nixon Pace (2W) helps his dad wash the car because he loves him.
- We had 64 students absent on Monday.
- Clancy Duffield’s (3) footy team won by a point on Saturday morning.
- Miss McFarlane usually plays with the Kindy and Pre-primary students when she is on duty.
- Lakey Thompson (4Dan) is a talented songwriter who writes inspiring music in a special gold book.
- Joshua Phipps and Alex Polain helped Mr Lee do lots of jobs last Tuesday.
- Shakespeare invented 1700 words. Matlida Richardson invented “Trifficult”, a cross between tricky and difficult. She created this word when nominating Freda Whitley for a MJR nomination last week.
- Martha Scanlon and Kelley Riley (PP) display excellent manners when they come into the office to collect note bags.
- Mrs Derickx empties the staff tea bags into the school worm farms.
- Beau Butterly (PPB) was skiing on spades through puddles last week.
- One bolt of lightning contains enough energy to toast 100,000 pieces of toast.
- Taylah (PP) can go across 5 of the 6 hoops on the monkey bars.
- Liam (K) swiftly pulled in to fill his bike with fuel and then quickly came back onto the kindy freeway.
- Watching mums smiling and laughing while they were making bouquets of flowers last Friday.
- Watching happy children all eating their lunch, chatting and laughing and talking to their friends.
- Listening to and watching two very well brought up children Martha Scanlan and Kelley Riley (PP) speaking to Mrs. Marrell in the office.
Mum Speak
Depending on when you were born, you may relate to some of the following ten things that you too may have learnt from your mum!
To appreciate a job well done- If you are going to kill each other, do it outside. I've just finished cleaning.
Religion- You had better pray that stain will come out of the carpet.
Justice- When you have kids, I hope they turn out just like you.
Logic- Because I said no, that’s why!
Humour- When you fall and break your leg, don’t come running to me.
Foresight- Make sure you wear clean underwear in case you’re in an accident.
Irony- Keep crying and I will give you something to cry about.
Weather- This room looks like a cyclone went through it.
Wisdom- When you get to my age you’ll understand.
Medical Science- Don't sit that close to the TV or you will end up with square eyes.
ATTENTION ALL FAMILIES- Dance For Sick Kids Fundraiser
ATTENTION ALL FAMILIES- Dance For Sick Kids Fundraiser
Hello K-6 Families! Next Friday, 21st May all students will be Dancing for Sick Kids! Please bring a gold coin donation to school on Friday to raise money for this incredible Charity.
All funds raised will help seriously ill or injured children and their families by providing a home-away-from-home at Ronald McDonald House, whilst they receive critical care and treatment.
On average, it costs Ronald McDonald House Charities $160 to support a family for one night, so please give what you can, every dollar counts.
Please see our OLC Fundraising page for further information and any additional donations:
Thank you for helping me make a difference!
Mrs Haines
Help an OLC Family
Dear OLC Community,
Thank you for your efforts alongside that of our Dunsborough community to support the Clift family following the sudden passing of Dave earlier this year. So far, we have raised a massive $12,335 of our $50,000 goal! Amazing effort! If you are able, even if in a small way to contribute to this Go Fund Me Campaign and share it on your social media platforms, Annemarie and the children would be forever grateful. With many thanks and blessings
RE Updates
OLC Celebrates National Sorry Day – Bring a T Shirt!
Wednesday the 26th May marks National Sorry Day and Thursday the 27th marks the beginning of National Reconciliation Week. These are important dates for us to acknowledge as we work toward harmony and intercultural understanding as a nation.
The theme for Reconciliation week this year is: More than a word … Reconciliation takes action. Considering this theme, we are planning on conducting a whole school event involving all OLC students, and parents are asked dress their child with either a black, red or yellow T shirt (any shade or hue is fine) and black sports shorts on the day of Wednesday 26th May. This might not mean buying a T-Shirt – school sports shirts for Meelup and Leeuwin could be worn, or any T’s you already have at home which are predominantly one of these colours will be fine. Stay tuned to our Social Media platforms during Reconciliation Week to see the fruits of out labours!
Below please see a request from Fr Francis:
Challenge Academy Quilt Raffle
We are having a raffle to raise money for our next project which is Sustainability-Recycle, Reuse and Repurpose.
Tickets are 50c each or 3 for $1.
WHEN: Week 5: Wednesday 19th May, Thursday 20th May
Week 6: Wednesday 26th May, Thursday 27th May
WHERE: Outside 6R classroom.
Raffle drawn in Week 7: Wednesday 2nd June.
Winners will receive their quilt.
News from the P&F
The P&F Committee would like to thank all the parents, friends, and especially the Class Reps of OLC for the amazing contributions you make towards school activities, events and fundraisers.
From buying a sausage at a Sports Day, purchasing a couple of raffle tickets, attending a P&F event, or giving your time to help that event actually happen, your contribution allows the P&F Committee to contribute money to the school in areas that are identified through a consultation process with staff and administrators. The contribution this year was in the vicinity of $25,000 (list below) that comes about through the P&F school-fee levy and the events that are put on through the amazing volunteers we have at OLC. The events also aim to create a culture of fun, inclusion and community within the school.
In addition to the list below, the P&F, in conjunction with the Bendigo Bank and the Lions Club of Dunsborough also paid for the solar panels, that were in the vicinity of $27,000. Please support these wonderful institutions if you can and be sure to mention OLC!
The list below has been approved for Eugene to get shopping!
Wood Raffle Tickets available from School Office or head on down to Coles Shopping Centre on Saturday!
Behind the scenes: Bogan Bingo
What does it mean to be a bogan in 2021?
The definition is debateable in this modern age when mullets are once again rife, but if you need some old school inspiration – it is difficult to go past Eric Bana as the classic “Poida”.
Bogan Bingo is the P&F’s major fundraiser for 2021, with the team hoping to raise over $10,000 to kick start an upgrade to the senior playground.
More details will be released about the upgrade soon, with some incredible ideas for a creative, nature-based play area on the hill currently being developed.
Planning for Bogan Bingo began last year, with the six members of the P&F dusting off their flannos and combining their skills to ensure the event’s success.
The dedicated team have been working tirelessly to secure sponsorship and gather donations, approaching over 100 local businesses. The incredible result is testimony to the generosity and support from the local community.
Major sponsors for the event include Amelia Park Wines, Eagle Bay Brewing Co and Shelter Brewing Co.
The night will be run by a professional Bogan Bingo team (it is a real thing, we promise!) from Perth, and will include a series of raffles and a huge silent auction.
Some of the amazing prizes on offer include:
· A $700 Aravina Estate lunch package
· A $430 Rottnest cruise wine and dine
· Pullman Resorts Bunker Bay Accommodation
· A $500 Yarri Package - Baywest Blinds, Yarri and Snake and Herring Wines
· A Kids’ Adventure Package - whale watching, fishing, surfing
· A Mums Pamper Package
While being a major fundraising event, Bogan Bingo will also provide a great opportunity for our OLC families to catch up, socialise and have a good laugh at the guaranteed high calibre of fashion on show.
Rumour has it, the competition for best dressed bogan will be fierce as some parents have been preparing their outfits for months…
Limited tickets remain, so be quick to click here and grab yours today.
We really need to give a special shout out to all the local businesses who have jumped on board this year and thrown massive support
behind the Bogan Bingo Event. Without these businesses the event would simply not happen so we say a huge THANK YOU to these sponsors:
We hope all of our amazing OLC Mum's had a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday.
Thank you so much to Pre Primary and La Myrtle Style House for organising the Mother's Day Flowers. It was such a big effort by all those involved and we really appreciate it. On top of having our houses full of gorgeous flowers, the Pre-Primary Fundraiser has made an incredible
contribution to this year's Fundraising efforts. Well done to all those who contributed but special mention to Gemma La Franchi (La Myrtle Style House), Tegan Patterson, Jamie Riley, Kim Archer, Kelly Sweet, Lucy McKay, Michelle Hughes, Sophie Scanlon, Annie Mussell, Bec Rechichi, Lana Halloran and Jodie Barton.
Thank you!
(Remember to click on the images to enlarge)
The School Survey is a way for parents to have their say about what they would like to see in the school, what issues they have identified and where they would like to see money spent etc.
We are keen for as many parents as possible to jump on and complete this confidential survey so we can gather the strongest version of what we collectively want to see for OLC moving forward.
Please grab a coffee and have your say by heading to the site below ASAP as we only have until May 21 to have it completed.
Thank you
www.NSIPartnerships.com.au CODE: OLCPACS
Head Lice Treatment
With the prevalance of nits coming and going at the school, here is some more information that one of our parents has found helpful.
Nit treating service (run by a mum and daughter team).
They are also mobile and can come to you
The products they sell are all natural.
They have done a fabulous video on how to debut properly.
Also this is a FAB!!!! free EBOOK on their website
Mackillop High Tea
Book your table now for the Kimberley High Tea
Don't forget to grab your tickets now for the Kimberley High Tea on Saturday 15 May, 2:30 - 4:30pm.
Book a table of ten for you and your friends, or simply purchase a ticket for $20 and join us for an enjoyable afternoon. There will be a silent auction, raffle and door prizes, plus a special prize for the 'best dressed'.
Local businesses have generously donated lots of fabulous auction items and raffle prizes, so there are plenty of opportunities to take home something special. Delicious treats with your cuppa and good company - plus all proceeds will go to support the remote school communities which our Kimberly Immersion students will be visiting at the end of June.
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/