Fox Ridge News
CUSD 303 Early Childhood Department
November 2, 2022
Upcoming Dates
- TUES, Nov 1: Playgroups
- MON, NOV 7: No School (School Improvement Day)
- TUE, NOV 8: No School (Election Day)
- MON, NOV 21 - FRI, NOV 25: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
- WED, NOV 30: Early Release Day
AM classes DISMISS EARLY at 11:05 am
If your child rides the bus home from our morning session, drop off at your home or child care will be 25 minutes early.
PM classes START EARLY at 12:05 pm DISMISS EARLY at 2:10 pm
If your child rides the bus to school for our afternoon session, pick up will be 25 minutes early from your home or child care and the bus at the end of the day from Fox Ridge will drop off 50 minutes earlier.
Creative Curriculum
We use Creative Curriculum for Preschool at Fox Ridge in a structured play-based environment. It one way our teams at Fox Ridge support the whole child across all areas of development. Creative Curriculum aligned with the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards, which provide expectations for growth, development, and learning during the preschool years (age 3 until Kindergarten enrollment age).
Classroom environment:
The classroom environment is uniquely suited to the way preschoolers learn. Some highlights:
Intentional, meaningful learning experiences
Builds on the prior knowledge of each student
Facilitates active engagement in self-directed learning experiences.
Developmental Domains:
Social-Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, Language, Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, Science & Technology, The Arts
*English Language Acquisition is included for our learners who are learning English
Our classroom teachers use GOLD, a Creative Curriculum assessment process, to determine how each child is progressing in demonstrating developmentally appropriate milestones. Using this information helps our teaching teams design responsive classroom practices and individualize instruction. The assessment is authentic and observation-based. This means our teams are observing a child during daily interactions and experiences for the purpose of determining next steps to promote further learning and development.
From Nurse Sherry and Nurse Jackie
Dear Fox Ridge Families,
The peak of the cold and flu season is upon us! Recently, the nurses in District 303 have been caring for a number of students experiencing fevers and other cold-like symptoms. We are also aware that some students are absent from school because they have been diagnosed with the flu and other respiratory illnesses. Preventative measures remain the most effective way to reduce the spread of influenza and other viral illnesses.
Students who present to the Health Office with a fever and/or feeling poorly are sent home. To prevent widespread illness in school, we recommend that your child stay home from school if experiencing flu or cold symptoms. To decide whether or not to send your child to school, please consider the following guidelines:
CONSIDER KEEPING YOUR CHILD AT HOME for an extra day of rest and observation if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
Very stuffy or runny nose and/or cough
Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep or COVID)
Mild stomach ache
DEFINITELY KEEP YOUR CHILD AT HOME for treatment and observation if he or she has any of these symptoms:
Fever (greater than 100 degrees)
Vomiting (even once)
General malaise or feelings of fatigue
Frequent congested (wet) or croupy cough
Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
TO HELP PREVENT THE FLU AND OTHER COLDS, teach your children good hygiene habits:
Wash hands frequently
Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth
Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, use a paper tissue, throw it away and then wash hands
Avoid close contact with people who are ill
Colds and viruses are the most contagious during the first 48 hours. A child who has a fever should remain at home until "fever free" and for a minimum of 24 hours. A child who has started antibiotics needs to be on medication for at least 24 hours before he/she is considered non-contagious and able to return to school. Keeping your ill child at home will minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom!
Thank you in advance for helping make this year at school as healthy as possible.
Art by Fox Ridge Students
Fox Ridge Early Childhood Center
Location: 1905 East Tyler Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2400