MTMS Wolf Wire
September 28, 2023
Important Dates
Football -
October 3- 7th @ Pioneer Ridge
October 3 - 8th vs Pioneer Ridge
Volleyball -
October 3 - 7th vs Lexington Trails
October 3 - 8th @ Lexington Trails
October 7 - 7th KVL Tournament hosted by MT @ Mill Valley
October 7 - 8th KVL Tournament @ Wheatridge
Cross-Country -
October 4 @ Shawnee Mission Park
Restaurant Fundraiser
October 12 - Papa John's
Picture Retakes - October 5, 2023
A Few Words from the Principal
October is Bully Prevention Month.
During our last Pack meeting we talked about being kind and having empathy. We will continue to have activities and speakers throughout October to build kindness here at MTMS.
Please talk to your student about the power of kindness and empathy. We want to help students understand how to respond to different and difficult situations in a kind way.
It is never ok to put someone down, to make fun of someone, or to shoot paper hornets/ or footballs at others.
Here is a resource to start that conversation at home.
If your student shares with you that they are being bullied, please reach out to us here at MTMS or complete the online reporting form:
Without the link it can be found this way-
- Students tab (at the top)
- Report Bullying icon (top right)
Thank you for your support in making MTMS a kind place.
Take care,
Jennifer Smith
Spelling Bee
MT students compete in classroom and grade-level bees, school and league bees, and the Johnson County Bee as part of the Scripps National Spelling Bee program. Start studying now with the list posted to your ELA teacher's Canvas page.
From StuCo
Nearly one in two families with young children report not having enough diapers to keep their child clean, dry, and healthy. Student council wants to help address this need by challenging students and families, during the month of October, to bring in children's diapers and baby wipes. All donations benefit HappyBottoms, Kansas City's diaper bank.
From Nurse K.
The Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) and the Meningococcal vaccine dose 1 are required for 7th grade students.
Please use the following link for USD 232 Vaccination Policy and Requirements
Documentation of Immunizations must be turned into the school by the 2nd Monday of October, October 9, 2023. If vaccinations are not completed, students may not attend school after that date until the required immunization is completed.
Please contact MTMS school nurse with questions. Vaccinations on file can be viewed in Skyward Family Access under Health Info then select Show Vaccinations in the Display Options.
Illness and Covid
Please report any symptoms of illness to the school. Please be specific- report symptoms such as sore throat, nausea, fever instead of reporting “ill” or “sick”. Giving symptoms helps with Health Department Reporting and to see illness trends in the district.
Remember students are to be fever and/or symptom free 24 hours before returning after an illness.
Illness and Covid policy can be found by clicking on the following link:
Fax Line: (913) 422-4990
Location: 6100 Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS, United States
Phone: (913) 422-1100
Twitter: @mtms_wolves