LP Brown
August Newsletter 2023
Update from Principal Shaughnessy!
Welcome back to the 2023-24 school year! I am excited for year 2 at LP Brown. This year, we will continue to improve social and academic outcomes for our students. This LP Brown team is fully committed to meeting the individual needs of each one of our students.
Last year, the students, staff, and community members helped to craft a new mission/vision/values document. This document will be a key piece of information that we use to craft our school improvement plan for the year. Please take a look at the link above and become familiar with what we are doing as a school to better our instruction.
Our Back To School BBQ is scheduled for 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM on Tuesday, September 5th. This is an opportunity for all students and caregivers to come to the school, meet teachers, see our space, and have dinner together. There is no cost for this event.
The first day of school for students in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades is Wednesday, September 6th. School begins at 8:00 AM.
The first day of school for Kindergarten students is Monday, September 11th. School begins at 8:00 AM.
Parent Square
However, please sign up. This platform is amazing. It will allow you to keep track of all school communications and it will allow you to update your Skyward information with ease.
Here is a link to sign up for Parent Square.
Here is a link to learn more about Parent Square through the district website.
Class Placement
You will be able to see your student's teacher in Family Access beginning at 4:00 PM on September 1st.
School Supplies!
While school supplies will be provided, I would truly appreciate any financial help you can provide. Please consider a monetary donation using the link below. Your donation through this link will go directly to the purchase of school supplies for our students.
If you would like to donate financially to the cause, you can donate by clicking on this link.
This will take you to a payment portal that will go directly to our school. When you get to the payment portal, please select LP Brown from the first drop down box and then select school supplies from the second drop down box. You can donate any amount that you would like. All donations to this account will go to purchasing school supplies for students.
Thank you for any help you are able to provide to this cause!
Staffing Updates
Amanda Benjamin (office manager): Amanda Benjamin is our new office manager this year. Amanda is one of the most positive people I have worked with. She will create a welcoming environment in the main office. She has worked for years with students and has done a great job forming positive relationships across our school. I am really excited to welcome Amanda into this new role.
Elle Johnson (Resource Room Teacher) has accepted a new position with the Centralia School District. The position is currently posted and we look to hire someone new as our full time resource room teacher next week.
Jessica Wyman (Behavior Technician) has accepted a new position at McLane Elementary School for this school year. We have the position posted and plan to hire for a new behavior technician next week.
We are also hiring for a new health room assistant (to work with our school nurse) and a new part time resource room teacher. I plan to have all positions filled by next week so that we are ready to go when students return in September.
House on the Corner
The district has hired a contractor who is ready to do the work. In the very near future (before school starts), the house will be taken down and the lot will be hydro seeded (turned to grass).
For those that have been following things more closely, the ORCAA permit has been approved and the contractor has applied to the county for permits to do the work. It is possible that the work could begin as early as next week (week of the 21st of August). The plan is to have all the work done before school starts.
PTO Updates
Hello LPB Eagles!
We hope everyone had a nice break and is ready for all the bustle and excitement the school year brings. We wanted to take a minute to say hi and share some information with you all as we start the new school year.
September 27th is our first general PTO meeting of the school year! All are welcome and you don’t pay dues to be a member. Just show up. Doors will open at 6pm so we can have a chance to meet informally before the meeting starts at 6:30. These meetings are a great opportunity to connect with other parents, share ideas, and know more about what is going on at the school.
September 30th is our Annual Golf Benefit! For this event you can register as a participant or sign up to volunteer. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year! Check out the web page for more info: https://4lpbptogolf.wordpress.com/
Volunteer details will be coming soon, but if you have questions now, don’t hesitate to email us @ l.p.brownelementarypto@gmail.com
For those who haven’t been actively involved with the PTO before, or are new to the school, we want to share some of what the PTO has done in the past. This list isn’t comprehensive, and we can always add new events if new ideas come up!
Golf Benefit: September
Fall Fun Fest (aka Trunk or Treat): October
Garden Harvest and Clean Up: October
Olympia Junior Programs: March and April
Earth Day and Garden Clean Up: April
Run Club: May
Fun Run: June
Staff Appreciation Events: Monthly
We are looking for a Yearbook Coordinator to ensure yearbooks get ordered and are on track to be delivered in June. We might not have yearbooks this year if we don’t have someone to do this. If you are interested in taking this on, let us know!
Do you have a passion for gardening, or do you do you just like the idea keeping the school garden thriving? Let us know if you want to be the Garden Co-Coordinator!
Last but not least, our PTO board has vacancies for Secretary and President! Our current board consists of a Treasurer and Vice President, and while we are willing to do what we can to keep things running, we need your help. If you are interested in serving on the PTO Board, please see the position descriptions below and email us with questions or come to the first meeting in September to learn more.
- The Secretary serves as record keeper for PTO. They record and distribute minutes of all Executive Board meetings and general members meetings, record and maintain list roster of PTO members present at meetings.
- The President presides over general members meetings and executive board meetings, manages communications, serve as the official representative of the PTO, this person serves as a point of contact for PTO activities. The President is actively involved in fundraising events and aware of all events sponsored by the PTO.
Thank you and don’t hesitate to reach out with questions @ l.p.brownelementarypto@gmail.com
LP Brown PTO
Important Upcoming Dates
August 28th: Office open to the Public
September 1st: Class placement available for viewing in Skyward Family Access
September 5th: Back to School BBQ 4:00 - 6:00 PM
September 6th: First Day of School Grades 1-5
September 11th: First Day of School Kindergarten