Coaching Corner
Volume 1 / Issue 12: Math Edition
Math Ideas
As we approach the end of the year and dive head first into testing season, I thought I'd share some fun ways to keep math going in your classroom.
These can be used as warm-ups, afternoon activities on a testing day, or whenever!
When I think of these activities, they really remind me of how we can hit the seven mathematical practices.
Estimation 180
Try one activity below.
How many tissues in a package? (click here for the answer)
Osmo Pizza Co.
3-Act Math Tasks for Kindergarten
Here's one from Graham Fletcher. The idea behind these tasks is that you would complete them with the students over 3 sessions (Act 1, 2, and 3). The first act makes the students think and wonder about something. The second act is where they can find out more information. The third is where they find the solution. There's lots of magic that can go on in-between.
Check out this Kindergarten activity below.
Share the Love Act 1
What do you notice? What do you wonder?
- How many M&Ms will each girl get? Estimate.
- Write an estimate you know is too high. Write an estimate you know is too low.
SolveMe Mobiles
SolveMe Mobiles is a great number sense practice (watch this video to understand the importance of number sense). Students have to balance the mobile by figuring out how much each shape is worth.
Would You Rather
Keepin' It Real
Talk about thinking outside the box! Or is it in the box?
Kristy Andre
Email: kandre@tustin.k12.ca.us
Website: kristyandre.com
Twitter: @kristyandre