Panther PRESS
Weekly News & Information for Panther Families
Week of February 26, 2024
A message from Dr. Rodgers
Hey Panthers! 🐾
What a great week filled with so much going on! Somehow short weeks can sometimes end up feeling much longer because of all that we try to accomplish in a shorter time! Please make sure you check out many student success stories below as well as look at all the upcoming events and activities!
If you have any questions or need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Go 2 and Go Panthers!
Amanda Rodgers, Midlothian High School Principal
Campus News and Celebrations!
Outstanding Wrestling Success at State!
This past weekend your MHS Boys wrestling team competed at the UIL State Wrestling Tournament and placed 5th overall as a team. This is the second highest placement the program has received since its inception back in 2002.
Results are as follows:
- Eli Biermann (Senior 138lb) won his second straight state championship
- Nick Celli (Senior 144lb) earned his first state placement with 5th place
- Karson Tompkins (Senior 190lb) earned his third straight state championship!! Fun fact, Karson only wrestled for a total of 1 minute and 32 seconds at the tournament.
- Josh Ramirez, Ayden Torres, and Jack Ashley also competed at a high level and helped to contribute team points to allow our team to place in the top 5!
These athletes have had a historic season and have contributed so much to MHS. If you see them around campus, please congratulate them on their success.
Also, Karson may not tell you this, but he has been selected to wrestle for Team USA this March in the Pittsburgh Wrestling Classic!! This is a huge honor, and I am so excited for all the opportunities Karson is receiving.
Debate is Headed to Nationals!!
It was a clean sweep for the Midlothian debate teams in Public Forum debate!! Congratulations to our two Public Forum debate teams who are qualified for nationals! The team of Lukas Weaver and Robert Girman and the team of Jade Young and Eli Ajayi were undefeated and are co champions of our NSDA district!!!
The team of Tate Thompson and Eleanor Drake finished 3rd and are the alternates to nationals!!!
Jade Young receives Debate Student of the Year
Jade Young received a very prestigious award- Student of the year for our NSDA district which encompasses the entire north east section of the state. She was voted on by a committee in our competition district. It must be a student who maintains high academic standards, represents integrity, respect, equity, leadership and success in speech and debate. She had no idea she was nominated so it was a complete surprise!! She is the only student from MHS to ever receive this award! She will now be considered on the national level and could potentially be selected as the national student of the year announced at the national tournament in June!!
Special Olympics Championship
I am proud to announce that these students below, went to Red Oak HS this week and played hard in the Red Oak Olympic Basketball Tournament. Not only did they play hard and never give up, you are now looking at the RED OAK TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS.
If you see any of these students on campus or in the community, please congratulate them on becoming basketball champions.
Kaden Smith
Briana Delgado
Ja’Terion Robinson
Manka Chu
Derrick Momanyi
Mariana Delarosa
Natasha Root
Bryan Moseley
Jose Loazoya
Jonathan Hernandez
Nel’mia Graham
We are #MISDPROUD and I hope you are too!
Pantherettes and Royals Competition
The Pantherettes and Royals competed this past weekend at the Showmakers of America Competition held at Rockwall High School. Both teams did amazing!
The Royals received multiple category awards and 2nd place JV team.
The Pantherettes walked away with multiple category awards with the PINNACLE AWARD, which was the highest scoring Varsity team at the contest.
Danica Stricklin was the overall solo winner in the 11/12 grade division and Kenley Prado was the overall solo winner in the 9/10 grade division.
Below is a list of all of their awards.
Competed with Jazz, Pom & Novelty
Sweepstakes/Judges Award (90s from all judges on all 3 routines)
Showmanship Award
Choreography Award
Technique Award
Precision Award
Best In Category
1st place in Jazz
1st place in Novelty
2nd place in Pom
Best In Class
2nd place JV Team
Competed with Pom, Kick, Contemporary & Novelty
Sweepstakes/Judges (90s from all judges in all routines)
Div 1 - Elite Hip Hop (competed in the Elite category)
Showmanship Award
~Elite Hip Hop
Choreography Award
~Elite Hip Hop
Technique Award
Best in Category
2nd place Contemporary
1st place Hip Hop
1st place Kick
1st place Novelty
1st place Pom
Highest Scoring Routine of the competition: Pom!!
Best in Class
1st place Medium Team
Line of Champions (top teams of the competition)
Carroll JV, Midlothian, Bishop Lynch HS
Pinnacle Award
Highest scoring Varsity Team
Pantherette Officers -
Molly Pritchard, Katie Murphy, Jaci Gilmore, Danica Stricklin & Kenley Prado
Competed with Pom, Novelty & Contemporary
Sweepstakes/Judges (90’s & above from all judges)
Showmanship Award
Choreography Award
Best in Category
2nd place Contemporary
1st place Novelty
1st Place Pom
Officer Best in Class- Medium
3- Terrell
2- Midlothian
1- Bishop Lynch
Line of Champions (Top scoring officers)
Midlothian & Bishop Lynch
11-12 Grade Division
2nd place - Katie Murphy & Hannah Johnson
9-10 Grade Division
5th - Avree Holguin
2nd - Kami Tielke
1st - Kenley Prado
11-12 Grade Division
5th - Scarlett Neaves
4th - Hannah Johnson
3rd - Molly Pritchard
1st - Danica Stricklin
Pantherettes will be competing at their final competition this Saturday at Marching Auxiliaries at Birdville High School.
When you see a Royal or Pantherette, please congratulate them!
Texas Theatre Scholar Award
Each year, Texas Thespians recognizes theatre students who demonstrate high academic success in overall coursework through the Texas Theatre Scholar Distinction. This year, 3 students from Midlothian High School have received the Texas Theatre Scholar Award for the 2023-2024 school year:
Elise Crumpton
Elizabeth Valle
Gabrielle Rollins
The academic and theatrical work of these students met or exceeded the requirements for this award.
To be designated as a Texas Theatre Scholar, a student must:
be currently enrolled in the school
is a member in good standing with the campus theatre department
has actively participated in theatrical programs during the school year
has earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its local equivalent for all academic coursework,
has fulfilled any additional local criteria required by the theatre program or similar campus requirements
exhibit behavior and good moral character, which brings honor to the campus theatre department, school, and the community
Information from the Counselors
Seniors: the second semester is here and you are on the footsteps of graduation. Be sure that you are checking your email and paying attention to any announcements from the counseling department. We will be sending out information on important graduation requirements and deadlines. Be sure to stay on top of things to have a smooth graduation experience.
College and Career Center
Registration has been extended through Tuesday, February 27th.
Upcoming Events and Activities
Monday, February 26th: 9th Baseball vs Heritage @ Home
Monday, February 26th: Girls JV II and Boys JV I Soccer @ Seguin
Monday, February 26th: JV Baseball vs Heritage @ Home
Tuesday, February 27th: Varsity Golf @ Mansfield National Golf Course
Tuesday, February 27th: JV Softball vs Summit @ Home
Tuesday, February 27th: Varsity Girls and Boys Soccer @ Seguin
Tuesday, February 27th: Varsity Softball vs. Summit @ Home
Tuesday, February 27th: Varsity Baseball @ Heritage
Thursday, February 29th: Varsity Powerlifting @ Longview Pine Tree High School
Thursday, February 29th: JV Tennis @ Ennis ISD Tennis Center
Thursday, February 29th - Saturday, March 2nd: Varsity Softball Tournament @ Wylie High School
Thursday, February 29th - Saturday, March 2nd: 9th Baseball Tournament @ Fort Worth Castleberry
Thursday, February 29th - Saturday, March 2nd: JV Baseball Tournament @ Ennis Tournament
Thursday, February 29th - Saturday, March 2nd: Varsity Baseball Tournament @ Home Tournament
Friday, March 1st: Varsity Golf @ Saginaw Valley Golf Course
Friday, March 1st: JV II Girls Soccer @ Kincaide Stadium
Friday, March 1st: JV I Girls Soccer @ Roesler Athletic Complex
Friday, March 1st: Varsity Girls and Boys Soccer @ Roesler Athletic Complex
Saturday, March 2nd: Colorguard Winterguard Competition
Saturday, March 2nd: Track Meet @ Jesse Owens Memorial Complex
Saturday, March 2nd: Golf @ Squaw Valley Golf Course
Saturday, March 2nd: JV II Boys Soccer @ Roesler Athletic Complex
March 23rd: Colorguard Winterguard Competition
April 6th: Colorguard Winterguard Competition
Important EOC Spring Testing Dates
Wednesday, April 10th: English I
Thursday, April 11th: English II
Tuesday, April 16th: Biology
Wednesday, April 17th: US History
Wednesday, April 24th: Algebra
PROM 2024
Ticket information will be shared in the coming weeks! They will go on sale on March 26th!
Road to Graduation
We will be meeting with all seniors on Wednesday, March 6th, in the morning to discuss graduation! After our meeting, the communication will be sent to all parents as well so that everyone is on the same page!
Graduation Tickets
All Panther Seniors will be receiving 10 tickets for Graduation. A request will go out in late March for those requesting additional tickets.
Important Senior Dates (More information will follow)
Sunday, May 5th: Baccalaureate Ceremony at 4:30pm at Stonegate Church
Tuesday, May 14th: Annual Scholarship and Awards Night
Thursday, May 16th: Elementary Senior Walks
Monday, May 13th- Wednesday, May 15th: Senior Final Exams
Saturday, May 18th: Graduation at 7pm at Dr. Jim Vaszauskas Center for the Performing Arts in Mansfield
Project Graduation Events
Please see below for Project Graduation spring events.
Are you Eligible to Vote?
Did you know that you can get your voter registration card at MHS? Students that are 17 years, 10 months of age may register, and can vote in the March 5, 2024 Uniform Election if they will be 18 years of age on Election Day. If you meet the requirements and are interested in voting, see Mrs. Ray or Mr. Toon for your voter registration card.
United States Naval Academy’s (USNA) summer programs:
Naval Academy Summer Seminar offers an opportunity for rising high school seniors to experience USNA for one week. Participants learn about life at the Naval Academy, where academics, athletics, and professional training play equally important roles in developing our nation's future leaders. The application deadline for each of the Sessions listed below is April 15th.
June 1-6
June 8-13
June 15-20
During the USNA Summer STEM Program, campers create, build, and explore in world-class lab facilities, working alongside USNA’s distinguished faculty and Midshipmen. Participants will also experience real-life application and learning at one of the Top 5 "Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs" in the country, as ranked by U.S. News and World Report. The application deadline for each of the Sessions listed below is April 15th.
June 3-8 for current 8th graders (rising 9th graders)
June 10-15 for current 9th graders (rising 10th graders)
June 17-21 for current 10th graders (rising 11th graders)
Here is information about the Summer Program offered through the United States Military Academy (USMA). The application opens on February 1st this year and will close on March 15th.
MISD Athletics
MHS Student and Parent Resource Site
How to Create a Parent Observer Account in Canvas
23-24 Bell Schedule
When a student checks out with attendance and then returns to school at a later time, that student will need to check back in through the attendance office before resuming their normal schedule.
Students cannot be released by a phone call.
Email or call the Attendance Clerks for any assistance needed!
Last Name A- La = sandy.heit@midlothianisd.org and 469-856-5123
Last Name Le - Z = karen.girman@midlothianisd.org and 469-856-5122
It is imperative that students are in class on time for each period throughout the school day. In order to receive credit for the class, students must be in attendance for 90% of the class period. If a student is late more than 10 minutes to class, the tardy will change to an absence for that class period.
At MHS we will be using a consistent system to monitor, address, and communicate tardies to parents/guardians.
When the tardy bell rings, teachers will shut their doors and they will be locked for the instructional block. If a student is tardy (10 minutes or less), they will:
- Go to the nearest Tardy Kiosk located in their hallway.
- The student will scan their Student ID and a tardy slip will be printed.
- On the printed slip, it will notify the student of the number of tardies they have received and issue a consequence If needed (determined by the matrix listed below).
- The parent/guardian will receive an email and text (optional) notifying them of the tardy and the assigned consequence.
The Tardy Matrix is listed below with details regarding the Disciplinary action taken for tardy accumulations. This will be the primary source of communication from MHS regarding tardies.
Remember it is mandatory for students to wear their ID on all MISD campuses. If they forget their ID, they will need to get a temporary ID for the day ($1). If they lose their permanent ID, they can purchase a new one for $3. Holders and Lanyards are each $1. We will not issue a new ID Badge without payment.
Dress Code
Thank you for your support as we continue to enforce the MISD Dress Code and ID requirements on campus. The vast majority of our students are in compliance and we are very appreciative!
Common dress code infractions we continue to see are rips in jeans that were higher than fingertip length and crop tops. These are in violation of the MISD Dress Code.
Students are expected to follow the MISD Dress Code linked below:
If a student is found to be out of dress code, they will be sent to their Assistant Principal (AP). If the student can correct the issue, they will be allowed to return to class. If the issue cannot be corrected, disciplinary action will be taken.
If a student is late to class because they are out of dress code and are trying to correct the issue, they will be counted tardy.
Reminder: Food Deliveries Not Accepted
We only permit students to have food delivered by a parent or guardian reflected on their Skyward account. Parents or guardians can only bring food for their student(s).
Thank you for your cooperation!
Student Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Please take a few moments to view the maps below which show the drop-off and pick-up locations/routes for the 2023-2024 school year. Please pay particular attention to the entrance and exits for each parking lot.
AM Drop-off
Students can be dropped off in the North and South Parking Lot in the morning. They will enter the building through either Door 29 (Cafeteria) or Door 37 (Auditorium).
If a student arrives after 8:30 am and does not drive, they should enter at Door 1/Main Entrance.
If a student arrives after 8:30 am and they drive themselves, they should enter at Door 37.
PM Pick-up
Students can be picked up after school in the North Parking Lot or the Front Drive/Rotunda area only. There is no student pick-up in the South Parking Lot.
Thank you for your help in keeping our campus safe and efficient!
MISD Visitor Procedures
MISD Visitor Procedures
MISD prioritizes the safety and security of our staff and students. We ask our MISD visitors to help us in the effort to keep kids as safe as possible. MISD appreciates your patience as we follow these procedures. To learn more about campus security and visitor guidelines, visit https://bit.ly/3QqqQzl.
Free & Reduced Priced Lunches
Additionally, there are other benefits that students can receive if they are part of this program including SAT fee waivers, college application fee waivers or assistance, and more!
Questions? Comments?
Email: amanda.rodgers@midlothianisd.org
Website: https://www.midlothianisd.org/
Location: 923 South 9th Street, Midlothian, TX, USA
Phone: 469-856-5000
Facebook: facebook.com/MidlothianHS
Twitter: @MHSPanthers