ELA Team News
August 2021 Newsletter
New Legislation!
- Schools/districts now have 2021-2022 to choose, train and implement on a Universal Literacy and Dyslexia screener (8 options) for full implementation for 22-23 school year. *Screening is still required 21-22, but may be previous tools.
- 2021-2022 to choose and train at least 1 K-3 grade teacher on every K-3 campus as a Dyslexia Training Designee. Approved list of trainings pending.
- New requirement of a Literacy Endorsement for K-5 educators who teach literacy (more guidance coming)
- Changes in teacher preparation program requirements in literacy instruction
We will be providing more information, guidance and details in the coming weeks. You will find more information on our MOWR webpage
Virtual Professional Development
Also be sure to check our latest offerings including Office Hours and Book Studies on the ADE Event Management System (EMS): https://ems.azed.gov//home/SearchResults?SearchString=K12-AS-ELA
New Book Studies coming!
Visit the EMS link to learn more about upcoming book studies.
Secondary Book Study: Effective Instruction for Middle School Students with Reading Difficulties by Denton, et all, will be hosted by Lauren Spenceley. Join her for a study into strategies to support older students who are struggling readers. Click here for more info.
Dyslexia Book Study: Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz hosted by Maggie Valazquez. This study digs deeper into understanding dyslexia and how to support students showing characteristics of dyslexia.
- Make certain all contact information is correct in ADE Connect
- Sign up for upcoming MOWR Q & A Sessions. Register here: https://ems.azed.gov//home/SearchResults?SearchString=literacy%20plan
- Be on the look out for emailed updates and information
Be sure to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Be sure to visit all of our ELA pages. We update them often to provide the most current information possible.
MOWR (K-3)
Dyslexia (K-12)
Secondary Literacy (6-12)
Science of Reading
Learning Opportunities
The ADE English Language Arts Team
Dr. Amy Boza, Director of English Language Arts and Move On When Reading
Sarah Bondy, K-3 Early Literacy Specialist
Lauren Spenceley, Secondary ELA Specialist
Maggie Velazquez, Dyslexia and Literacy Intervention Specialist