Elizabeth Haddon News
December 3, 2021
11/28-12/4 - PTA Holiday Book Fair - Inkwood Books
12/3 Conferences Sign-Up Deadline
12/13 - Grades 1-5 Report Cards on Genesis after 3:30
12/15-12/20 Parent-Teacher Conferences
12/15 - Half Day of School - Afternoon Conferences
12/16 - Full day of School - Evening Conferences
12/17- No School for Students - AM Conferences
12/20 - Half Day of School - Evening Conferences
12/23 - Half Day of School
12/24-1/2 - Winter Break
1/3 - School Resumes: Day 3
New School Based News
Conferences Reminder
Report Cards For Grades 1-5 are available for viewing on 12/13 at 3:30 pm
If having an issue in Genesis click here for assistance. Our elementary schools use a standards based report card to report on progress. We have created this brochure to help you better understand the grading system.
Weather, Lunch, Recess, and Proper Attire
- If the real feel is 45 degrees or above, we will eat outside.
- If the real feel is below 45 degrees, we will eat inside.
- We use weather.com for our temperatures.
- If the real feel is 15 degrees or above, we will play outside.
- If the real feel is below 15 degrees, we will play inside.
- We use weather.com for our temperatures.
Proper Attire
- Please be sure that your children are dressed in proper attire for the weather.
- Please send them with gloves, a hat, and a warm winter coat.
- Please be sure to label all items as we often have lost items during the winter months and we aim to return this quickly when labeled.
HMS 5th Grade Curriculum Night: February 1 7PM
5th Grade Families - the adults only - are invited to an evening with Haddonfield Middle School administrators and staff to begin the transition process. The HMS 5th Grade Curriculum NIght will provide families an opportunity to learn about the middle school, the course selection and recommendation process, and will be given an overview of the middle school vision and mission for middle level learners.
This event, as of now, is scheduled to be an in person event on February 1 at 7:00 PM in the HMS auditorium. Should there be a need to host this event virtually, families will be informed in advance.
Families can feel free to contact Principal Ms. Tracy Ann Matozzo at tmatozzo@haddonfield.k12.nj.us with any immediate questions or concerns.
Sora App for Books
Sora is our school's digital library, which is linked to the Haddonfield Public Library and the New Jersey Schools Shared Collection. Students can borrow ebooks and audiobooks using their school Google credentials. Click the link below for directions.
Previously Shared School News
Lost and Found
HMHS Peer Tutoring for Grades 3-5 Students
Used Books for BookSmiles
Preschool Modified Schedule for 21-22
We’re using IXL to support our curriculum in Math and Language Arts this year, and your child has access to this online program at home. With thousands of skills that match what we’re learning, as well as insights into student progress, IXL is a great resource to help your child excel and practice skills.Click Here for IXL Parent Guide
Lunchtime Speaker Series Interest Form
Have a unique career? Do you use different technologies in your job? We are looking for volunteers to share about their careers with our students. Please fill out this form if you're interested in coming in for 30 minutes to discuss your career with students in grades 2-5 during their lunch. You will be contacted depending on interest and availability. You must show proof of covid-19 vaccination to participate. Thank you for your interest!
District Policy on Virtual Learning
Every effort will be made by teaching staff to provide students with missed work due to COVID protocols in order to avoid falling behind in classes. Please note that students are strongly discouraged from participating in live streams when ill. When a student must be excluded due to COVID-related issues*, the District’s plan to support the continuity of instruction will be as follows:
Within one school day of notification, teachers will provide the student written coursework (e.g., posting assignments in Google Classroom/Canvas).
Within two school days of notification, the teachers will provide the student with virtual instruction.
Exclusion for COVID related issues includes:
Checking off a COVID-like symptom on the daily questionnaire
COVID positive diagnosis
Receiving an exclusion notice HSD
**If your child is sick due to a non-Covid related issue, written work will be provided and teachers will work with your student on their return to school to help them catch up***
Being Your "Best Self"
EverydayMath Algorithms
This link contains short videos where you can view an example of the Everyday Math algorithms, which are different than traditional methods. This is a great resource for assisting students with homework and studying.
Emotions Matter
As a family, plot yourself on the mood meter. Share where you are and why. Helping your child label his/her feelings enhances self-awareness and helps with the next steps of expressing and regulating emotions.
STOPit App
The Haddonfield School District has once again enrolled with STOPit! STOPit is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators.Our students can have access to the STOPit mobile app, which has two simple but powerful features. Report can be used by students to report incidents to school contacts anonymously. For more information on this and download instructions, Click Here.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Update Your Contact Information in Genesis
Absence Reporting Procedures
If it is necessary to keep a child home from school, please do one of the following:
- Call the office before the start of school
Email us at ehattendanceOffice@haddonfield.k12.nj.us or click the link on our school homepage, and include
- Child’s first and last name
- Class
- Reason for absence
If you do not have access to email, you may call in your child absent. You must send in a note when your child returns if you use the call in method.
Important Forms
All important forms can always be found here and on the EH Homepage under the “Important Documents” This site will be updated throughout the year.
Elementary District Calendar
Haddon Events Calendar
Adding School Calendar to Your Phone
Click Here for instructions on how to add this to your phone. Paste this code into the "subscribed calendar" box after you go to “Add Account” then “Other” calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/principalbissinger%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
My School Bucks
This online payment service provides an easy way to pay for items such as ChromeBook fees and class trips using your credit/debit card or electronic check. Enrollment is easy and is available today! To create an account, follow the steps below:
1. Go to www.MySchoolBucks.com and register for a free account.
2. Add your students using their school name and student ID.
3. Make purchases with your credit/debit card or electronic check.
A program fee of 3.9% applies. You will have the opportunity to review any fees
and cancel if you choose, before you are charged.
If you have any questions, contact MySchoolBucks directly:
· (855) 832-5226
· Visit myschoolbucks.com and click Help