NSJH Weekly Announcements
Message from the Principal
- Conference sign ups will be available through 10/17/2023 PLEASE SIGN UP HERE while spots are still available.
- We had a spooky good time at the Philharmonster Orchestra Concert on Tuesday! Great Job to all our amazing musicians. Next week we will host the Fall Band Concert Monday 10/16 at the Junior High School. 7th grade will begin at 6:30pm with Jazz Band and 8th grade to follow.
- Boys Wrestling and Girls basketball practices start on Tuesday, Oct. 17. Approximate practice times are 3:15 - 5:00 everyday after school. Coaches may choose to schedule AM practice so please connect with your child's coach through canvas with updates weekly. We will not have after school activities including practice on early out Fridays. Please see those dates below
- We are still looking for a cheerleading coach at the Jr. High. We will not be able to have a cheer team until we have a coach. If you are interested in coaching, please apply on IowaWorks or reach out to Mr. Pat McGonegle (Jr. High Activities Director).
Chad Jones | Principal, North Scott Junior High School
We really want to recognize and reward the very important Lancer Way skills being demonstrated by our students here at North Scott Junior High School...
Each Week your child's team of teachers will be selecting ONE WEEKLY LANCER WAY H.I.R.E. AWARD WINNER! Students will receive a certificate of achievement, be featured on our school's social media accounts, receive a prize, and have caregivers notified!
So...keep striving to live THE LANCER WAY, and congratulations to our first months Winners!
Fall Conferences 2023
Thursday October 19, 2023
3:30PM - 7:00PM @ North Scott Junior High School
DEADLINE TO SIGN UP WILL BE OCT 17th for the OCT 19th conference
Thursday October 26, 2023
3:30Om - 7:00PM @ North Scott Junior High School
DEADLINE TO SIGN UP WILL BE OCT 24th for the OCT 26th conference
Important Dates
Oct 16: Fall Band Concert 7th grade 6:30 start time 8th grade 7:15
Oct 17: Hearing Test AEA @ NSJH 9am
Oct 19: Fall Conferences 3:30-7:00
Oct 20: Early Out 1:08pm
Oct 24: Honors Band Concert @ St. Ambrose University 2:30pm
Oct 26: Fall Conferences 3:30-7:00
Oct 27: Early Out 1:08pm
Nov 3: Early Out 1:08pm
History Day Kickoff!
National History Day is a year-long academic program focused on historical research, interpretation, and creative expression for 7th-12th grade students at North Scott. By participating in NHD, students become writers, filmmakers, web designers, playwrights, and artists as they create unique expressions of history about their chosen topic through their project choice: Documentary, Exhibit, Historical Paper, Performance, Website.
A turning point in history is more than just an important event that happened a long time ago. It is more than a new idea, or a particular action taken by an individual. A turning point is an idea, event, or action that directly, or sometimes indirectly, causes change. The contest theme invites you to consider questions of time and place, cause and effect, change over time, and impact and significance. The contest theme is designed to help you think of a topic from any aspect of local, regional, national, or world history. With this focus, you can begin to ask questions that your research will help you answer, including how your topic is significant in history.
October 10, 2023
5:00 PM Library
For more information contact via email or in person:
Mrs. Willet or Mrs. Jackson
***Check out: nhd.org and/or iowaculture.org
for ideas and more information***
Angel Tree
This is not a North Scott School District publication. It is being distributed through the school district as a community service of the district to inform you of other community activities or services available.
The holiday season is coming soon and we're here to help! October is sign-up month for families who could use a helping hand with holiday gifts for their children. Eligible recipients are children age 1-18 residing and enrolled in the North Scott School District. Paper copies of the form are also available in the main office. This year, all applications are going through local schools.
If interested, just one form per family (linked here) will need to be printed, completed, and returned to Nurse Jane Wilson by 10/31/23. No late applications will be accepted.
Patriot's Pen (Grades 6-8)
The 2023-24 theme is:
"How Are You Inspired by America?"
Each year, nearly 68,800 students in sixth through eighth grades enter the VFW’s Patriot’s Pen youth essay contest for a chance to win their share of nearly $1 million in state and national awards. Each first place state winner receives a minimum of $500 at the national level, and the national first place winner wins $5,000!
The essay contest encourages young minds to examine America’s history, along with their own experiences in modern American society, by drafting a 300- to 400-word essay, expressing their views based on a patriotic theme chosen by the VFW Commander-in-Chief. Before submitting your essay, read the rules and eligibility requirements, and find your sponsoring local VFW Post as applications must be turned in by midnight, Oct. 31. Download and complete the 2023-2024 entry form here.
Transportation Information
Bussing information will be loaded into your transportation information listed in Infinite Campus. Any questions or changes to your student's transportation should be directed to our transportation office at 563-285-9801.
No Activity Bus Dates 2023-24
Thursday, Oct. 19 - P/T Conferences
Thursday, Oct. 26 - P/T Conferences
Friday, October 27 - End of Quarter
Friday, Nov. 3 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
Friday, Dec. 8 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
Thursday, Dec. 14
Friday, Dec. 15
Wednesday, December 20 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
Contact Chad Jones, Principal
Upcoming Fall Activities
Lego League
D &D Club
Mock Trial
History Day
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Infinite Campus
Parent Portal Login
Canvas Parent
Classroom gradebook/assignments
Varsity Bound
Iowa HS Sports management site
Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination: It is the policy of the North Scott Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact Ms. Erin Paysen, Equity Coordinator, 308 N. Main Street, Donahue, IA 52746. Telephone: 563-282-9627